Introduction Flashcards
function of neuropile
synaptic transmissions occur here
commissure function
lateral neuronal processing
In the escape response in a cockroach, what is the giant interneuron used for?
large diameter –> fast AP transmission –> designed for life/death situation
does white matter increase up or down the spinal cord?
increases up the spinal cord
Which level of the spinal cord has the most white matter? the least?
- cervical = most white matter
- coccygeal = least white matter
Which level of the spinal cord receives parasympathetic nerves?
What are the 2 parts of of the peripheral nervous system? Which one is the autonomic nervous system?
- somatic
- visceral (autonomic)
what are the main controlling centers of the visceral motor system?
- hypothalamus
- brainstem tegmentum
(descending pathways to preganglionic neurons in the brainstem and the spinal cord)
Which levels of the spinal cord does the sympathetic nervous system innervate?
Where are sympathetic ganglia located?
close to spinal cord in sympathetic chain
Which neurotransmitter is released by preganglionic sympathetic neurons?
Which neurotransmitter is released by postganglionic sympathetic neurons?
From where do parasympathetic ganglia receive info from?
- CN III, VII, IX, X (brainstem)
- S2-S4
Which neurotransmitter is released by preganglionic parasympathetic neurons?
Which neurotransmitter is released by postganglionic parasympathetic neurons?
How much of the brain is allocortex? neocortex?
- neocortex = 90% of the brain
- allocortex = 10% of the brain
Which parts of the brain make up the allocortex?
- olfactory bulb
- hippocampus
List the adult structures of the hindbrain.
- pons
- cerebellum
- medulla
adult structures of the midbrain
adult structures of the forebrain
- cerebrum
- thalamus
- hypothalamus
What are the lobes of the brain named after?
the bones that they lie under
TRUE or FALSE: the neocortex is only found in mammals
In the cytoarchitectural map of the neocortex, which zones are somatosensory? primary motor cortex? visual cortex?
- somatosensory = 1, 2, 3
- primary motor cortex = 4
- visual cortex = 17
TRUE or FALSE: glial cells cannot communicate, unlike neurons.
FALSE: both glial cells and neurons are involved in communication
what is the region of the brain responsible for the following role:
Part of the forebrain that has expanded the most over the course of evolution, Receives sensory info, form perceptions of the outside world and command voluntary movement
cerebral cortex
What is the region of the brain responsible for the following role:
located in the occipital lobe, higher order processing of vision
visual cortex
What is the region of the brain responsible for the following role:
located in the parietal lobe. receives and processes somatic sensory info.
somatosensory cortex
What is the region of the brain responsible for the role:
located in the frontal love. processes and controls/initiates movement
motor cortex
What is the brain region responsible for the role:
part of the cortex involved in learning and memory
What is the brain region responsible for the role:
gateway to the cortex. sensory paths serving vision, hearing, and somatic sensation synapses onto neurons here en route to the cortex.
What is the brain region responsible for the role:
Performs many primitive functions. Controls the ANS, connects to the pituitary gland and controls neurohormone release.
What is the brain region responsible for the role:
primarily a conduit for info passing from the SC to the brain. COntains neurons that contribute to sensory systems and the control of movement.
What is the brain region responsible for the role:
part of an info loop involved in movement. Receives info from the cortex, sends it to that thalamus, then to the cortex
basal ganglia
What is the brain region responsible for the role:
Releases neurohomrones into the blood. Receives info from the hypothalamus.
What is the brain region responsible for the role:
relay center. switchboard connecting cerevral cortex to cerebellum
What is the brain region responsible for the role:
Site for decussation of axons that travel from the cerebral cortex to the SC. Also contains neurons involved in sensory and motor functions.
What is the brain region responsible for the role:
receives info with respect to body position and goals of intended movement. coordinates movement.
TRUE or FALSE: Schwann cells furnish multiple neurons whereas oligodendrocytes furnish only one neuron.
FALSE: Schwann cells furnish ONE neuron, oligodendrocytes furnish multiple neurons