Intrinsic laryngeal muscles Flashcards
Adduction and increasing tension of vocal cords
Constriction of laryngeal vestibule
Shortening (reduced tension) and adduction of vocal cords
Thyroarytenoids and vocalis
Closing of posterior commissure of the glottis causing vocal cord narrowing
Interarytenoids (transverse and oblique)
Adduction and lengthening of arytenoids causing glottis closure
Lateral cricoarytenoids
Abduction of vocal cords
Posterior cricoarytenoids
Innervation of intrinsic laryngeal muscles (except for one)
Recurrent laryngeal nerve
Innervation of cricothyroid muscle
Superior laryngeal nerve (external branch)
Supraglottic region of larynx
Superior laryngeal artery
Intraglottic region of larynx
Inferior laryngeal artery
Sensory input to hypopharynx above vocal cords
Superior laryngeal nerve (Internal branch)
Branch of Vagus n.
Motor function of cricothyroid muscle of larynx
Superior laryngeal nerve (External branch)
Branch of Vagus n.
Sensory information to subglottic area and trachea
Recurrent laryngeal nerve
Branch of Vagus n.
Motor function of internal laryngeal muscles (except cricothyroid)
Recurrent laryngeal nerve
Branch of Vagus n.
Innervation of pharynx, larynx, soft palate
Glossopharyngeal (CN IX)
Vagus (CN X)
Spinal Accessory (CN XI)
Afferent (sensory) innervation of larynx/phyarynx
Efferent (motor) innervation of larynx/pharynx
Vagus n.—->gag reflex