Intro to Biology Terms Flashcards
An evolutionary change in an organism that makes it better suited
to its environment.
A process in which a liquid is heated to a temperature that
kills harmful germs and then cooled quickly.
Getting rid of waste products.
The release of energy by combining oxygen with digested food.
The non-living parts of any ecosystem.
The study of life.
All of the living or once living aspects of an ecosystem.
Water loving; attracts or can be dissolved in water.
(Spontaneous Generation)
The hypothetical process by which living organisms develop
from non-living matter.
The fact or process of becoming immune, as against a disease.
A change in activity due to stimulus.
The study of microscopic organisms.
Water repelling or water “fearing”.
The movement of useful products to all parts of the organism.
Is something that causes a physiological response.
A small non-living infectious agentthatreplicatesonly inside the
livingcellsof otherorganisms.
The branch of science concerned with classification of organisms.
Is a single-celled organism that lacks a membrane-bound nucleus
Interaction between two different organisms living in close
physical association, typically to the advantage of both.
(Eukaryote)A formal system of naming species of living things by
giving each a name composed of two parts.
An organism in which the genetic material is organized into a
membrane- bound nucleus.
(Binomial Nomenclature)
A formal system of naming species of living things by
giving each a name composed of two parts.