Interpretation of Lung Function Test Flashcards
What are the pre-requisites for valid lung function test result?
- Volume time curve reaches plateau and expiration lasts at least 6s
- Results of the two best efforts (FEV1 and FVC) are within 0.2 L of each other
- flow-volume loops are free of artifacts and abnormalities
P/S: flattened flow-volume loops:
- submaximal effort
- central or upper airway obstruction
What are the steps to interpret lung function test?
A. Obstructive or restrictive pattern
- FEV1/FVC ratio
- FVC value
- Adjuncts: TLV, RV
B. Grading severity - ATS system or GOLD criteria
C. Obstructive reversibility
- Bronchodilators increases > 12% and/or 200mL
D. DLCO (or TLCO) - rate of gas diffusion from alveoli into blood (tested with carbon monoxide)
E. Transfer coefficient (KCO) - correction for lung volume with age
F. Bronchoprovocation
- Methacholine challenge
- Mannitol inhalation challenge
- Exercise testing
- Eucapnic voluntary hyperpnea testing
G. Compare past and current result - progression
What is the lung function test of obstructive lung disease?
- FEV1 significantly low
- FVC normal or low
- Result: FEV1/FVC low (< 70%)
- TLC and RV increased (air trapping)
- DLCO reduced
- KCO reduced
What is the lung function test of restrictive lung disease?
- FEV1 low
- FVC significantly low
- Result: FEV1/FVC normal (>70%)
- TLC and RV reduced
- DLCO reduced
- KCO reduced unless active haemorrhage or deformity