Intro To Human Growth Flashcards
Human development
The scientific study of age-related changes in behavior, thinking, emotion, and personality
Original sin
- Augustine of Hippo
- All humans born selfish, overcome that by dedicating themselves to God
Innate goodness
- Jean Jacques Rosseau
- Innate goodness
- Children grow on their own, worst case is enviornmental interference
The blank slate
- John Locke
- Drew this theory from empiricism (the theory that there is nothing innate about behavior, and it’s all due to experience)
Charels’s Darwin’s study of human development
- Studied human Growth to learn more about evolution
- Darwin and other scientists kept record of their own kids (called baby biographies)
G. Stanley Hall’s study of Human development
- Used questionnares and interviews to study a bunch of kids
- wrote article “The Contents of Children’s Minds on Entering School.”
- Thought developmentalists should identify the norms (average ages of developmental milestones)
Arnoldd Gessell
- research supported genetically programed sequential pattern of change (called it maturation)
- findings became the basis for many normal referenced tests to test whether kids are developing at the same rate
What led to the adoption of lifespan perspective
- Adults go through major life changes, and lifespan getting longer
Key Elements of Lifespan Perspective
- plasticity
- interdisciplinary research
- multicontextual nature of development
Paul Baltes
- leader in the development of a comprehensive theory of lifespan development
- pointed out that as ppl age they adopt strategies to maximize gains and compensate for losses
The Domains and Periods of Development
- Physical Domain
- Cognitive Domain
- Social Domain
Quatntitive vs qualitive change
- Quatititive is a change in amount
- Quantitive change is a change in characteristic
Age related changes
- Normative age graded changes (the universal ones)
- Normative history graded changes
- Nonnormative changes
Atypical development
- a type of nonormative change
- unusual devolopment that is harmful and usually arises from mental illness, intellectual disability and behavior problems
Sensitive period vs Critical Period
C: may be spefic periods in development when an organism is especially sensitive to the presence of abssence of an expierence. alters performance permanently.
S: Is a span of months or years during which a child may be particularly responsive to some form of expierence or particularly influenced by there absence. effect for limited time.
Inborn vulnerabilities, protective factors, and envirornmental factors
- a child with many protective factors may do well in an unsupportive home
- a child with one or more vulnerabilities could do well in a supportive home
- a vulnerable child in an unsupportive enviornment is doomed