Interventions and Public Health Flashcards
Types of public health intervention
Prevention interventions
* Universal: aimed at everyone
* Selective: aimed at groups who may be particularly at risk
* Indicated: aimed at people already showing early signs or symptoms
Out of the types of intervention, what is public healthy most like?
Universal as more elements of being selective
What forms can Public health campaigns take?
Changes in policy
Changes in law
Public health campaigns
Advantages of Public Health Campaigns
- Reaches lots of people
- Changing social norms
- More targeted campaigns may miss people
- Can be backed up by laws,
policy etc.
Disadvantages of Public Health Campaigns
- Difficult to measure the effectiveness
- Does it really reach everyone equally?
- Difficult to change behaviour
– Not individualised
– Does education work?
– Does fear arousal work? - Expensive
The role of psychology in all of this?
Public Health interventions to change behaviour
More knowledge prevents risks
Higher physical or interpersonal skills
Changing attitudes and motivations
Changing beliefs and perceptions
Influencing social norms
NHS Health Development Agency (2004)
theoretical models in developing interventions
-Intervening at multiple levels when appropriate
- Providing alternative choices and risk reduction rather than simply telling people not to do something
Targeted and tailored, making use of needs assessment or formative research
Theory of the planned behaviour linked to importance of social norms
(Ajzen, 1991)
core variables (attitude, subjective norms, and perceived behavioural control) shape an individual’s intentions regarding whether or not to engage in a certain behaviour or not.
behavioural intentions most likely to determine whether we actually do engage in behaviour
Factors which impact on whether behaviour will be changed include perceptions of individuals of whether valued other think i should perform the behaviour and as my own motivation to comply with belief of others
Theory of Normative Social Behaviour linked to importance of social norms
(Rimal and Real, 2005)
Behaviour can change via normative mechanisms like descriptive norms and injunctive norms
Descriptive norms
An individuals belief about prevalence of behaviour
Injunctive norms
An individual’s belief about what they feel they should do based on others expectations
Evidence of theory of Normative Social Behaviour linked to importance of social norms
Seat belts (The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents)
* 1970s: first TV commercials BUT no substantial increase in seat belt wearing
* 1983: compulsory for drivers and passengers to wear seat belts for a three-year trial period.
* 1986: Both Houses of Parliament vote overwhelmingly in favour of the requirement to wear seat belts becoming permanent at end of 3 year period
1987: cars having rear seatbelts becomes compulsory
* 2000: Think! Was officially established as the governments road safety campaign
Is it all good with seat belt campaign?
- Low seat-belt wearing rates (Dept of Transport, 2008):
– Young men, and men in general
– Rear-seat passengers
– Goods vehicle and company car drivers
– Journeys taken late at night or early in the morning
– People driving in urban areas with relatively low speed limits.
Department of Transport data–à% people died in road traffic accidents and not wearing seat belts rising from 19% to 27%
Young people still leading to lower seat belt wearing
What was the seat belt campaign informed with?
Informed by psychology and epidemiology
epidemiology? Research into the distribution (e.g. frequency or pattern) and causes of health-related states and events (not just diseases) in different populations. Many psychologists conduct epidemiological research.
What are the Psychological principles at work?
– Emotive
– Social norms
– Targeting
Evaluating Public Health Campaigns road safety
– Increase in the proportion of both front and rear seat passengers who said they did not always wear a seatbelt.
– No change from pre-campaign baseline in the proportion of drivers who said they did not always wear a seatbelt when driving.
What are the Confounding variables of campaign?
outside influence which may alter the relationship between the variables you are trying to look at in your research.
– increases in some beliefs of the dangerousness of not wearing a seatbelt
– Decreases in other areas AND more adults saying that they didn’t always wear their seatbelt