Intro Flashcards
How common is persuasion?
- Estimates suggest that the average person is exposed to anywhere from 300 – 3000 messages per day
- Persuasion is a large part of many professions
Why study social influence and persuasion? 4 benefits
- Instrumental function - become a better persuader
- Knowledge and Awareness - knowledge is power
- Defensive function - less likely to be taken in
- Debunking function - dispelling myths about persuasion
Criticism of Persuasion
Learning about persuasion fosters manipulation
What criteria could you use to define persuasion? (4 problems) And there flaws We might be eliminating things that there worth study
• Unintentional influencers?
• People might not know what outcome they are seeking
• Unintended receivers?
• Stated versus actual intent
• Persuasion as product
• Source → Receiver
• Difficult to measure persuasive effects
• Theshhold? Boomerangs?
Free Will and Conscious Awareness
• Persuasion is not coercive?
• On a continuum
Interpersonal v Interpersonal
Working Definition of Persuasion
Persuasion involves one of more persons who are engaged in the activity of creating, reinforcing, modifying, or extinguishing beliefs, attitudes, intentions, motivations, and/or behaviors with the constraints of a given communication context (Seiter & Gass, 2007)
Cialdini’s view
We need short cuts (stereo types, rules of thumbs)
Langer’s research on mindlessness (1978)
“Excuse me. I have five pages. May I use the Xerox machine?” “Excuse me. I have five pages. May I use the Xerox machine because I’m in a rush?” “Excuse me. I have five pages. May I use the Xerox machine because I have to make some copies?” “Because” is the magic word
Dual Process Models
Elaboration Likelihood Model of persuasion (Petty & Cacioppo, 1986) Heuristic Systematic Model of Persuasion (Chaiken, 1980)
Elaboration Likelihood Model of persuasion (Petty & Cacioppo, 1986)
Is a dual process theory of how attitudes are formed and changed. The model examines how an argument’s position on the “elaboration continuum”, from processing and evaluating (high elaboration) to peripheral issues such as source expertise or attractiveness (low elaboration), shapes its persuasiveness. 2 routes to persuasion:
- Central
- Peripheral (peripheral cues)
Which route we take depends on motivation and ability.
Comprehensive Exams Experiment (Petty et al., 1981)
What is more important: source or the message itself?
- Students heard a speech proposing that all senior students should be required to take exams before they graduate
- Manipulated expertise: high school student or Princeton Professor
- Manipulated quality of arguments: weak or strong
- Manipulated personal relevance: this would happen the following year or 10 years from now
The Motivation to Pay Attention to the Arguments
- personal relevance of the topic
- Need for Cognition - A personality variable reflecting the extent to which people engage in and enjoy effortful cognitive activities.
The Ability to Pay Attention to the Arguments
When people are unable to pay close attention to the arguments, they are swayed more by peripheral cues.
- Distraction
- Difficulty of message to understand (e.g., use of jargon)
- Time constraints
- Mood – good mood: Peripheral, bad mood: Central
Jewelry Store Story
Friend who recently opened an Indian jewelry store called him and was giddy Turquoise jewelry was not selling even though it was tourist season and her shop was full The quality was good for what she was asking She tried centralizing the display and getting her staff to push the sales She went out of town and wrote a staff saying that they should ½ the jewelry but they thought that meant to double the price. The Jewelry sold much better WHY: The lack of knowledge about jewelry on the part of the tourists caused them to act on the expensive=better stereo type This is an example of the Click, Whirr principle.
Necklace for the fiancée story
Jeweller was going to give a friend a deal on a $500 necklace so he told his friend it was 250 his friend thought that was too cheap for his fiancée. A few days later jeweller calls friend back and shows him a necklace for 500, his friend wanted it. Jeweller said as a wedding gift he would sell it to him for 250, the friend was happy.
Mother turkeys story
Turkeys are good mothers to the chicks who “cheep-cheep”. But if they don’t then the mother will ignore or even kill the chick. “Extreme reliance on the sound” makes them mother a polcat instead of viciously attack. (moral of the story: we work on instinct)
Click, Whirr
Tape recorder metaphor Click: the appropriate tape is activated Whirr: rolls out the appropriate set of behavior
Fixed-action pattern
Intricate sequence of behavior that occur in the same fashion over and over (automatic behavior) Sometimes this is beneficial for survival
Trigger Feature
A specific feature of something that is the cause for activating the activates the fixed-action pattern or Click, Whirr response. For example the colour of the feathers on a bird
Judgmental heuristics
Short cuts that allow for simplified thinking that works well most of the time but leaves us open to occasional costly mistakes.
Controlled responding
To react on the basis of thorough understanding of all relevant information
People will use controlled responding when?
They have the desire and ability to do so
WW2 Plane crash story
Accident investigators noticed that often errors made by the captain that were not corrected by the other crew led to crashes. Famous general had a new co-pilot who lifted wheels too early because he thought the general signaled him to when he was really just singing and bobbing his head to a song he was thinking about
Creatures who copy the trigger of another animal to trick them in to “playing their behavior tapes” at the wrong time. For example fire flies
Tailor shop story
When men are trying on three piece suits one tailor would ask the other how much the suit cost. The first tailor would pretend to mishear and quote a lower price. The customer would think they were being sneaky and buy the suit before they figured out the mistake.
Jujitsu analogy
In jujitsu someone can take down a bigger opponent by knowing how to use leverage, gravity and momentum to their advantage. A Profiteer of persuasion could use little personal force to manipulate without the appearance of manipulation.
Three pails of water
A student sits in front of three pails of water. Hot, cold, and room temp. They put one hand in the hot and the other in the cold. They are told to put both hands in the room tempeture pail at the same time. The hands feel different even though the water is the same. An story of perceptual contrast
You need to sell an expensive idem and a cheaper one to the same customer, what do you sell first? What principal is at play?
Expensive perceptual contrast
The college letter is an example of…
perceptual contrast
Real estate agents showing bad house first is an example of…
perceptual contrast
Selling a car before suggesting add on’s is an example of…
perceptual contrast
Overbooked flight try’s to get people to change flights by offering vouchers. The flight attendant made a joke that the voucher was $10 000 to make people laugh. It made people laugh but then she had a hard time convincing people to take the real voucher deal of $200. What was her mistake
perceptual contrast
What are fixed-action patterns among animals? How are they similar and different from what happens in humans?
Intricate sequence of behavior that occur in the same fashion over and over (automatic behavior) Sometimes this is beneficial for survival Mother turkeys
What makes automatic responding in humans so attractive? So dangerous?
It provides us with a short cut. If we had to think about everything then we would be cognitively overloaded. We can be tricked.
Why did people give 37 more than a quarter?
Pique Technique
Pique Technique
Rather than make a standard request for something, make an unusual request that leads people to wonder why you are making that particular request (and hence pay attention to you).
Why does the pique technique work?
Making a novel request creates surprise, breaking the person out of their schema and forces them pay attention, thinking further about your request in a central processing fashion. The novelty in the request piques their interest (hence the name of the technique).
Heuristic Systematic Model of Persuasion (Chaiken, 1980) Aka dual process theory
This attempts to explain how people receive and process persuasive messages. The model states that individuals can process messages in one of two ways: heuristically or systematically. The guiding belief with this model is that individuals are more apt to minimize their use of cognitive resources thus affecting the intake and processing of messages. Provides an account of how a phenomenon can occur in two different ways, or as a result of two different processes. Often, the two processes consist of an implicit (automatic), unconscious process and an explicit (controlled), conscious process.
peripheral cues
Source Expertise
Liking Environment
Body movement • Head nodding versus shaking (Wells & Petty, 1980) • Arm stretching versus flexing (Cacioppo et al., 1993) • nodding
Which is longer lasting, Peripheral /Automatic or central/controlled processes in persuasion?
Central or controlled
If you wanted to sell someone something would you use the central or peripheral route?
3 Self Goles that infuence how we act
- Goal of maintaining a positive self concept
- Goal of Affiliation and liking
- Goal of accuracy