Introduction to Intelligence Flashcards
What is Intelligence
This is the ability to learn from experience, acquire knowledge, adapt to situations and solve problems.
What is the Binet - Simon Intelligence Scale (1905)
This was the original intelligence test, designed to asses mental abilities, it is the basis for modern intelligence test.
What is the Stanford - Binet Intelligence Test (Original IQ Test)
This test was modified for the U.S., the audience for this test varied in ages and subjects. The test was used to measure one’s Intelligent quotient. It used a formula.
What is the IQ Formula.
IQ = (Metal Age / Chronical Age) x 100
What is a Mental Age
This is used to identify is a child is ahead of behind his peers.
What is the General Intelligence (G factor) Charles Spearman:
It says that intelligence is a general cognitive ability that can be measured and numerically expressed.
John Horn and Raymond Cattel
They determined that the g in g factor (general intelligence) should be divided into 2 factors of intelligence:
- Fluid intelligence
- Crystalized intelligence
What is Fluid Intelligence
This is the ability to think and reason flexibly, this tends to diminish with aging.
What is Crystalized Intelligence
This refers to the accumulation of skill, knowledge, and facts that are acquired throughout life. it tends to increase with age
What is the Howard Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences
This theory described 8 different types of intelligence based on skills and abilities. It said that the IQ test isn’t accurate in depicting peoples abilities. The types are:
- Nature smart
- Self smart
- Picture smart
- Music smart
- Body smart
- People smart
- Word smart
- Logic smart
What is Savant Syndrome
This is when a person a low mental ability but is exceptional in a specific skill, eg. drawing.
What is the Robert Sternberg’s Triarchic Theory of Intelligence
This theory states that Gardner’s types of intelligence are better viewed as individual talents. They are:
- Analytical intelligence
- Creative intelligence
- Practical intelligence
What is Analytical Intelligence
This is solving a problem with a single solution
What is Creative Intelligence
This is when you create new ideas to help adapt to a new situation.
What is Practical Intelligence
This is when you partake in experimental things that lead to you learning something specific.
What is Emotional Intelligence
This is the ability to perceive, control, and evaluate emotions.
What is the Wechsler Intelligence Scales (WAIS)(1995)
This was a test first published in 1995, it was used to measure intelligence in adults and older adolescents. Wechsler believed that intelligence was made up of different abilities and not just one.
What is Heritability
This is a measure of the variation of people’s traits due to genetic causes. Heritability for intelligence estimates ranges from 50 to 70 percent.
What is the Flynn Effect (James Flynn)
It shows that IQ scores have been rising around the world due to Improvements in technology, health, and nutrition.