Exam 1- Book Notes Flashcards
Assault and Battery
Physical or verbal attack on another person; treatment or care given without proper consent, unlawfully touching another person without their consent
Any care that results in physical harm or pain, or mental anguish
Associates degree
Degree awarded by a vocational-tech school or community college after completion of 2 year course of study or equivalent
Treatment of diseases of the pulp, nerves, blood vessels, and roots of teeth
Doctor specializing in alignment and straightening of teeth
Treatment and prevention of diseases of the gums, bone, and structures of the teeth
Doctor(dentist) specializing in periodontics
Dental hygienist
Perform preliminary exams of teeth and mouth, clean teeth, and other preventative and therapeutic services
Dental laboratory technician
Make and repair dental prostheses(dentures, crowns)
Emergency medical technician
Provide emergency, prehospital care to victims of accidents, injuries or sudden illnesses
Physician’s assistant
Take medical histories, perform routine physical exams and basic diagnostic tests, treat minor injuries, prescribe and administer treatments
Diseases of heart and blood vessels
Diseases of the skin
Diseases of the endocrine glands
Diseases and disorders of the stomach and intestines
Diseases of elderly individuals
Diseases of the female reproductive organs
Diseases of the internal organs(heart, lungs, glands intestines, kidneys)
Disorders of the brain and nervous system
Diagnosis and treatment of tumors(cancer)
Diseases and disorders of the eye
Diseases and disorders of the muscles and bones
Diagnose disease by studying changes in organs tissues and cells
Diseases and disorders of children
Diseases of the lower part of the large intestine
Use of x-rays and radiation to diagnose and treat disease
Studies human behavior and uses this knowledge to help individuals deal with everyday behaviors
Social workers, aid people who have difficulty coping with problems by helping them make adjustments in their lives and/or referring them to community resources
Genetic counselor
Provide information to individuals and families on genetic diseases or inherited conditions. Research risk for diseases and birth defects, perform screening tests,identify options and help individuals cope with psychological issues caused by genetic diseases
Licensed practical/vocational nurse
Provide patient care requiring technical knowledge but not to the level of RNs
Geriatric assistant
Additional education to provide care for the elderly in work environments such as extended care, nursing homes, ect.
Manage food service systems, asses patients nutritional needs, plan menus, teach proper nutrition and special diets, research nutrition needs and develop recommendations, purchase food and equipment, enforce sanitary and safety rules, supervise personnel
Occupational therapist
Help people with physical, mental, or emotional disabilities to overcome, correct, or adjust their particular problems
Dispense medications per written orders from physicians, dentists and health care providers, provide info on drugs and correct ways to use them, order and dispense supplies such as surgical and sickroom, ensure drug compatibility, maintain records on medicines dispensed, asses plan and monitor drug use
Physical therapist
Provide treatment to improve mobility and prevent or limit disability of patients with disabling joint, bone, muscle, or nerve injuries or diseases
Recreational therapist
Use recreational and leisure activities as forms of treatment to minimize patients symptoms and improve physical, emotional and mental well being.
Specializes in diagnosis and treatment of hearing disorders
Bachelor’s degree
Degree awarded by college or university after a person has completed four years of study or its equivalent
Able, capable
Not to be shared or told, to be held in confidence, kept to oneself
An agreement between two or more persons
Slander or libel, a false statement that causes ridicule or damage to a reputation
Capable of being relied on, trustworthy
Degree, completion of study beyond a bachelors or masters
Identifying with a persons feelings but being unable to change or solve the situation
Individual who organizes, manages, and assumes the risk of a business
Principles of right or good conduct
False imprisonment
Restraining an individual or restricting and individuals freedom
Informed consent
Permission granted voluntarily by a person who is of sound mind and aware of all factors involved
Integrated care
Form of health care that uses both mainstream medical treatments and complementary and alternative therapies to treat a patient
Invasion of privacy
Revealing personal information about an individual without his or her consent
False written statement that causes a person ridicule or contempt or causes damage to the persons reputation
Living will
Legal document stating a persons desires on what measures should or should not be taken to prolong life when his or her condition is terminal
Providing improper or unprofessional treatment or care that results in injury to another person
Masters degree
One or more years beyond a bachelors degree
Failure to give care that is normally expected resulting in injury to another person
Venipuncture technician, collects blood and prepares it for tests
Ability to begin or follow through with a task without the assistance of others
Spoken comment that causes a person ridicule or contempt or damages the person’s reputation
Able to do or say the correct thing, thoughtful
Level of proficiency usually requiring a 2 yr associates degree or 3-4 yrs of on the job training
Class of expertise in health field, 3-4yrs of college plus experience
Wrongful or illegal act of civil law not involving a contract
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
Set of federal regulations adopted to protect the confidentiality of patient information and the ability to retain health insurance coverage
Clara Barton
Founded the American Red Cross in 1881
Speech-language therapist
Identify, evaluate, and treat patients with speech and language disorders. Help patients communicate and cope with problems
Athletic trainer
Prevent and treat athletic injuries and provide rehabilitative services
Dialysis technician
Renal dialysis tech, hemodialysis tech, nephrology tech, operate kidney hemodialysis machines used to treat patients with limited or no kidney function, patient monitoring, emotional support, teach nutrition needs
Extracorporeal circulation tech, member of open heart surgery teams and operate the heart-lung machines used in coronary bypass surgery( monitor vitals, administers blood products and anesthesia, induces hypothermia, returns circulation to normal)
Electrocardiograph technician
Operate electrocardiograph machines
Electroencephalograph technologist
Operates an electroencephalograph (diagnose and evaluate diseases and disorders of the brain)
Medical clinical laboratory technologist
Study tissues, fluids, and cells of the human body to help determine presence or cause of disease
Health information administrators
Plan, supervise, direct and coordinate delivery of health care and manage the care of facilities
Medical illustrator
Produce diagrams , charts, graphs, and illustrations for textbooks, journals, magazines and exhibits
Medical translator
Convert one language to another in written material
Biomedical engineer
Combine knowledge of engineering with knowledge of biology and biomechanical principles to assist in the operation of health care facilities
Biomedical equipment technicians
Work with machines used to diagnose, treat and monitor patients. Install, test, service, repair equipment
Central/sterile supply workers
Order, maintain, and supply all equipment and supplies used by departments. Sterilize, maintain, inventory materials.
Identify and track diseases, determine risk factors, develop methods to prevent or control diseases
460-377 bc. “Father of Medicine” made the Hippocratic Oath
Anton van Leewenhoek
(1632-1723) “father of microbiology” refined the microscope, discovered bacteria
Birth control pills
contains hormones to change the way the body works and prevent pregnancy
Rene Laennec
(1781-1826) invented the stethoscope
Florence Nightingale
(1820-1910) started Nightingale Training School for nurses, trained nurses, improved medical care
Louis Pasteur
1822-1895) developed pasteurization, studied microorganisms, improved sanitation
A dynamic state in which an individual adapts to changes in their external and internal environments so that they maintain a state of well being in all dimensions
And abnormal process which leads to decreased functioning or impairment in one or more dimensions as compared to previous state
Levels of health care
Acute, chronic/long term, primary, specialized care, inpatient care
emotional wellness
Understanding personal feelings and expressing them appropriately, accepting limitations, adjusting to change, coping with stress
Social wellness
Showing concern, fairness, affection, respect, communicating and interacting well with others, sharing ideas and thoughts
Spiritual wellness
Using values, ethics, and morals to find meaning direction and purpose to life
Stages of illness
1- something is wrong/changed 2- assumption of sick role 3- medical care contact 4- dependent patient role 5- recovery, rehab, death
Behaviors associated with wellness
Exercise, good nutrition, weight control, healthy living habits
Elizabeth Blackwell
First woman physician in the US
Doctor who specializes in diseases and disorders of the elderly
Feeling sorry for someone but not relating
Rehabilitative hospital
Provide care to help patients with physical and mental disabilities obtain maximum self-care and function
Professional characteristics
Empathy,honesty, dependability, willing to learn, patience, enthusiasm, self motivation, tact, competence, responsibility, discretion, team player
Team player
Work well with others
Ancient Romans added what
Built sewers to carry away waste, aqueducts for clean water, sanitation laws, drained swamps, first hospitals
Small pox vaccine
1796- Edward Jenner
Dorothea Dix
1802-1887) superintendent of female nurses of the army in 1861
International Red Cross founded 1863
Joseph Lister
Started using disenfectants and antiseptics during surgery
Who initiated nursing education
Florence Nightingale
Gabriel Fahrenheit
1st mercury thermometer
Verbal abuse
Speaking harshly, swearing or shouting, using inappropriate words about race or nationality, written threats, abusive statements
Sir Alexander Flemming
1928- discovered penicillin
William Roentgen
1895- discovered X-rays
William Harvey
Described the circulation of blood to and from the heart
Polio Vaccine
Discovered by Jonas Salk, 1952
Robert Koch
Developed culture plate method to identify pathogens, “Father of Microbiology”
Joseph Priestly
1774, discovered oxygen
Marie Curie
Isolated radium in 1910
Christian Barnard
1967- first successful human-to-human heart transplant
First test tube baby
Louise Brown, England, 1978
Intellectual wellness
Creative, logical, curious, open minded, common sense, continual learning, flexibility
Mental wellness
Creative, logical, curious, open minded, common sense, continual learning, flexibility
Pediatric hospital
Specializes in children, must be under a certain age
Orthopedic hospital
Specializes in bone and joint procedures and care
Oncology hospital
Hospital specializing in cancer treatment
When was AIDs identified
Kidney transplant
1954 by Joseph Murray
Five dimensions of humans
Spiritual, mental, social, emotional, physical
Objective data
Not influenced by personal feelings, interpretations, or predjudice
Subjective data
Data influenced by personal feelings and ideas
Process by which a government agency authorizes individuals to work in a given occupation
Person who acts as an assistant
Definition of health care
the maintenance and improvement of physical and mental health, esp. through the provision of medical services.
Homeopathic care
Homeopathy is a natural medicine for treating and/or curing disease based on the administration of small doses of substances can cure an illness
Sigmund Freud
Studies formed basis of psychology and psychiatry
Protecting the individual from actual or potential threat
Help the individual maintain or enhance present level of health
having or showing the skill appropriate to a professional person; competent or skillful.
Continuing educational units
A continuing education unit (CEU) or continuing education credit (CEC) is a measure used in continuing education programs, particularly those required in a licensed profession, in order for the professional to maintain the license.
NHCSS stands for
National Health Care Skill Standards ( indicate knowledge and skills expected of health care workers)