Intestinal pathology practical Flashcards
Pathophysiology of IBD/lymphoplasmacytic enteropathy
SI mucosa infiltration –> progressive villous atrophy, maladsorption and PLE –> progressive weight loss and ascites secondary to hypoalbuminaemia
Gross and microscopic appearance - MAP/Johne’s. Stain?
- Prominent intestinal mucosal folds
- macrophages (mostly) and lymphocytes)
- shown using ZN stain as MAP is acid fast within macrophage cytoplasm
Define leiomyoma. Malignant? Location? Spp? prognosis?
Tumour of smooth muscle cell origin
Benign - leiomyosarcomas are malignanat
-Can occur anywhere in stomach (obstructive if near pylorus)
-dogs mainly
-good prognosis, often an incidental finding in older dogs
Intussusception - causes - 4
Anything causing increased peristalsis (parvovirus, parasite or bacterial infection). Also intestinal FB.
Lesions of grass sickness/equine dysautonomia - 4
- Caecal impaction (autonomic nerves have degenerated so much reduced motility)
- linear ulceration of lower oesophagus
- gastric distension (with/out rupture along the greater curvature)
- dilated SI with watery ingesta
Other species that can get grass sickness - 2. Other names?
Hares Cats (Key-Gaskell syndrome/Feline dysautonomia/Feline Autonomic Polygangioneuropathy)
What type of virus is FIP?
2 main types of FIP?
wet effusive or dry non-effusive
Tissues affected in FIP? 5
- serosa
- pleura
- meninges
- retinas
- pericardium
Location of autonomic nerve plexi in the intestines - 2
in the submuscosa and also between the two muscle layers (i.e. the muscularis externa)
Cyathostomes - another name
small strongyles
Why do cyathostomes cause disease in horses?
Synchronous emergence from intestinal walls results in a PLE. Often concurrent clinical biochemistry reveals low plasma protein levels and enzyme evidence of muscle breakdown.
Appearance - cyathostomes in intestines
Numerous dark nodules over the mucosal surface