introduction to parasites Flashcards
what is a parasite
organism that lives in or on another organism (host) and derives its nutrients at the expense of this host
where are parasites particularly problematic
resource-poor countries
most parasites are present in the tropics and subtropics
what is a vector
an organism which acts as an intermediate host for a parasite then transmits the parasite to the next host e.g. Anopheles mosquito for malaria
classification of parasites
- protozoa - malaria, amoebae, flagellates
- helminths (worms) - roundworms, tapeworms, flukes
- ectoparasites - lice, ticks, mites
what are the 4 key points regarding parasites
- Parasites live inside the body or some live on it
- They are classified by cellular structure and life cycle
- They are mainly spread by vectors (intermediate hosts)
Predominantly a problem of resource - poor countries
- Microscopic, single celled organisms
- Can be free living or parasitic
- Able to multiply in humans - key aspect of their life cycle
- Transmission:
○ Protozoa that live in a human’s intestine –> faecal-oral route
Protozoa that live in the blood or tissue of humans –> insect vector
malaria as an example of a protozoa
commonest cause of death by parasitic infection globally
most deaths are in African region
it is a preventable disease,
Mosquito-borne disease caused by Plasmodium parasite, patients experience fever, chills and flu-like illnesses, can be fatal if left untreated
P. falciparum has the highest mortality
malaria prevention
A = Awareness of the risk B = Bite prevention C = Chemoprophylaxis (appropriate choice of antimalarial medication and compliance with the regime D = Diagnosis (prompt diagnosis and treatment without delay)
amoebic dysentery as an example of a protozoa
- approx. 50mln cases per annum
- Causes bloody diarrhoea (dysentry)
- Entamoeba histolytica invade gut wall
- Microscopy - cysts in formed stool
Clinically: intestinal and extra-intestinal infections, liver abscess in late disease
Entamoeba histolytica - causes amoebic liver abscess, reddish-brown pus
Leishmaniasis as an example of a protozoa
- There are several Leishmania species
○ Cutaneous or mucocutaneous leishmaniasis
○ Visceral leishmaniasis (kala-azar): Fever, weigh loss and hepato-splenomegaly- Infection by bite of sandflies (vector)
- Diagnosis by histology and PCR of tissues
cause infection in a variety of body systems and can cause complications if left untreated
Enterobiasis (nematodes)
(pin worm): 1cm, threadlike, found in children
○ Cause anal itch, especially at night (autoinoculation)
○ Diagnosis: press adhesive Sellotape against perianal region in the morning
Ova seen on microscopy
ascaris lumbricoides (nematode)
○ Ingested eggs hatch in the intestine, ova seen in faeces by microscopy
○ Largest nematode in humans (15-35cm)
○ Often asymptomatic (may cause failure to thrive in children or developmental delay)
○ Mass of worms may obstruct small intestine or common bile duct
Females are generally larger than males
very common globally
long segmented tapeworms
Taenia saginata (beef), Taenia solium (pork) (cestodes)
- Larval cysts ingested (intermediate host) - eating raw or undercooked meat
- Adult tapeworms in humans (definitive host) can live in gut for years
Ova in stools on microscopy
neurocysticercosis - Cysts from pork tapeworm can form in the brain following ingestion of egg and heavy infection
echinococcus (cestode)
carried by dogs, wolves, foxes
- Humans ingest eggs (dog faeces)
- Eggs hatch and enter circulation
Hydatid cyst forms in liver - surgical resection must involve whole cyst
(flatworms, flukes)
Different species cause human infection in various body sites (blood, lung, liver, pancreas, intestines)
Schistosomiasis (trematode)
- 200mln affected worldwide, 20 000 deaths p/a in tropical areas
- 3 major species of Schistosomes: S. haematobium (bladder), S. mansoni (intestinal), S. japonicum (intestinal)
Cases occur near affected fresh water - snails important in life cycle - swimmer’s itch is a common sign
can lead to complications such as liver failure and bladder cancer if left untreated
- 3 major species of Schistosomes: S. haematobium (bladder), S. mansoni (intestinal), S. japonicum (intestinal)
- Parasites that live outside of the body
Most are insects/arachnids (8 legs e.g. ticks), many are vectors of infection (e.g. ticks can spread Lyme disease)
transmission of helminths
Most are transmitted by faecal-oral rout but some use an intermediary host/vector
diagnosis of parasites
- Definitive diagnosis: identification of parasites in host tissue or faeces/urine
- Blood microscopy for parasites: thick and thin blood films for malaria
- Stool microscopy for ova/cysts/parasites
Worm infection usually accompanied by Eosinophilia and elevated IgE
round worms
blood films for malaria
specially stained blood film shows infected red cells (parasitaemia), appear on microscope slide as ring shaped with double chromatin dots or crescent shaped (mature form)
why is malaria hard to eradicate
it has a complex life cycle
what is the role of the anopheles mosquito in malaria
it acts as the vector