Uroscopy; first documented the importanceof sputum examination
Albuminuria by boiling urine
Frederik Dekkers
Wrote a book about “pisse prophets” (charlatans)
Thomas Bryant
Examination of urine sediment
Thomas Addis
Introduced urinalysis as part of doctor’s routine patient examination
Richard Bright
Urine composition
95-97% water
3-5% solids
major organic component of urine
major inorganic components of urine (in order from highest)
Chloride - major
Sodium - 2nd
Potassium - 3rd
Principal salt of urine
NaCl (Sodium chloride)
For routine and qualitative urinalysis; ideal for cytology studies
Random/ Occasional urine
Ideal specimen for routine urinalysis and pregnancy testing (hCG); most concentrated and most acidic - allows well preservation of cells and casts
First morning urine
specimen ideal for evaluation of orthostatic proteinuria
First morning urine
second voided urine after a period of fasting; for glucose determination
Second morning/fasting urine
for diabetic screening or monitoring; preferred for testing glucose
2-hour post-prandial
Optional with blood samples in glucose tolerance test
Glucose tolerance
For routine screening and bacterial culture (OPD); patient should thoroughly cleanse his penis or her urethral meatus before collection
Midstream clean-catch
May be urethral or ureteral’ for bacterial culture
Abdominal wall is punctured, and urine is directly aspirated from the bladder; bladder urine for anaerobic bacterial culture and urine cytology; most sterile specimen
Suprapubic aspiration
Use of soft, clear plastic bag with adhesive; Sterile specimen obtained by catheterization or suprapubic aspiration
Pediatric specimen
Urine collected from diaper is not recommended for testing
true or false
For prostatic infection
three-glass technique
In 3-glass technique, if the number of WBC and bacteria in the 3rd specimen is 10x greater than that of the 1st specimen, it usually indicates:
The second specimen in 3-glass technique is the ______ for bladder & kidney infection
If control is (+) for WBCs and bacteria, the results from 3rd specimen are considered _______
considered as UTI
At start time, the patient empties the bladder and adds it to the container
true or false
at start time, the patient empties the bladder into the toilet
At end time, patient empties bladder into collection container
true or false
12 hour timed specimen:n
4 hour/ First morning urine
For NITRITE determination
Afternoon (2-4 PM)
For UROBILINOGEN determination
Process providing documentation of proper sample ID from the time of collection to the receipt of laboratory results
Chain of Custody (COC)
Required urine volume
30 - 45 mL
Container capacity
60 mL
Temperature of urine for drug testing
32.5 - 37.7C
If temperature is out of range, record temperature and __________.
contact supervisor immediately
Added to the toilet water reservoir to prevent specimen adulteration
Blueing agent (dye)
when both routine UA and culture are requested, what test should be performed first?
Culture should be performed first
Following collection, urine specimen should be delivered to the laboratory promptly and tested within ________;
Ideally within ________.
2 hours (Strasinger, Harr)
30 minutes (Turgeon)
Changes in unpreserved urine
Increased parameters:
- pH
- Bacteria
- Odor
- Nitrite
Changes in unpreserved urine:
Decreased parameters:
- Clarity
- Glucose
- Ketones
- Bilirubin
- Urobilinogen
- RBC/WBC/Casts
- Trichomonas
What parameter is least affected in unpreserved urine?
Preservative of choice for routine UA & urine culture; prevents bacterial growth for 24 hours
Disadvantage of refrigeration (preservation)
- Raises SG by hydrometer
- Precipitates amorphous phosphates and urates
Keeps pH about 6.0; Bacteriostatic at 18 g/l; For culture transport, C&S; Interferes with drug & hormone analysis; can also preserve 5-HIAA
Boric acid
Disadvantage of boric acid preservative
may precipitate crystals when used in large amounts
Excellent sediment preservative:
Formalin (Formaldehyde)
Formalin is the preservative of choice for __________.
Addis Count
Prevents glycolysis; good preservative for drug analysis
Sodium Flouride
an alternative of sodium fluoride for strip testing
Sodium benzoate
Preserves cellular elements; used for cytology studies (50 mL urine)
Saccomanno fixative