Diarrhoea in foal - additional notes Flashcards
Cause of foal heat diarrhoea?
unidentified, may be dietary changes or changes in GI function
Age a foal gets foal heat diarrhoea
Cause of foal viral diarrhoea? age?
rotavirus usually (rarely but possibly adeno, corona, parvo) less than 2 months
Diagnosis - viral diarrhoea
faecal ELISA, latex agglutination, EM
Age of foal with salmonellosis
all ages but under 14d may get bacteraemia/sepsis without diarrhoea
Diagnosis - salmonelloisis
faecal/blood culture. Need serial faecal cultures (3-5) as organism is shed intermittently in faeces and can be ahrd to culture. culture SF etc if other body systems affected. PCR may be more sensitive
Treatment - salmonellosis - 2
supportive and broad-specturm ABs (base on culture and sensitivity). ISOLATE (zoonotic)
Clostridial diarrhoea - causes
C.perfringens or difficile
Age of foal with clostridial disease?
24-48 hours, can be seen in older foals
Diagnosis - clostridial diarrhoea
faecal culture - selective medium may be required.
toxins in faeces - ELISA
Gram stain of faeces - gram positive (purple) rods)
Treatment - clostridial diarrhoea - 2
broad spectrum ABs (including metronidazole)
Aetiologic agent - proliferative enteropathy
Lawsonia intracellularis
Age of foal with proliferative enteropathy
weanlings (6-12months)
Diagnosis of proliferative enteropathy - 4
- Clinical signs in weanlings (depression, rapid weight loss, ventral oedema, diarrhoea, colic +/- resp disease).
- Faecal PCR
- Serology
- Abdominal ultrasound - thick SI
Treatment - proliferative enteropathy
AB (erythromycin +/- rifampin)
Others - doxycycline, OTC, penicillins, chloramphenicol
Supportive care - often IV plasma needed
Proliferative enteropathy disease incidence
Not in UK
Cause of rhodoococcal diarrhoea? Type of bacteria?
Rhodococcus equi - gram positive coccobacilli, intracellular
Age of foal with rhodococcal diarrhoea?
2-6 months
Diagnosis - rhodococcal diarrhoea - 3
- Pneumonia - culture organism from resp sectretion
- Thoracic radiograph/ultrasound
- Abdominal ultrasound - may see abscess
Treatment - rhodococcal diarrhoea
Eryhthromycin (azithromycin/calrythromycin) + rifampin
Cause of protozoal diarrhoea? Age of foal?
Cryptosporidium spp
usually pre-weaning (foal may not have diarrhoea)
CARE = zoonotic!
Diagnosis - protozoal diarrhoea - 2
Detect faecal oocysts, direct immunofluorescence staining
Cause - parasitic diarrhoea - 2
Strongyloides westeri (young foals via mulk) /vulgaris (older than 2 weeks)
Clinical signs - parasitic diarrhoea
S.westeria - none to mild diarrhoea
S. vulgaris - colic, diarrhoea