Intro A&P Exam 4- Book Notes Flashcards
Abdominal Cavity
abdominal cavity- begins at inferior surface of the diaphragm
stomach, liver, spleen, colon
different in that it is totally protected by muscle
4 quadrants- RUQ, LUQ, RLQ, RUQ
movement away from the midline
movement toward the midline
Adipose Tissue
fatty tissue
Afferent Nerves
sensory nerves, carry messages TO brain and spinal cord
joint with little motion
Amount of Blood in Human
adult- 4 to 6 quarts
Anatomic Position
a standard position of the body: standing erect, facing directly forward, feet pointed forward and slightly apart, and arms hanging down at the sides with palms facing forward. This position is used as a reference to describe sites or motions of various parts of the body
study of the structure of an organism
ventral, front half of body
Aorta artery
largest artery in the body, carries blood away from the heart
Aortic valve
flap or cusp located between the left ventricle and the aorta
absence of respirations, temporary cessation of respirations
Arachnoid Membrane
part of the meninges, arachnoid membrane- delicate layer that allows blood vessels to pass through
blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart
smallest branch of an artery, connects arteries to capillaries
carry impulses away from the cell body of a neuron
participate in the body’s inflammatory response, produce histamine- a vasodilator, and heparin- an anticoagulant
Biceps Brachii
upper arm, flexes lower arm and supinates hand
Bicuspid valve
mitral valve- between left atrium and left ventricle
also called the bicuspid valve
Biology is a natural science concerned with the study of life and living organisms, including their structure, function, growth, evolution, distribution, and taxonomy.
slow heart rate, below 60 beats per minute
Buccal Cavity
connect arteries and venules, diffusion takes place here
Cardiac Muscle
forms the walls of the heart, contracts to circulate blood
cardiac sphincter
opening between esophagus and stomach, valve
Carotid artery
on the neck on either side of the treachea
lens becomes cloudy and opaque, leads to blindness
Cellular respirations
the use of oxygen and nurients to produce energy, water, and carbon dioxide
the area of cell cytoplasm that contains 2 centrioles
2nd largest part of brain
below cerebrum
allows for coordination of muscle, balance, posture, and muscle tone
60% of brain weight
biggest part of the brain
made of lobes and hemispheres
lobes named after the bones they lay under
hemispheres named right and left- control opposite side
functions- reasoning, cognition, memory, judgement, speech, sensation, sight, smell, hearing, voluntary movement
Cervix of Uterus
entrance to/ lower part of the uterus
inside genetic material in nucleus
make up chromosomes
most normal humans have 23 pairs
hairlike projections, help perform peristalsis
Ciliary Body
line the Fallopian tubes
Circulatory system
cardiovascular system
consists of heart, blood vessels and blood
transports oxygen and nutrients to all the body cells
transports CO2 and metabolic waste away
move in a circle at a joint
liver becomes mass of scar tissue, often associated with alcoholism
Clotting Proteins
thrombocytes, platelets
snail shaped section of the inner ear, contains the organ of corti
Color of blood
mucous membrane that lines eyelids and covers the anterior part of the sclera of the eye
Connective Tissue
soft- loose connective tissue- holes in it adipose tissue large number of fat cells in it warmth, cushion, energy hard- supports and strengthens bones, cartilage
ability of muscles to contract
tightening or shortening of a muscle
transparent section of the sclera, allows light rays to enter the eye
Coronal Plane
front half and back half anterior- front part of body also called ventral posterior- back half of body also called dorsal
Coronary Artery
first branch of the aorta, right and left, carries blood to the myocardium
Cranial Cavity
contains the brain
shoulder, abducts arm, injection site
carry impulses toward the cell body or a neuron
shaft of the long bone middle part, between ends filled with yellow marrow made of adipose tissue absorbs shock
joint, aslo called synovial
most amount of movement
shoulders, hips, fingers, toes..
measurement of blood pressure when the heart is at rest, constant pressure of the arteries
located between the cerebrum and the brain stem
thalamus- relay point for all impulses
impulses must go through this to reach brain
controls ANS
temperature, appetite, water balance, sleep, blood vessel constriction and dilation
Digestive system
gastrointestinal system, responsible for physical and chemical breakdown of food
most distant, farthest from the trunk or midline
pertaining to the back of, in back of
Dorsal Cavity
posterior cavity-in your back Cranial cavity totally protected by bone houses the brain spinal cavity runs down center of back protected by vertebrae holds the spinal cord
Dura mater
outer layer of the meninges, very protective
difficult or labored breathing
Efferent Nerves
motor nerves, carry impulses FROM brain to muscles and glands
Ejaculatory ducts
in a male, the duct or tube from the seminal vesicle to the urethra
allows muscle to return to its original state
a blood clot or mass that moves through the blood vessels
Endocrine System
group of ductless glands that create hormones that go into the bloodstream and to target tissue
Endoplasmic Reticulum
smooth and rough
transportation mechanism
rough plays role in protein synthesis
ribosomes imbedded in walls
membrane that lines entire inside of bone
under diaphysis and into epiphysis
type of leukocyte, remove toxins and defend the body against allergic reations by creating antihistamines
tightly coiled tube in the scrotal sac, connects the testes with the vas deferens
abnormal electrical conduction in brain genetics, lack of oxygen, brain tumors, carbon monoxide poisoning variety of types of seizures eyes gazing off to whole body procedure in emergency notes
ends of the long bone, contains red marrow
Epithelial Tissue
tissue that forms the skin and parts of the secreting glands, lines the body cavities
red blood cells no nucleus hemoglobin very large shaped like werther's caramels carry oxygen and CO2
irritability, ability to react/respond to stimuli
ability to be stretched
increasing the angle between two parts, straightening a limb
External respirations
taking air in and letting it out of the lungs
factors influencing BP
increase- excitement, anxiety, nervous tension, exercise, eating, pain, obesity, smoking, stimulant drugs
decrease- rest or sleep, depressant drugs, shock, dehydration, hemorrhage, fasting
Factors influencing temperature
increase- illness, infection, exercise, excitement, high environment temp
decrease- starvation or fasting, sleeping, decreased muscle activity, mouth breathing, exposure to cold temperatures, certain diseases
false ribs
Pairs 8, 9, and 10
do not attach directly to sternum
attach through rib 7
tough sheetlike membrane that covers and protects tissue
femoral artery
inner aspect of the upper thigh where thigh joins the trunk of the body
decreasing the angle between two parts, bending a limb
floating ribs
11 and 12
don’t attach to anything but vertebrae
area between the cranial bones where the bones have not fused together, “soft spots” on the skull of an infant
frontal plane
coronal plane, imaginary line that separates the body into front and back sections
function of bile
used to digest fats
Functions of Thrombocytes
clot blood, repair damaged areas with platelet plugs
fundus of uterus
top section of the uterus where the Fallopian tubes attach
back of lower leg, flexes and supinates sole of the foot
Gluteus maximus
buttocks, extends and rotates thigh, injection site
Golgi apparatus
produces, stores, packages secretions from the cell
hard palate
bony structure that forms the roof of the mouth
paralysis on one side of the body, seen often in stroke patients
iron containing protein of the red blood cells, serves to carry oxygen from the lungs to the tissues
below, under
end that moves when a muscle contracts
Integumentary system
pertaining to the skin or a covering, also contains glands
Internal respirations
exchange of oxygen and CO2 between tissues and blood
Involuntary muscles
independent action not controlled by choice or desire
colored portion of the eye, made of muscular tissue that regulates the size of the pupil
articulation, place where two bones meet or join
pertaining to the side
Latissimus Dorsi
spine around to chest, extends and adducts upper arm
left atrium
recieves oxygenated blood from the lungs
left ventricle
recieves blood from the left atrium and pumps it into the aorta for transport to body cells
crystalline structure suspended behind the pupil of the eye, refracts or bends light rays into the retina
white blood cell, uses phagocytosis
fibrous tissue that connects bone to bone
linings of uterus
endometrium, myometrium, perimetrium
lymphatic system
works with the cardiovascular
removes waste and excess fluids from the body tissues
provide immunity for the body by developing antibodies, protect against the formation of cancer cells
in the cytoplasm, contain digestive enzymes to digest and destroy old cell, bacteria, and foreign matter
pertaining to the middle or midline
Medulla Oblongata
connects directly to spinal cord
if damaged, death is probably instantaneous
heartbeat, respirations, swallowing, coughing, blood pressure
medullary cavity
center of the long bone
inside the diaphysis
filled with yellow marrow
membranes that cover and protect the brain and spinal cord
dura mater- outer layer, very protective
arachnoid membrane- delicate layer that allows blood vessels to pass through
pia mater- thin, covers brain, everything the brain needs enters here
between the cerebrum and the brain stem
controls eyes
midsagittal plane
imaginary line drawn through the midline of the body to divide it into right and left sides, follows sagittal suture of skull
provide energy, involved in metabolism of the cell
mitral valve
flap of cusp between the left atrium and the left ventricle, also called bicuspid valve
muscle tissue
body tissue composed of fibers that produce movement
muscle tone
state of partial muscle contraction providing a state of readiness to act
lipid/fat covering on an axon in a neuron
membrane sheath around axon of myelinated nerve fibers
cannot touch each other
synapse- space between neurons that allows impulses to jump from axon to dendrite
this occurring is an impulse
basic structural unit of the nervous system
cell body- soma
nerve fibers
dendrites- carry impulses to from the soma
axon-carry impulses away from the soma
cannot reproduce- amitotic
phagocytize bacteria by secreting an enzyme called lysozyme
inside the nucleus
role in cell reproduction
RNA & protein synthesis
ribosomes made here
Olfactory receptors
sense of smell, sense it in liquid form
orbital cavity
eye socket
Order of large intestine
cecum, colon(ascending, transverse, Descending, sigmoid), rectum
organ of Corti
structure in the cochlea, organ of hearing
structures in the cytoplasm of a cell (nucleus, mitochondria…)
end of a muscle that does not move
female gonads/ endocrine glands that produce hormones and the female sex cell(ovum)
gland that is dorsal to the stomach, secretes pancreatic juices and insulin
paralysis of the lower half of the body
parasympathetic system
pulls you back down after fight-or-flight/adrenaline response
study of how disease occurs and the responses of living organisms to disease processes
pectoralis major
upper chest, adducts and flexes upper arm
pelvic cavity
pelvic cavity- sits in pelvic girdle- hip bones
reproductive organs, bladder, bit of colon
region between the anus and the vagina in a female and the scrotum and anus of a male
peripheral pulse sites
temporal(side of forehead), carotid(neck), Brachial(elbow crease), radial(inside of wrist), femoral(inner upper thigh), popliteal(behind knee), dorsalis pedis(top of foot arch)
pharyngeal tonsils
adenoid tonsils, in the nasopharynx(upper throat)
inflammation of a vein
the study of the processes or functions of living organisms
Pia Mater
layer of the meninges, thin, covers brain, everything the brain needs enters here
Pinocytic vesicle
pocket-like part of cell membrane
allows large proteins/ fats to enter cell
Thrombocytes, cell fragments that work to repair damaged areas
serous membrane that covers the lungs and lines the thoracic cavity
portion of the brainstem that connects the medullas oblongata and cerebellum to the upper portions of the brain, controls messages and reflex actions
toward the back, behind
closest to the point of attachment or area of reference
Pulmonary Valve
flap or cusp between the right ventricle of the heart and the pulmonary artery
opening or hole in the center of the iris, allows light to enter the eye
pyloric sphincter
valve that controls what leaves the stomach
quadriceps femoris
front of thigh, extends leg, injection site
paralysis below the neck, all four limbs
rectus abdominus
ribs to pubis(pelvis), compresses abdomen and flexes vertebral column
red marrow
soft tissue in the epiphysis of long bones, creates red blood cells
respiratory system
lungs and air passages
takes in oxygen and removes CO2
works continuously or death is in 10-12 minutes, brain damage usually after 4-6 minutes
sensory membrane that lines the eye and is the immediate instrument of vision
cones- color/day vision
rods- night/dark vision
right atrium
recieves blood as it returns from body cells
right ventricle
recieves blood from the right atrium and pumps the blood into the pulmonary artery where it goes to the lungs
risk factors hypertension
family history, race, obesity, stress, smoking, age, diet high in saturated fats
turning of a body part around its own axis
folds in the stomach and vagina that allow it to expand
salivary amylase
an enzyme in saliva(ptyalin), begins breakdown of food
salivary glands
glands of the mouth that secrete saliva, a digestive secretion
front of thigh, abducts thigh, flexes leg
outermost layer
maintains shape of the eye
whites of the eyes
cornea found in the front of it
double pouch containing the testes and epididymis in the male individual
semicircular canal
structures of the inner ear that are involved in maintaining balance and equilibrium
seminal vesicles
2 saclike structures behind the bladder and connected to the vas deferens in the male individual, secretes thick viscous fluid for semen
cavity or air space in the bone
skeletal muscle
attached to bones and causes movement
smooth muscle
visceral, found in the internal organs
skeletal system
made of organs called bones, adult has 206, serves as a framework for muscles, fat(adipose tissue), and skin
produces blood cells in red marrow
ends of long bones, flat bones
protects internal structures
Stores calcium, phosphorus, and adipose tissue
somatic system
carries messages between the central nervous system and the body
spinal cavity
holds the spinal cord
side of neck, turns and flexes head
structure of Fallopian tubes
5 inches long, attached to fundus of uterus, ends are just above ovaries w/ finger like projections called fimbriae- move ovum into Fallopian tube, cillia move the ovum down the tube to the uterus
above, on top of, higher than
sympathetic system
division of the ANS that allows the body to respond to emergencies and stress
joint with no movement, suture lines in skull
measurement of blood pressure during contraction of heart
fast or rapid heartbeat (100+ in adults)
strong, tough, fibrous connective-tissue cords
gonads or endocrine glands of the male system that are located in the scrotum of the male and produce sperm and male hormones
Thoracic cavity
thoracic cavity-heart, lungs, great vessels, protected by ribs, sternum, clavicle, and scapula
Thoracic vertebrae
after 7 cervical, next 12- thoracic vertebrae make up chest cavity where the ribs attach very protective of spinal cord T1-T12
platelets, required for clotting of blood, cell fragments
swelling of a vein caused by a blood clot
Tibialis Anterior
front of lower leg, flexes and inverts foot
Transverse plane
imaginary line dividing the body into top and bottom halves
upper back and neck, extends head, moves shoulder
Triceps brachii
upper arm, extends and adducts lower arm
Tricuspid valve
flap or cusp between the right atrium and the right ventricle of the heart
true ribs
1st seven pairs, attach directly to sternum
urinary system
excretory system, removes certain wastes and excess water from the body, maintains pH levels
Varicose veins
distended, swollen veins
vas deferens
ductus deferens, the tube that carries sperm and semen from the epididymis to the ejaculatory duct in the male body
blood vessel that carries blood to the heart
pertaining to the front, or anterior, part of the body, in front of
ventral cavity
anterior cavities
thoracic cavity-heart, lungs, great vessels, protected by ribs, sternum, clavicle, and scapula
abdominal cavity- begins at inferior surface of the diaphragm
stomach, liver, spleen, colon
different in that it is totally protected by muscle
pelvic cavity- sits in pelvic girdle- hip bones
reproductive organs, bladder, bit of colon
lower chambers of the heart
smallest type of vein, connects capillaries and veins
small space or cavity at the beginning of a canal
tiny projections from the surface of the small intestine, aid in nutrient absorption
voluntary muscles
muscles under your control (biceps, quads…)
ways to take temperature
oral(mouth), rectal(anus), axillary(armpit), aural(ear), temporal(forehead scan)
yellow marrow
soft fatty tissue in the diaphyses of long bones