Exam 3- Book Notes Flashcards
3 ingredients needed for fire
oxygen, fuel, heat
act or process of sucking up or in; taking in of nutrients
acetic spill clean up
remove ignition sources, use gloves- wipe up with paper towels
activity during a fire
remain calm- do not panic RACE R- rescue anyone in immediate danger A- Activate the alarm C- Contain/confine fire E- Extinguish
pathogens that need oxygen to survive
HIV- diagnosed 1982, didn’t know what it was until 1985-6ish
weakened immune system- opportunistic diseases more common
Amino Acids
basic component of proteins, 22 of them
pathogens that do not need oxygen
used to kill bacteria, some bacteria become resistant
enzymes or organic molecules; help protect the body from harmful chemicals called free radicals
aseptic control that inhibits, retards growth of, or kills pathogenic organisms; not effective against spores or viruses
being free from infection
autoclave is good for how long?
30 days
rod-shaped bacteria
basal metabolic rate
amount of energy needed to maintain life when the subject is at complete rest
best reservoir
warm, dark, moist
bile production
produced by the pancreas, contains enzymes that break down food chemically
bird flu
caused by a virus, H5N1, rare in people
bland diet
easily digested foods that do not irrtate the digestive tract- ulcers, colitis, digestive diseases
body fluids
reproductive, blood, saliva, mucosal fluids…
body mechanics
the way in which the body moves and maintains balance; proper body mechanics involves the most efficient use of all body parts
border of sterile field
2 inch area around sterile field- considered contaminated
broad base of support?
yes, shoulder-width
calorie controlled diet
LOW CALORIE used for patients who are overweight avoid or limit high-calorie diets HIGH CALORIE used for patients who are underweight, anorexia nervosa cancer hyperthyroidism want to increase muscle mass high protein diet
calories per essential nutrients
Carbohydrates and Proteins- 4 calories/gram
Fats- 9 calories/gram
chain of infection
infectious agent->resverior->portal of exit->modes->portal of entry-> host->infectious…..
chemical cleaning
used on instruments that do not penetrate skin, high alcohol content + bleach + formaldehyde + germicide
articles are submerged
chemical digestion
begins in the mouth with the saliva
helps break down starches and carbs
stomach- little bit of CL
small intestine- uses pancreatic juice
chemical disinfection
used on instruments that do not penetrate skin, high alcohol content + bleach + formaldehyde + germicide
articles are submerged
fatlike substance synthesized in the liver and found in body cells and animal fats
free from organisms causing disease
contact precautions
patients with epidemiologically(capable of spreading rapidly) diseases, private room, gloves, gown, regular disinfection of surroundings
contamination of health care worker
try to avoid, clothes are considered infected
containing infection or infectious organisms or germs
damaged equipment
do not use! dispose properly
define a N-95 or P-100
respirators, used in Airborne precautions
definition of organic compounds
any chemical compound containing carbon
diabetic diet
used with any type 1 or type 2 diabetic
Exchange lists are used to choose foods
cut carbs
avoid sugar-heavy foods
disaster policies
depend on the facility- tornado, earthquake…
physical and chemical breakdown of food by the body in preparation for absorption
diseases caused by virus
common cold, mumps, measles, chicken pox, herpes, warts, influenza, polio, HIV, West Nile, smallpox, bird flu, Hepatitis B & C
aseptic-control method that destroys pathogens but usually does not kill spores or viruses
dry heat cleaning
high temp for long period, good method for corrosive objects, no rubber goods
the study of the cause of a disease
electrical safety
do not use frayed or damaged electrical cords
cannot use multiple outlet thingies or extension cords
infection or disease originating within the body
applied science used to promote the safety and wellbeing of a person by adapting the environment and using techniques to prevent injuries
infection or disease originating outside or external to the body
fat-restricted diet
also called low-fat/cholesterol uses: gallbladder and liver disease obesity certain heart diseases
fire drill
practice in event of actual fire- follow real steps
forming of food habits
formed in childhood, often from family memers, hard/long process to change
group of simple plant-like animals that live on dead organic matter
glove usage
contact with blood, body fluids, secretions, extractions, mucous membranes, tissue specimens, nonintact skin
handling/cleaning contaminated objects
wash hands before and after
a virus spread by contact with rodents or their excretions
high calorie diet
used for patients who are underweight, anorexia nervosa cancer hyperthyroidism want to increase muscle mass high protein diet
high density lipoprotein
“good cholesterol”, remove bad cholesterol from the bloodstream
high protein diet
protein-rich foods- meats, fish, milk, cheese, eggs
children and adolescents for additional growth, pregnant or lactating women, surgery, burns, fevers, infections
hold the microorganism, usually human or animal
human energy comes from where?
absorbtion of nutrients measured in kilocalories- mostly carbohydrates and protiens
without recognizable cause- self-originating
importance of water
65% of body made of water properties of water- basic transporter anything/everything is transported in water universal solvent stable liquid 90% of plasma made of water natural lubricant
infectious agent
Bacteria- most numerous, single cell organism live in anything that provides nourishment e.g.- mersa superbugs- cannot be treated with antibiotics Viruses- living organisms, must be maintained within living environment, contain genetic material no treatment/ or VERY expensive cannot be replicated or studied HIV- diagnosed 1982, didn't know what it was until 1985-6ish Fungi- yeast infections immune suppressed patients thrush(white cottage cheese in gums and cheeks) mouth so sore they cant eat weight loss Rickettsiae- parasitic ticks, fleas Protozoa- living organisms bugs, amoeba,... Helminths- worms from untreated animals
lipids in body
maintain body temp
cushion major organs
allow you to absorb vitamins and minerals
low-cholesterol diet
restricts high in saturated fats
low-protein diet
limits food high in protein
low-residue diet
limits indigestibles, e.g. raw fruits and veggies
mechanical digestion
use of mastication(chewing)
Peristalsis- wave like contraction of smooth muscle
way things move down the esophagus-
lots of things use this movement
use of food nutrients by the body to produce energy
mode of transmission
way the pathogen is carried Direct Contact- infected host comes in contact with another individual Indirect- infected host comes in contact with an inanimate object- object comes in contact with another person Doorhandles, pencils, needles..... Air- common cold, flu... Vectors- insects, animals Vehicle- contaminated blood, food thats not cooked properly, un-purified water...
needle precautions
be careful, disposed unbroken in sharps container
needle stick Safety and Prevention Act
2000, Congress, identify and use effective and safer medical devices, incorporate changes in annual update of exposure control plan, maintain sharps injury log, solicit input from non managerial employees who are responsible for direct patient care
normal flora
normal microorganisms that keep the body working
pertaining to or originating in a health care facility such as a hospital
all body processes related to food; the body’s use of food for growth, development, and health
an infection that occurs when the body’s immune system cannot defend itself from pathogens normally found in the environment
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) – Division of the Department of Labor
OSHA regulations
Occupational Exposure to Hazardous Chemicals Standard
requires employers to inform employees of all chemicals and hazards in the workplace
Material Safety Data Sheet(MSDS)- hazardous products
specific information must be provided on the MSDS
training for employees
Bloodborne Pathogen Standard
condition in which bones become porous and brittle because of lack or loss of calcium, phosphorus and other minerals
parasitic microorganisms
PASS- Pull pin, Aim, Squeeze, Sweep
disease-producing organisms
portal of entry
same as Portal of Exit- way pathogen is carried out of body Skin- biggest portal of exit mucous membranes Respiratory- sneezing talking coughing breathing Digestive- reverse peristalsis- vomit saliva kissing bile stool Urine- Reproductive- semen vaginal fluids breast milk Blood
portal of exit
Portal of Exit- way pathogen is carried out of body Skin- biggest portal of exit mucous membranes Respiratory- sneezing talking coughing breathing Digestive- reverse peristalsis- vomit saliva kissing bile stool Urine- Reproductive- semen vaginal fluids breast milk Blood
PPE when and what do you wear?
contact with fluids, communicable diseases- gloves, gown, mask…
principles of body mechanics
good body mechanics prevents strain
muscles work best when used correctly
correct use of muscles makes lifting pulling and pushing easier
prevents unnecessary fatigue and saves energy
Prevents injury to self and others
microscopic, one-celled animals often found in decayed materials and contaminated water
R- rescue anyone in immediate danger
A- Activate the alarm
C- Contain/confine fire
E- Extinguish
reading labels on solutions
Three times….. just make sure its the right one
religion’s influence on diet
religious- Hinduism Jews- kosher Muslim- no alcohol fasts once a week geographical- some areas carry different lifestyle menus more easily than others
Reservoir- place that allows growth of pathogen Needs- Food requirements oxygen Aerobic- needs freestanding oxygen anaerobic- do not need oxygen much harder to treat water PH light or darkness Temperature
parasitic microorganisms that live on other living organisms- ticks, fleas…
risk factors associated with obesity
higher chance of heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes…
risk factors for nosocomial infections
longer you are in a health care setting- more likely
number of health care workers you come in contact with- more likely
number of invasive procedures
role of nutrition
Physical- carbs- short term(2hrs), protein- 4hrs, fats-6hrs Mental- "in the zone" good meal-positive mood swings Social- eating is "social" Emotional- bigger BMI- higher risk of suicide
safety glasses
procedures that may produce spashes or sprays of blood, body fluids, secretions, or excretions, cleaned and dininfected after
solution guidelines
read directions completely, check to make sure you have the correct solution, don’t touch with bare skin!, don’t mix!
sources of proteins
meat, nuts, milk, some vegetables
spiral and corkscrew shaped bacteria
stages of illness
incubation period- time from when the infectious agent enters body to first sign and symptoms no signs and symptoms prodromal- early signs and symptoms not specific full stage- all signs and symptoms present e.g.- spots in chicken pox convalescence- death/rehab/longterm care/getting better
standard precautions origins
1987 by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
steam cleaning
autoclave- steam forced downward around bundles
sterile field transfer
drop, mitten, transfer forceps- do not reach across field, do not allow field to become wet
sterile technique
ways to prevent contamination of sterile objects
ultrasonic cleaning
sound waves used to produce microscopic bubbles in cleaning solution, bubble explode onn contact with object(cavitation), not sterilization
vaccine for bioterrism
depends on agent used, first responders+ vaccinated first/ soldiers
living organisms, must be maintained within living environment, contain genetic material
no treatment/ or VERY expensive
cannot be replicated or studied
what are your strong muscle groups?
what are Cilia
hairlike projections, move food down digestive tract
Who do we use standard precautions on?
all patients!
what is Cocci?
spherical shaped bacterium