Commitment and Consistency Flashcards
Goal of Maintaining a
Positive Self-Concept
- People have a strong need to enhance their self-concepts by behaving consistently with their actions, statements, commitments, beliefs, and self-ascribed traits
- Forms the basis of much compliance research
Sources of Consistency Pressure for Maintaining a
Positive Self-Concept
- Personal consistency valued by society
- Beneficial approach to life
- It is easier to be consistent (mental shortcut)
Foot-in-the-door technique (FITD)
• Before making the target request, begin by getting compliance with a very small request.
Freedman and Fraser (1966) “housewives” study
Two conditions:
• Foot-in-the-door condition : one group was first asked a small request: Would you be willing to put this small sign in favour of safe driving in your window? “Be a safe driver” 2 weeks later, an experimenter returned to the homes with a large request: Would you put this sign on your lawn? “drive carefully”
• Control condition: a second group was only approached with the large request
• Control condition: 17%
• FITD condition: 76%
How does the FITD work?
• Self-perception theory
- people infer their attitudes by observing their own behavior
• Compliance with the initial request produces a change in how people see themselves
- see themselves as people who are in favour of safe driving (specific)
- see themselves as helpful people (broad)
• Self-perception is at least partly, but not totally responsible for the FITD effect
• Participants must also have the motivation to be consistent
• The exact nature of self-inferences is not known
- General dispositions? Actions? Attitudes toward relevant issues?
- Other factors probably play a role
Evidence for self-perception theory as the process behind the FITD technique.
• If people are paid for the first act of compliance, it doesn’t work
• If people are not motivated to be consistent with their self-images, it doesn’t work
- e.g., Preference for Consistency scale
Evidence against self-perception as the possess behind the FITD technique
Researchers never directly measured whether self perceptions changed
Goarassini & Olson (1995)
FITD Study
- Used private compliance as a dependent variable
- Measured self-perceptions of helpfulness
- FITD did produce change in self-perception, but this self-perception did not predict compliance
Burger & Caldwell (2003)
“self-rated helpfulness” Study
Found that self-rated helpfulness did mediate the relationship
Low-ball technique
gain compliance with request, later reveal hidden costs
• e.g., car salesperson, Credit card companies
7 am Study
Low-ball experiment
- Cialdini et al. (1978)
- Introductory psychology students were contacted and asked to take part in a study “on thinking processes”
- After they agreed, participants were told the study started at 7:00 a.m.
- Another group of participants was told up-front about 7:00 a.m.
Conserving Energy
Low-ball experiment
control condition
• People who used natural gas for their homes where interviewed and given some tips to conserve energy. They all agreed to try.
• There was no differences in saving at the end of the winter
Experimental condition
• Same as control but with the addition of having their names publicised for their commitment.
• They saved lots of gas
• Then they got a letter saying that it is not possible to put their name in the paper
• The home owners continued to conserve energy anyway
Why does the Low-ball tactic work?
Commitment and consistency
• illusion of irrevocability
• sense of obligation toward the requester
Low-ball technique
Commitment to task or commitment to the person?
- Low-balling works better when the it is the same person who reveals hidden costs, rather than another person
- Suggests that commitment to the person is at least part of why low-balling works
Implications of Commitment & Consistency
The more effort we put into something, the more we will need to justify that effort
Aronson & Mills, 1959
Commitment & Consistency Sex Discussion
• Subjects volunteered to participate in a series of group discussions on the psychology of sex
• Randomly assigned to severe, moderate, or mild initiations
- Mild: Can you discuss sex freely?
- Moderate and Severe conditions: read these index cards while experimenter rates your embarrassment
- Moderate: sex-related words (e.g., prostitute, virgin)
- Severe: obscene words (e.g. fuck, cock)
• After they
- Listened to group discussion (taped)
- Or Extremely boring discussion
• Rated attitudes toward the group discussion and other participants
The Severe condition was more likely to rate the discussion and intesting and thing that it was worth it.