Intro to parasites Flashcards
What are the 2 types of parasites that infect humans (other than a few inscts)
- Helminths
2. protozoans - single cell
Define definitive host and dead-end host
definitive: contains sexually mature, adult parasite
dead-end: blocks transmissiono
What is a common feature of helminth infections
they suppress the immune system
Where do they multiply with respect to humans:
protozoans: within human
Helminth: outside (lay eggs aoutside and must be re-ingested)
6 parasites prevalent in US (plus one extra in kentucky few decades ago)
- Pinworms (enterobius vermicularis)
- toxoplasma gondii
- Trichomonas
- Pediculus humanus capitus (head lice) -only head-head contact
- Giardia:
- Ameoba: E. histolytica, N. fowleri
- -Nematodes (ascaris, stronglyoides
8 MC worldwide in order from MC -LC
- Big 3 nematodes: roundworm > hookworm > whipworm
- Filarial worms (W. bancrofti–> elephantitis)
- Malaria
- Schistosomes (flukes)
- E. Histolytica
- Trypanosomes
- Leshmaniasis
Intra- vs. Extracellular protozoan pathogenesis (very general)
extra: compete for nutrients
intra: cell and tissue destruction
What is one of the on;y parasite to releas a toxin
E. histolytica
Serological testing is avaialable for what 3 US prevalent parasites
toxoplasma, Trichomonas, Giardia
How is plasmodium falciparum dx?
Why is dosing an issue with anti-parasitic druigs
bc they target eukaryotic cells
What drug is MC for protozoans, and which is MC for worms/flukes? and MOA
Protoz: metronidazole: converted to active agent only in anaerobes–> DNA damage
worms: Benzamidazoles: interfere with tubulin function
Which proto is resistant to chlorination
What disease does E. histolytica cz and pathogenesis
Amoebiasis: dysentery
Naegleria fowleri: disease, habitiat, human host designation
warm fresh water
invades nasal mucosa to cause meningitis
humans are a dead-end host
E. histolytica: habitat, life forms (2), virulence factor and it’s moa
habitiat: human waste
forms: trophozoite and cyst
produces a cytotoxin–> lyse cells –> tissue invasion (thus histoLYTICa)
transmission of E.histolytica, and what hosts is it found in?
fecal-oral (gay dudes)
only host is HUMANS!!
Histo of E. histolytica infx
****Flask-shaped ulcer
What can a chronic E.histolytica infx cause?
Other than the intestine, where else can E. histolytica infect? Presentation in this location?
liver - cuases “anchovy-paste abscesses”
CP of E. histolytica infx
gradual onset of bloody diarrhea, abd pain, maybe fever
How is E. histolytica infx diagnosed (1 for class, 2 for sketchy)
class: ELISA for antigens in stool
“trophozoite w/ endocytosed RBCs”
Intestinal bx: flask-shaped lesions
Dx of N.fowleri
exam of CSF
E. histolytica tx? (2)
Iodoquinol MOA
iron chelator
warning signs about swimming in water are warning against what protozoa
n. fowleri