introduction: concept, three processes, renvoi &vorfrage, forum shopping and forum non conveniens Flashcards
vaak ook conflicts of law maar dat verwijst louter naar stap 2 erwijl ipr streeft naar legal certainty takes precedence over suitability. is ook rustig type niet enkel in conflict
three distinct processes- -which have led to varying degrees of convergence or harmonisation..
1) jurisdiction (what court had jurisdiction to hear the case)
2) applicable law (what law will that court apply)
3) recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments.
narrow definition of ipr/conflict of law
the rules applied by domstic courts to determine which laws apply to cases that involve people in diffrent countries or diffrent nationalities, or transactions which cross international boundaries.
broader approach IPR
includes recognition and enforcement– what are the rules and needs if any for restricting the authority of domestic courts to hear disputes involving foreigners and foreign transactions, and is there/should there be a binding obligation to recognise and enfoce judgments resulting from adjudication in foreign courts.
pas op!!! all three areas , been an increasing international CONVERGENCE or even harmonisation with the EU as the most advanced!
maar!! IPR conceptually neitehr seeks nor requires regulatory convergence! – remains NATIONAL law!! with the potential and evolving exception of a growing number of subject-matter in Europeaen law
ondanks (notwithstanding) convergence and harmonisation , IPR remains dramatically diffrent from PUBLIC international law in two main aspects
1) it aims to regulate relationships between private parties NOT states
2) it is designed to function primarily at the domestic level in domestic courts
there is limited overlap in particular in sovereign and diplomatic immunity and government seizure of poperty (niet in het Handboek )
sources of PIL
belangrijk ! hague conference van 1893- important source for PIl – active in three areas: 1)protection of children, family and property relations 2) international legal cooperation and litigation 3) international commerce and finance law (including potential future convention on choice of law for contracts ) in total 39 conventions! met 72 member states
works mostly through model laws on international commercial arbitartion and contract for international sale of goods
UNCITRAL is concerned with harmonisation of substantive law thus falling outside the traditional scope of PIL
hague conference 1893
On the initiative of Tobias Asser, the First Diplomatic Session of the HCCH was convoked in 1893. Its aim was, and remains, to “work for the progressive unification of the rules of private international law”, including by creating, and assisting in the implementation of, multilateral conventions that promote the harmonisation of the rules and principles of private international law (or conflict of laws).
The First to Fourth Diplomatic Session of the HCCH took place in 1893, 1894, 1900 and 1904 respectively. They resulted in a number of multilateral treaties, the Hague Conventions, that unified the rules of private international law in the areas of Marriage (1902), Divorce (1902), Guardianship (1902), Civil Procedure (1905), Effects of Marriage (1905), and Deprivation of Civil Rights (1905).
Since 1955, the HCCH developed 38 international conventions and protocols that establish rules on jurisdiction, applicable law, the recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments, and on legal and judicial cooperation.[4] They are open for adoption, accession or ratification by any State, including States that are not members of HCCH.
In 2015, the HCCH adopted its first soft-law instrument, the Hague Principles on the Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts.
The HCCH’s instruments cover subject matters in the area of 1)family law and child protection, 2)international civil procedure and legal cooperation, as well as 3) cross-border commercial and finance law. These areas are often referred to as the “three pillars” of the HCCH. The following HCCH conventions are the most ratified:
United Nation Comission on international Trade law
In an increasingly economically interdependent world, the importance of an improved legal framework for the facilitation of international trade and investment is widely acknowledged. The United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL), established by the United Nations General Assembly by resolution 2205 (XXI) of 17 December 1966 (see annex I), plays an important role in developing that framework in pursuance of its mandate to further the progressive harmonization and modernization of the law of international trade by preparing and promoting the use and adoption of legislative and non-legislative instruments in a number of key areas of commercial law.
three processes of PIL and standard ‘connecting factors’
1) determination of JURISDICTION/FORUM
belangrijk voor stap 2 voornamelijk 19/20ste eeuw : Friederich Carl Von Savigny
maar meer en meer relevance for jurisdiction belangrijk voor versch zaken : bv parties willen 1 court mss liever dan ander voor politieke kleur! maar ook voor de predictably van de outcomes!
procedural issues – excluded from PIL
Choice of law/PIL never applies to this issues!! – depends always on the law of the country wherre the proceeding is succesfully brought = lex fori
discussie wat is procedural en wat niet
Recovery of costs and possibility of legal aid are unidsputed examples of procedural issues. nog voobeeld is bv: welke partie uiteindelijk fees moet dragen, obtaining evidence, of trial must by heard by jury , ius novit curiae etc. = procedural dus niet IPR
3 luiken ! pil
1) internationale bevoegdheid (bevpegdheidsrecht)
2) toepasselijk recht (conflictenrecht)
3) erkenning en uitvoerbaarheid buitenlandse onnissen en aktes (exequaturrecht)
cassusen stap voor stap toepassen !
IPR regelt recht van toepassing op privaatrechtelijke relaties= twee prive personenen of prive persoon en OH als deze handelt privaatrechtelijk = IURE COMERCII
MAAR IPR geen internationaal recht is meer een BRuggenbouwer tss veschillende rechtssystemen
Bijzondere positie van het VK, Ierland en vooral Denemarken zijn de buitenbeentjes, hiermee altijd oppassen bij casussen!
lex fori
recht van de rechtbank - procedural issues
ius novit curia
the bench is supposed to know this itself