Clinical Signs Flashcards
What are the respiratory causes of clubbing?
Interstitial lung disease
Cystic fibrosis
Lung abscess
What are the surface markings for respiratory examination?
Lower borders of lungs
Anterior: 6th rib
Lateral: 8th rib
Posterior: 10th rib
Angle of scapula
T7 vertebra
What are the common causes of unilateral lung lesion?
- Collapse
- Consolidation
- Effusion
- Fibrothorax
- Pneumothorax
- Pneunomectomy or lobectomy
- Pulmonary fibrosis
What are the common causes of bilateral lung lesions?
- Asthma, COPD
- Bronchiectasis
- Effusion
- Interstitial lung disease
What is palmar asterixis?
What are the causes of palmar asterixis?
Flapping tremor at the wrist, MCP or hip joint
Causes of palmar asterixis
1. Type 2 respiratory failure (CO2 retention flap)
2. Hepatic and renal failure (metabolic encephalopathy)
3. Hypovolaemia
4. Electrolyte abnormalities (hypokalaemia, hypomagnesaemia)
5. Drugs (alcohol, barbiturate, phenytoin, primidone)
6. Wilson’s disease (wing beating tremor)
7. Focal brain lesion (in rostral midbrain tegmentum)
What are the causes of palmar erythema?
- Chronic liver disease
- Hyperdynamic circulation
- CO2 rentention
- Thyrotoxicosis
- Pregnancy - Rheumatoid arthritis
- Haematological - polycythaemia, leukaemia
How do you properly examine for tracheal deviation?
Head in neutral position, not turned to either side
Middle finger on trachea in suprasternal notch
Index finger and ring finger on tendons of sternocleidomastoid
Palpate trachea, then either side of it
Draw finger down trachea to determine direction of travel
Normal: central or very slightly deviated to the right
What condition causes tracheal deviation towards lesion?
What condition causes tracheal deviation away from lesion?
Deviate towards lesion
- Collapse
- Fibrosis, fibrothorax
- Lobectomy or pneumonectomy
Deviate away from lesion
- Effusion
- Pneumothorax
What are the causes of abnormal percussion?
1. Reduced airspaces: consolidation, collapse
2. Pleural thickening
3. Pleural effusion (stony dullness)
4. Raised hemidiaphragm due to phrenic nerve injury or hepatic lesion (dullness from liver)
1. Pneumothorax
What are the causes of pleural friction rub?
Grating sound on inspiration and expiration due to inflammation with roughening and rubbing of pleural surfaces
- Pneumonia
- Pulmonary infarct (embolism)
- Trauma
- Haemothorax
- Metastasis
- Connective tissue diseases
- Uraemia
- Radiation
- Asbestosis
Describe this breath sound
Coarse crepitations
Describe this breath sound
Fine crepitations
Describe this breath sound
Pleural friction rub