Ions, vitamins and minerals Flashcards
what is 1 mole
Molar = one mole per litre
Millimolar (mM) 10-3 Micromolar (µM) 10-6 Nanomolar (nM) 10-9 Picomolar (pM) 10-12 Femtomolar (fM) 10-15
What is Diffusion
The process whereby atoms or molecules intermingle because of their random thermal motion.
Why do we have cell membrane?
The cell membrane acts as a diffusion barrier, enabling cells to maintain cytoplasmic concentrations of substances different from their extracellular concentrations.
what are the 2 types of transport?
Paracellular Transport
through tight junctions and lateral intercellular spaces.
Transcellular Transport through the epithelial cells.
what are the 2 types of transport proteins involved and which is faster?
1) Channel proteins form aqueous pores allowing specific solutes to pass across the membrane.
2) Carrier proteins bind to the solute and undergo a conformational change to transport it across the membrane.
Channel proteins allow much faster transport than carrier proteins.
By what process can you transport?
Active transport requires energy.
- Primary active transport is linked directly to cellular metabolism (uses ATP to power the transport).
e. g Na+/K+ ATPase, H+/K+ ATPase - Secondary active transport derives energy from the concentration gradient of another substance that is actively transported.
e. g SGLT-1 co-transport, HCO3-/Cl- counter
Facilitated transport /facilitated diffusion enhances the rate a substance can flow down its concentration gradient. This tends to equilibrate the substance across the membrane and does not require energy.
e.g GLUT-5, GLUT-2
Describe the absorption of carbohydrates
Absorption of glucose & galactose is by secondary active transport (carrier protein & electrochemical gradient). Carrier protein = SGLT-1 on apical membrane.
SGLT1 can transport glucose uphill against its concentration gradient (so effective when glucose at levels in the lumen are below those in the enterocyte).
Absorption of fructose is by facilitated diffusion. Carrier protein = GLUT-5 on apical membrane.
Effective at relatively low concentrations of fructose in the lumen as tissue and plasma levels are low.
Exit of glucose at the basolateral membrane is by facilitated diffusion. Carrier protein = GLUT-2, a high-capacity, low-affinity facilitative transporter.
Glucose between plasma and tissue/enterocyte generally equilibrated.
Describe how water is mainly absorbed and where this happens mostly?
99% of the H2O presented to the GI tract is absorbed.
The absorption of water is powered by the absorption of ions.
The greatest amount of water is absorbed in the small intestine, esp the jejunum, around 8 litres a day and large intestine absorbs 1.4 litres.
Many ions slowly absorbed by passive diffusion.
(Calcium and iron are incompletely absorbed, and this absorption is regulated)
Describe the standing gradient membrane
Sodium absorption changes as you move down the gut.
Driven by Na+
Transport of Na+ from lumen into enterocyte- complex and varies between species. Becomes more efficient as travel down intestine:
Counter-transport in exchange for H+ (proximal bowel)
Co-transport with amino acids, monosaccharides (jejunum)
Co-transport with Cl- (ileum)
Restricted movement through ion channels (colon)
Cl- co-transported with Na+ (ileum), exchanged with HCO3- (colon) into enterocytes. Both secondary active transport. This increases intracellular concentration of sodium.
K+ diffuses in via paracellular pathways (between cells) in small intestine, leaks out between cells in colon. Passive transport. K+ in the faeces.
Active transport of Na+ into the lateral intercellular spaces by Na+K+ATPase transport in the lateral plasma membrane, this removes the sodium from the enterocyte to the basement membrane in exchange for a K+. So Na+ concentration increases, changing the electrochemical gradient.
Cl- and HCO3- transported into the intercellular spaces due to electrical potential created by the Na+ transport.
High conc of ions in the intercellular spaces causes the fluid there to be hypertonic.
Osmotic flow of water from the gut lumen via adjacent cells, tight junctions into the intercellular space.
Water distends the intercellular channels and causes increased hydrostatic pressure.
Ions and water move across the basement membrane of the epithelium and are carried away by the capillaries.
Where is calcium absorbed and what part of the intestine absorbs calcium?
- Most calcium is absorbed in the small intestine
- Duodenum and Ileum absorb Ca2+
- Ca2+ deficient diet increases gut’s ability to absorb.
- Vit D and parathyroid hormone stimulate absorption.
Describe the composition of the calcium?
- Low intracellular Ca2+
- High extracellular fluid-ca2+
How is calcium transported?
Ca2+ carried across apical membrane by:
i) Intestinal calcium-binding protein (IMcal)- facilitated diffusion.
ii) Ion channel
what are the implications for ca2+ transport across the cell?
Ca2+ acts as an intracellular signalling molecule.
-Need to transport Ca2+ while maintaining low intracellular concentrations.
Binds to calbindin in cytosol, preventing its action as an intracellular signal.
Describe the mechanism of calcium transport?
- Ca2+ carried across apical membrane by:
i) Intestinal calcium-binding protein (IMcal)- facilitated diffusion.
ii) Ion channel - Binds to calbindin in cytosol, preventing its action as an intracellular signal.
- Ca2+ pumped across basolateral membrane by plasma membrane Ca2+ ATPase (PMCA) against concentration gradient.
PMCA has a high affinity for Ca2+ (but low capacity).
Maintains the very low concentrations of calcium normally observed within a cell. - Ca2+ pumped across basolateral membrane by plasma membrane Na+/Ca2+ exchanger against concentration gradient.
The Na+/Ca2+ exchanger has a low affinity for Ca2+ but a high capacity. Requires larger concentrations of Ca2+ to be effective. Na+ inside cell in exchange for ca2+ against its conc gradient.
what is vitamin D important for?
- Essential for normal Ca2+ absorption
- Deficiency causes rickets, osteoporosis.
How does vitamin D work?
1, 25-dihydroxy D3 taken up by enterocytes:
- Enhances the transport of Ca2+ through the cytosol
- Increases the levels of calbindin
- Increases rate of extrusion across basolateral membrane by increasing the level of Ca2+ ATPase in the membrane.
why is iron biologically important?
What processes in the body is iron critical for?
Iron can act as an electron donor and an electron acceptor.
Oxygen transport (red blood cells)
Oxidative phosphorylation
(mitochondrial transport chain)
What happens when you have too much iron?
Iron is toxic in excess, but the body has no mechanism for actively excreting iron.
What are the implications for iron absorption?
- Need to be able to absorb it quickly
- Need to be able to limit the absorption, so despite having it in your diet you should be able to limit the ABSORPTION as it is toxic in excess
what forms can iron be present?
a) inorganic iron (Fe3+ ferric, Fe2+ ferrous)
b) as part of heme (haem) group
(haemoglobin, myoglobin and cytochromes).
What type of iron can the body absorb and describe what the other iron usually forms
Cannot absorb Fe3+, only Fe2+. Fe3+ insoluble salts with: hydroxide, phosphate, HCO3- Vit C reduces Fe3+ to Fe2+ Heme smaller part of diet, but more readily absorbed (20% of presented, rather than 5%).
Describe how heam is endocytosed
Dietary heme is highly bioavailable.
Heme is absorbed intact into the enterocyte.
Evidence that this occurs via heme carrier protein 1 (HCP-1), and via receptor-mediated endocystosis.
Fe2+ liberated by Heme oxygenase.
Describe iron uptake?
Duodenal cytochrome B (Dcytb) catalyzes the reduction of Fe3+ to Fe2+ in the process of iron absorption in the duodenum of mammals.
Fe2+ transported via divalent metal transporter 1 (DMT-1), a H+-coupled co-transporter, so a H+ also moves in with it.
Fe2+ binds to unknown factors, carried to basolateral membrane, moves via ferroportin ion channel into blood.
Which type of ion of iron is transported around the body?
Transport Fe3+.
Fe2+ moves across baslolateral membrane via ferroportin.
Hephaestin is a transmembrane copper-dependent ferroxidase that converts Fe2+ to Fe3+.
Fe3+ binds to apotransferrin, travels in blood as transferrin.
How is iron absorption controlled?
Hepcidin, the major iron regulating protein, suppresses ferroportin function to decreases iron absorption as more iron is left inside the enterocyte so more can’t be absorbed.
How is iron stored in the enterocyte and when do you get more of this produced?
binds to apoferritin in cytosol to form ferritin micelle.
Ferritin is globular protein complex. Fe2+ is oxidised to Fe3+ which crystallises within protein shell.
A single ferritin molecule can store up to 4,000 iron ions.
In excess dietary iron absorption, produce more ferritin.
However, this is okay because we lose enterocyte very readily, which also loses the Fe3+ with it.
What happens to this ferritin stored in enterocytes
Irreversible binding of iron to ferritin in the epithelial cells.
Iron/Ferritin is not available for transport into plasma.
Iron/Ferritin is lost in the intestinal lumen and excreted in the faeces.
Increase in iron concentration in the cytosol increases ferritin synthesis.
What is a vitamin?
Organic compounds that cannot be manufactured by the body but vital to metabolism.
Passive diffusion predominant mechanism
Fat soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K) transported to brush border in micelles. K taken up by active transport.
Specific transport mechanisms for vitamin C (ascorbic acid), folic acid, vitamin B1 (thiamine), vitamin B12
Where is vitamin b12 stored and where do we get this from in our diet.
Liver contains a large store (2-5mg).
Impaired absorption of vit B12 retards the maturation of red blood cells - pernicious anaemia.
Most Vit B12 in food is bound to proteins.
what happens in the stomach to the vitamin b12?
In the stomach, low pH and the digestion of proteins by pepsin releases free vit B12. But B12 is easily denatured by HCl.
How is the denaturation of B12 in the stomach avoided?
- Binds to R protein (haptocorrin) released in saliva and from parietal cells.
- R proteins digested in duodenum.
- Therefore another protein known as Intrinsic Factor binds (this has a lower affinity than the R so has to wait for the R protein to be degraded first).
- Complex moves down the distal ileum
- Detected by cubilin receptor, which recognises VitB12/IF complex.
- taken up by cells in the ileum, receptor mediated endocytosis.
What happens once the vitamin b12-IF is inside the cell?
Once in cell, Vit B12/IF complex broken- possibly in mitchondria
B12 binds to protein transcobalamin II (TCII), crosses basolateral membrane by unknown mechanism
Travels to liver bound to TCII.
TCII receptors on cells allow them to uptake complex.
Proteolysis then breaks down TCII inside the cell, and stores the B12