Interviews Flashcards
What are the different types of interviews?
- Structured
- Semi- structured
- Unstructured
What is a semi-structured interview?
A set of questions but can be varied and expanded upon.
A mixture of open and closed questions
What is an unstructured interview?
- No predetermined questions
- Allows interviewer to follow the natural progression of the conversation
- Importantly, can ask follow up questions
What is a structured interview?
Structured interviews involve preset questions asked in a particular order
A set format of standardies questions
They’re the same for everyon
Can be face to face or over the phone
Describe one strength of using structured interviews?
A strength is that structured interviews require less interviewing skill
This is because everything is set out ahead of time and therfore requires less skill
Describe one weakness of using structured interviews?
Different questions in a structured interview may be interpreted in different ways by different ppts therefore reducing reliability of results
Describe one strength of using semi-structure interviews?
A strength of using a semi-structures interviews is that more detailed information can be gathered
This is beacuse questions can be used to elaborate on anwers in semi-structured interviews
Describe one weakness of using semi-structure interviews?
A weakness of using semi-structured interviews is that the findings are harder to analyse.
This is because each ppt may have been asked different questions.
Describe one strength of using an interview?
A strength is that interviews are high in validity.
This is because the information comes directly from the person being interviewed.
Describe one weakness of using an interview?
A weakness is that interviews lack reliability.
This is because the reliability may be affected by the interviewer behaving differently on different occasions.
Describe one strength of using unstructured interviews
A strength of using unstructured interviews is that more in depth information can be collected.
This is because unstructured interviews collect qualitive data
Describe one weakness of using unstructured interviews
A weakness of using unstructured interviews is that interviewer bias may be an issue
Leading questions
This is because the interviewer is making up the questions on the spot
What is an open ended questions?
They give ppts freedom in their answer. They are difficlt to compare and categorise and less useful when trying to quantify information. However, they give more depth and detail which is useful when exploring people’s feelings
Allow ppts to give a free form text asnwer
What is a closed question?
Require one clear-cut answer. The answers are easy to interpret and produce quantitative data
They restrict ppt to one of a limited set of possible answers
How are interviews different from a questionaire?
Social interaction
Researchers need training
What should you consider about an interviewer?
- Gender and age: This can have a big effect on respondents asnwers, particulary on personal issues
- Personal characteristics: Some people are easier to get on with than others. Also, the accent and appearance might have an effect
- Ethnicity: People have difficult interviewing people from a different ethnic group
What is the reliability and validity like in a structured interview?
- Reliablility is high as they are easy to replicate as they use the same closed questions and easy to quantify
- Low validity as new questions cannot be asked impromptu so may not find out the causation
What is the reliability and validity like in a unstructured interview?
- Reliability is low as questions are not standerdised
- Validity is high as they are more felxible when asking questions so can explore more relevant areas
What study uses clinical interviews?
How does the interviews in Golstein make her results more reliable?
It standerdises it
The interviewers used a specific set of questions in each of the clinical interviews with the sz patients ot measure their symptoms.
So incresing the reliability as we get consistent collection of data about the sz symptoms