Interplay with Adaptive Immunity Flashcards
how is T and B cell receptor diverity achieved??
Genetic recomibation of VDJ semgemtns using RAG proteins
B cell activation by binding of an antigen is also referred to as….
thymus indepednent antigern activation
whata are the Steps in B cell development?
- form from haemotpoieitc stem cells in BM
- BC progenitro remain in bone marrow to undergo matutation ( BM stomal celsl mciorneviornemt commit progentiros to B cells)
- Pre-B celsl undergo reaaragnemnt of heavy cahin VDJ by RAG
- then after heavy chain RAG is rexperssed VJ reaarnagmet lgiht cahin
- upon successful formation fo a light locus- immatur B cell si formed- expxress IgM
- here immature B cell tyest for autoreactivity
- immature B cell then migrate to spleen
- undergoes splciign leads to expression of IgD and igM
- in spllen B celsl require positive signal–> cytokines BAFF, follciuclar denritic celsl to fully mature
label this and what is it?


Label this and what is it

in T cell receptor gene reaarnagement which comes first
B chain- VDJ- D joined to J then DJ joined to V
then get cell proliferation
then A-geen reaarnagement- VJ only
alpha chian binds to B cahina on cell surface and the cells can undergo selection

where else can variation be seen on TCR aside form A and B chains- ‘rapid responder’
γ:δ receptor has also been discovered
recognise antigen directly- rpaid responders (under gene replacemtn in simialr process but fewer genes- so more limited
Describe T cell development
- Haemotpoieitc stem cells in bone marrow
- travlel to thymus for deevlopemt
- douvle negative for CD4 , CD8 (CD3 and TCR)
- thymic stormal celsl commit T cell progeneitors via signalling receptor (NOTCH-1) intiate TCR gene rearranegemtn
- VDJ- B chain first
- T cell begsin to express CD3- A chain also rearranges
- Positive selection- destoryed if TCr cannot respond to Self MHC
- Negative seltion- if react to self atnige ( expect Treg)
- single positiv thymocyte formation- only express Cd4 or Cd8
- mature, leave thymus travel to secodnayr lymphoud tissues
Waht does the Activation of B cells require?
thymus depednent antigne activation of B cells (stronger)
thymus indepednent antigen activation of B cells
describe thymus dependent antigen activation of B cells
Hint( TFH celsl CD40L and cytokines)
- B cell express MHC II that is is recognised by speciif TCR on TFH
- TFH activated expressed CD40L and secretes cytokines Cd40L interacts with Cd40 on B cell and IL21 and Il-4 cytokines alos secreted
- signals the B cell to activate- undergo proliferationa dn differentiat into plasma cells
- proliferation of B cells formation fo germianal centres( site of itnense B cell proleration, selction and amturation and death)
- eventrullay get differnetion of Matur B cells into plasma cells

what can further production of cytokines from TFG in germianl centre lead to production of?
determine the type of antibody creasted

Describe thymus indepent antigen activation
(hint TOll-like rececptors)
- B cell activation without helpf from TFH cells
- other surface receptors - loke toll like receptors
- recognise lignas- bacterial LPS
- crosslinking of BCR and Toll like receptors
- pro surivial signals induced

Thymust dependent vs thymus independent
thymus depednent has higher adffinity, stronger immune response, Isotype switching

what processes are used to fine tune the antibody response
affinity maturation by soamtic hypermutation
class switching
(antibodies induecd by micorbial agents alone have lower affinity and less functional vesaltility)- want T cell and cytokines
Describe affinity maturation and clonal selection
- Activated B cells differeniate into plasma blasts and plasma cells and proliferate to form germinal centres
- produce enzyme called (AID) acitave induced cytidine deaminase and undergo somatic hypermutation
- intorduce mutations into the complimentary determing region or the vairable region.- closely related clones with different affinity
- those that have a positive effect- have hgher affinity capture and present antigne and present to MHC class II
- TFH provides survial and growth signals to these via CD40L and cytokines
- repeated until best affinity
what is the purpsoe of clonal selection process
enables secondary response to an infecito. to have much hgiher affinity antibodies than pirmayr response
thymius depeendnt B cells have been show to propduce higher affinity antivoies than thymus independnt B cells due tot htis selctive process
what is clonal expansion
where eahc progeny will produce identical antibodies
Look at his diagram

During secondary response recativation fo a memory B cell is dependne ton its interaction with its corresponding what?
Secondayr respons ereactivation of memory B cell is depednent on its itneraction with correspeoding memeory T cell
what are the 4 stages of immunolgoical memory
niave pahse
primary response
memory phase
secondary response
describe the niaev pahse of immunologicla memory
before antigen encoutner- low number of antigens epcific T cells and B cells not physically close in secondary lymphoid tissues
describe the primary response
- antigen encountered, antigne speciif niave T cells in the T cell zone primed by dendirit cells migrate towardfs the B cell follicles
- antigen specific B cells encounter antigen also migrate to border of the T cell zone which allows of B and T cells ton interact
- activate B cells differentiate to either continue in germinal centre reaction or plasma cells
- low levels of antogen speicif igG production detcte 1 week after antigne challeneg
decribe the mrmory phase of immune response
after antigen cleared, antigne specific memroy T and B cells egenrated
some of the memroy B cells remain clsoe to germianl centres which have now contracred
Memroy T cell derived from effector TFH cells (localised at B cell -T clel. border) or in B cell follciles
so remain in clsoe proximity
describe the secondary response
T an dB celsl present - when antigen encoutnetred agian, ememory cell close proximity- acitve aeachother
get high levels of antigne specifi IgG antibodies within a few days