Investigating Underperformance DAIRY Flashcards
6 specific eg of investigating underperformance
- replacement heifer rearing
- calving
- care of the young calf
- fertility
- culling
- low milk yields
What are KPIs?
Key Performance Indicators
- don’t rely purely on these at expense of all other factors
Where must frozen semen be kept to improve fertility rates?
- keep below the frost line in the liquid nitrogen bucket
What age, weight and height should a heifer be served and calve at?
- 15mo serve
- 24mo calving (AIM)
@ service - weight 375kg
- height 132cm (withers)
> very few farms actually measure this!
Growth rate to achieve optimal weight at service?
- 0.7kg/day
- live weight gain differs throughout lifecycle
How can calving be scored? Targets?
0 no hand touches calf 1 hand touches but no rope 2 rope used gentle pull 3 rope used and hard pull 4 c-sec AIM: score 3 and 4
How can birth rate be measured? Targets?
> Live Birth Rate
- % calves born alive and survive for 24hrs
97% cow
92% heifer
How should records be analysed?
- heifers
- bull /sire (breed)
- sex of calf (bulls bigger)
- by operator
Advice for farmers
- routine calvings
- hygiene (calving ropes, wash and leave to dry don’t leave soaking)
- use of calving jack
- don’t be afraid to wait (for normal calvings, not for vet!)
- cow wait 1hr, 1.5hrs heifer
What needs to be done at birth of calf.
- immediately dip naval (7% iodine and totally immerse, not purple spray)
- repeat @ 24hrs
How much colostrum needed?
- 6l first 12hrs
> 2l within 1hr, 2l 6hrs, 2l next 6hrs - absorption better in presence of dam! (or consumed from dam)
- colostrum full of bacteria, not pasteurised milk! (keep it cool fridge 24hrs or freeze with high surface area to volume ratio, thaw warm water quickly)
How can colostrum programme efficacy be measured?
> Serum total protein (lab) >55g/l - blood sample 2-7d old - clotted red top tube for serum > Sinc sulphate turbidity test (VLA) - send to lab or use refractometer
How do you prepare CMR properly?
- read instructions
- hygiene
- 12.5% or 15% concentration
How should concentrate and weaning be related?
Should be eating 1kg concentrates before weaning
- do not wean to starve into eating solids
Calf diarrhoea - best tx?
- don’t go for bug and drug
- environment and management important
How can fertility be assessed?
- frequently calculated by software: make sure you know how they are calculated
Look at lecture for KPI and values (targets)
- 120d in calf rate >64% target
* 210d not in calf rate
How is culling measured?
- longevity
- no lactations before leaving the herd
- ~3 lactations commonly
What is the biggest loss to the dairy farm?
Heifer leaving the herd before its first lactation
How should culling reasons be recorded?
Multiple reasons allowed - give percentage of each importance.
- reason
- age/lactations
- days in milk
What should be compared with milk yield?
- compare against expectation
- always consider with Fat% and Protein%
What causes v milk fat?
- won’t always be seen in bulk tank if subset affected
What causes v protein?
long term energy deficiency (v food intake as well as v energy diet itself)
How can feed be measured? Potential pitfalls?
- not divided equally
- what is actually being fed? eaten?
- storage of feedstuffs
- trough space
- palatable
- silage face management (electric fences)
- is food heating when fed (unpalatable, anaerobic respiration of silage)