Introduction To Toxicology Flashcards
Is the ability of the substance to produce injury upon reaching a susceptible site in/on the body
It is the science of poisons including not only their chemical and physical effects but for their detection and antidotes.
Scientist who study this harmful effect and asses the probability of their occurrence are called ________
What are the 4 major Disciplines in Toxicology
Mechanistic , Descriptive , Clinical and Forensic
One of the Discpline in Toxicology that uses results from animal experiments to predict the level of exposure to harmful to humans
Descriptive Discipline is also known as _________
Risk Assestment
Refers to toxic substances that are produced naturally
Provides basis of therapy design and develop test for assestment
One of the Discpline in Toxicology that study the interelationship between toxin exposure and disease state
Clinical Discpline
One of the Discpline in Toxicology concerned with medicolegal consequence of toxin exposure
What are the 5 Sub-Discipline of Toxicology
Economic toxicology, Forensic Toxicology , Clinical toxicology , Environmental Toxicology, Industrial Toxicology.
Refers to toxic substances that are produce by or are a by product of human made activities
One of the Sub-Discpline in Toxicology that concerned in chemicals used in drugs, Food Additives , pesticides and cosmetics
Economic Toxicology
One of the Sub-Discpline in Toxicology that helps establish cause and effect relationships between exposure to a drug or chemical and the toxic and lethal effect result
Forensic Toxicology
Is use to describe the nature of adverse effect produced and the condition neccessary for their production
One of the Sub-Discpline in Toxicology that evaluate the synergestic effects of chemicals that are contaminant of food , water , soil or the air
Environmental Toxicology
One of the Sub-Discpline in Toxicology that evaluate the effects of pollutant in the working environment .
Industrial (Occupational) Toxicology
General Fxn of Toxicology
Wrote the famous Treatise on Poison and their antidote
Moses Maimonides (1335-1204)
Paracelcus is Famous for his word that
The Dose Makes the Poison
All Substance are Poison
There is None which is not poison
The right dose differentiate poison from remedy
Noted as the Father of Pharmacology
Francoise Magendie (1783-1855)
French Toxicologist and Chemist, The founder of Science of Toxicology
Mathieu Joseph Bonaventure
Synthesized caffeine and recieved the nobel prize in chemistry in 1902
Emil Fischer 1852-1919
4 Basis of Classifying Poisons
Base on Its Analysis
Base on the organ or system considered the target site of the effect of the chemical
Mechanism of Toxicity
Manner of Exposure
List The 7 Classifications of Toxic Agents
Heavy Metals Solvent And Vapors Radiation and Radioactive Materials Dioxins/Furans Pesticide Plant Toxins Animal Toxins
What are the 2 types of Exposure
Acute Exposure and Chronic Exposure
An exposure in which the dose is delivered in a single event and the absorption process is rapid
Acute Exposure
An exposure in which the dose is delivered at some frequency over a period of time
Chronic Exposure
Measurement of Toxicity is related to ;
Characteristic and Condition of Exposure Route of Administration Time and Frequency of Exposure Dose Delivered Physical and Chemical form of the substance
Give 4 Routes of Administration
Pulmonary , GIT/Oral , Parenteral, Topical
Give the 6 Parenteral Route
Intravenous Subcutaneous Intramuscular Intradermal Intraperitoneal Intraspinal
Give the 2 Spectrum of toxic effects
Acute Effect and Chronic Effect
Toxic Effect that occurs or develop rapidly after a single administration
Acute Effect
Those that are manifested after the elapse of sometime
What are 2 types of Effect base on Locus of Action
Local Effect and Systemic Effect
Effects that occur at the site of the first contact between the biologic system and the toxicant
Acute Effect
Effect that require absorption and distribution of the toxicant to a site distant from its entry point effect are produced
Chronic Effect
In Chronic effect that frequently involved system is the
Classification of toxicant based on their relative toxicities
Give the Toxic Ratings and There Commonly used term
Toxic Ratings Commonly used term
6 Super Toxic
5 Extremely Toxic
4 Very Toxic
3 Moderately Toxic
2 Slightly Toxic
1 Practically Non-Toxic
Practically Non-toxic Probable human LD
15g/kg( >1quart)
Slightly Toxic Probable human LD
5-15g/kg ( between 1pint - 1quart)
Moderately Toxic Probable human LD
0.5-5g/kg ( bet 1 oz. - 1 pint )
Very Toxic Probable human LD
50-500mg/kg ( 1 tsp -1oz.)
Extremely Toxic Probable human LD
5-50mg/kg ( 7gtts/drops - 1 tsp)
Super Toxic Probable human LD
> 5mg/kg ( a taste of > 7 drops )
Defined as an overdose of drugs , medicament , chemicals and biological substance
The 3 Diagnostic workup of a Px who may be a victim of poisoning
- Complete History
- Complete Physical examination
- Appropriate Laboratory Examination
Cases of Poisoning that generally fall into 3 categories
- Exposure to known poison
- Exposure to an unknown substance which may be a poison
- Disease of undetermined etiology in which poisoning must be considered as part of the differential Dx.
Used to refer to the deliberate ingestion of more than the therapeutic dose of a drug or a substance not intended for consumption, usually by an adult in a moment of distress
Self Poisoning/Parasuicide
Non-intentional ingestion overdose or exposure to drugs, medicaments or poisonous substances
Accidental Poisoning
The 7 General approach to the poisoning patient
- Emergency Stabilization
- Clinical Evaluation
- Elimination of the poison
- Excretion of Absorbed substance
- Administration of antidote
- Supportive therapy and observation
- Dispositions
The greatest contributor death from drug overdose is _____________
Loss of airway protective reflexes
Emergency stabilization is needed if
What are the 6 techniques in Clearing airways
Sniffing Position Chin Lift Jaw Thrust Head Down Left Sided Position Intubation ( Orotracheal . Nasotracheal)
A technique in clearing airways that allows the tongue to fall forward and secretions and vomitus to drain out of the mouth
Head- Down Left sided positon
A technique in clearing airways that should not be used if there is any suspicion or neck injury
Sniffing Position
A technique in clearing airways that is used when a Px may have cervical spine injury
Jaw Thrust
Enumerate the procedures in CHIN-LIFT
- The fingers of one hand are placed under the mandible, which is gently lifted upward to bring the chin anterior
- The Thumb of the same hand depresses the lower lip to open the mouth
- The Thumb may also be laced behind the lower incisors and simultaneously, the chin is gently lifted