Intro To Food Hygeine Flashcards
What are the pre-harvest stages?
Feed, housing, hygiene, treatment
Wha this the harvesting stage?
- collecting
- milking
- slaughter
- cutting cold store
Post harvest stages
- Processing
- transport
- storage
What is food security defined as?
When all people at all times have access to sufficient are nutritious food to maintain a healthy and active life
> food availability (sufficient quantities on a consistent basis)
- production
- distribution
- exchange
> food access (sufficient resources to obtain appropriate food)
- affordability
- allocation
- preference
> food use (appropriate use based on knowledge of nutrition, care, water and sanitation)
- nutritional value
- social value
- food safety [VETS ACT HERE]
Is a good proportion of uk food sourced locally? What does this mean?
- 60% sourced uk-good proportion sourced abroad
- global demand to feed growing and richer population increasing faster than supply
- > not sustainable /reliable in the future
- may see higher price volatility wrt climatic events etc. Eg. Drought
What is ‘food systems’ concept?
- other outcomes
- some contribute to food security and other social, economic, environment, and welfare issues
- eg. Rural development employment environment
> activities and outcomes = food systems - more holistic approach, broader concept
Was the horse meat scandal a food safety issue?
- not really
- more fraudulent labelling for financial gain (horse meat cheaper)
- increasingly complex and globalised food chain -> fradsters took advantage of weakness in the system
What came from the horse meat scandal?
- July 2014 report
“ fraud in the food industry” huge profits and low risks food crime prevention until needed
What is the general food law?
- creates general principle and requirements of food law across EU
- objective:
- protect public health, protection consumers interests, fair practice including animal health and welfare, plant health and environment
- free movement. Of food and feed in the EU
- facilitate global trade
What does the issue of transparency mean wrt the general food law?
- transparency of decision making to increase consumer confidence
- food safety and protection of consumer interests are of importance to the general public, NGOs, professional associations international trading partners and trade organisations
> effective public consultations during food law
> obligation on public authorities to inform general public if there are reasonable grounds to suspect food may present a risk for human or animal health
Risk analysis principle wrt risk analysis principal
Scientific and technical evaluations undertaken by European food safety authority (EFSA) based on principle of risk analysis established by general food law regulation
- strong science must underpin measures relating to food safety
> risk analysis
- risk assessment
- Rick management
- risk communication
What is risk analysis comprised of?
- assessment
- risk management.
- risk communication
What risk based approaches are used to underpinEU law?
> zero risk approach attractive but NOT POSSIBLE
determine level of practical achievable risk
- priority setting
- selection of prevention strategies
Pre harvest risk
- control of animal feed
- good farm amanagement
- animal health
- not to achieve complete eradication of food-borne pathogens but to minimise risk of food borne illness
What is involved in Harvesting and post-harvest risks
- commodity processing
- rawmaterial
- manufacturing presentation
- consumer handling
What is Risk management
- the prcess (distinct from risk assessment) of weighing policy alternatives (in consultation with all interested parties) considering risk assessment and other factos and selecting appropriate prevention and control options
Who has responsibility of risk management in production of animal derived food?
> Food business operator (FBO) - focus on harvest phase : slaughter and milking - HACCp, GMPs, GHPs - tracebility - microbiological criteria > competent authority - enforcement of legislation, verification and auditing of FBOs > consumr - safe handling of food at home
What is slaughter
= meat harvesting
- meat: edible parts of domestic ungulates, poultry, lagomorphs, wild game and farmed game, including blood
- skeletal muscle with naturally included or attached tissue with limits for the amount of fat and connective tissue allowed
Steps of slaughter
- stunning
- sticking (blood)
- evisceration (organs - gut contents)
- splitting, dressing (hide , hair, feathers, hoofs)
- chilling
- cutting, de-boning (bones, muscles, meat - SRM)
How can meat be contaminated in the slaughter house?
> muscles of a healthy animal are sterile. Contamination greatest risk from GIT and hide
- equipment, bio aerosols and hands are all routes of infection (not just direct contact)
What are FBOs responsible for?
- ensuring food they produce is safe to eat by implementing food safety management procedures and adequate working practices
> main strategies - HACCP (hazard analysis and critical control point)
- Good Manufacturng Practices (GMP)
> hazard analysis and critical control point
- all FBOs except farmers required (EU law) to implement hygiene procedures based on HACCP
- FBOs must ID food safety hazards (biological, chemical,physical) then prevent, eliminate or reduce to an acceptable level
planning(deide and document what needs to be done)
doing (implement action plan)
checking (monitor HACCP and document)
acting (taking action when food safety at risk and documenting it)
7 principles of HACCP protocol
- Hazard analysis
- ID critical control points
- Establishing critical limits at each CCP
- Monitoring of each CCP
- Corrective actions at each CCP
- HACCP verification/validation
- HACCP documentation
Outline an eg, of HACCP points for pork slaughter.
HA: salmonella
CCP: scalding process to v bacterial count
What are GMPs?
> good manufactoring practice (not as specific as HACCP)
- quality procedures in place to ensure integrity of production prices
- defined by SOPs (standard operating procedures)
- GMPs necessary to safety and suitability of food referred to as good hygiene practices (GHPs) defined by sanitation SOPs (SSOPs)
- hazards not significant enough to be controlled by HACCP may be controlled by GMPs
Eg. GMP and GHP
- all personel must be appropriately trained, qualified and motivated for their responisibilities
- lighting, ventilation, humidity must be at appropriate levels at each stage so the safety and quality of the poduct is protected
- 2 knife technique used for all tasks which involve opening hide or fleece followed by cutting away hide or fleece from cascase
- colour coded knives for easy recognition
- spear cut away from carcase where possible
What is milk?
Normal mammary secretion of milking animals obtained from one or milk ings without either addition to it or subtraction from it
- intended for consumption as liquid milk or for further processing
Who’s responsibility is it to ensure milk borne hazards are not contaminating milk?
> FBO (milk producer)
Key sources of contamination of milk
> microbiological -exterior surfaces of animal, faecal contamination - milking equipment/hands - interior of the udder if mastitis nto detected > chemical - veterinary product residues - cleaning chemicals > physical - perished components in milking machines and bulk tanks - dust - bedding - insects
Outline on farm risk management of milk
> Animal health
- no udder lesions likely to contaminate
- no TB or Brucella
- no zoonoses
ANimal cleanliness
- clean teats and udders
- good housing to accommodate this
Milking area and process
- hygienic conditions
- clean hands, teats and udders before milking
- examine milk from each animal and reject abnormalities
- use teat dips
equipment, milk storage, staff
- clean and good condition
- immediately after milking clean
- protect milk from contamination during transfer and storage , cool quickly
- bulk tank cleaned after each milk collection
- storage tanks sealed to prevent physical contamination
- control insect and vermin
- train staff and keep records (feed supplies, vet products)
Can microbiological testing alone guarantee safety of food?
- limitations in sampling (false negatives)
- uneven distribution of microorganisms throughout food
What are microbiological criteria? Food safety criteria?
> microbiological criteria
- defines the accebility of a product or process based on the presence/abscence/number of micro-organisms or quantity of toxins/metabolites
- part of GHPs
food safety criteria
- acceptability of final product to be put on the market
Egs of food safety criteria hazards and thresholds for action
> minced meat - salmonella - absence in 10g25g > ready to eat foods - listeria monocytogenes - 100cfu/g > cheese and milk powder - staphylococcal enterotoxins - not detected in 25g > live bivalve molluscs - E. Coli - 230 MPN/100g > icecream - salmonella - abscnece in 25g
What are the 2 objectives of traceability?
> tracing forwards
- recall
tracing backwards
- identifying source of problem
Give an example of poor recall d/t poor traceability
2008-2009 digoxin in Irish pork
- total recall needed as traceability poor so cannot locate specific locations of meat
Who is responsible for enforcement of legislation verification and auditing
> FSA for meat inspection duties in approved meat premises (England, Scotlamnd, Wales)
- official controls delivered to premisies
- specific inspections of all animals, carcasses and offal through risk based audits thorugh risk based audits
- ensure complying with EU food hygiene regulations
since 2012 FSA for dairy too
- before this APHA was contracted to do it
How is the consumer involved in risk management
> cold chain
- transport time
- refrigerator setting
What is the food chain?
Total supply chain = from stable to table, from farm to fork - producing food - processing food - packaging and distributing - retailing and consuming food