Intro to autonomic nervous sys (respi) Flashcards
What does grey matter comprise of?
Dorsal and ventral horn
What is CNS and what does it consist?
Central nervous sys
Brain and spinal cord
What is PNS and what does it consist?
Peripheral nervous sys
Structures that exit/enter into brain (cranial/spinal nerve)
Somatic vs visceral nervous sys
- conscious -> sensory from skin and joints
- voluntary motor -> skeletal muscle
- subconscious -> sensory from organs (except visceral pain)
- involuntary motor -> smooth/cardiac muscles and glands
- both need stimulus, receptors, afferent (sensory) nerve carrying info to CNS, efferent (motor) nerve to bring back info from CNS to effectors
How do visceral reflex afferent nerve fibres travel?
Travel tgt w/ parasympathetic fibres
What is visceral pain?
Pain from internal environment
Characteristics of visceral pain?
Not well localised
Causes of acute visceral pain
Characteristics of visceral pain
Reach consciousness
How do visceral pain afferent nerve fibres travel?
Together w/ sympathetic fibres
What is spinothalamic pathway?
Carry pain info to brain for interpretation
- can’t differentiate origin of pain
Mechanism of referred pain
Convergence theory
- sensory nerve converge onto second-order neurons at same segment -> pain from internal organ referred elsewhere (at area whr organ is NOT located at)
How many neurons does viscero-motor/autonomic NS use to go from spinal cord to target tissue?
- pre-ganglionic neuron
- post-ganglionic neuron
Where do autonomic neurons arise from?
Lateral horn
What does ANS supply?
Smooth muscles
Cardiac muscles
Characteristics of cell bodies of pre- and post-ganglionic neuron
Pre -> cell bodies always within CNS
Post -> cell bodies always within PNS
Features of pre-ganglionic nerve fibers
Myelinated -> whiter
- transmission of info is much faster
Features of post-ganglionic nerve fibres
Unmyelinated -> grey
Neurotransmitters of the ANS (preganglionic synapse)
Sympathetic - ACh
Parasympathetic - ACh
Neurotransmitters of the ANS (postganglionic synpase)
Sympathetic - noradrenaline (adrenergic/sympathetic nerves)
Parasympathetic - ACh (cholinergic/parasympathetic nerves)
Features of pre-ganglionic neurons
Intermedio-lateral nucleus (ILN) -> aggregation of cell bodies
- located in lateral horn of spinal cord (T1-L2) segments
Features of post-ganglionic neurons
Mainly in sympathetic chain/trunk ganglia
- found in neck all the way to pelvic cavity
- aka para-vertebral ganglia -> parallel to vertebral column
Some in pre-vertebral ganglia
- in front of abdominal aorta and vertebral column
Some in adrenal medulla
Where can pre-ganglionic neurons be found?
Brainstem nuclei
- related to CN 3, 7, 9 and 10 -> near organs that they supply
Sacral parasympathetic nucleus
- lateral horn of spinal cord (S2-S4)
- cranio-sacral outflow
Where can post-ganglionic neurons be found?
Located in organ/near organ that the parasympathetic nervous sys supply
Special feature of splanchnic nerve
Pass through w/o synapse at sympathetic trunk ganglia
Synapse at pre-vertebral ganglia/adrenal gland
Name of flow for sympathetic nerves
Thoraco-lumbar outflow