Fungal infections Flashcards
what are Mycoses?
what are primary fungal infections
what are oppoutunisitc fungal infections
mycoses= fungal ifnection, small number of the 100 pathogenic are clincially significant in healthy
Primary fungal infection- immunocompotent
oppourtunisitc fungal infections- immunocompromised
what are some common cutaneous fungal infections
athletes foot (tinea pedis)
general fungal infections of the skin (tinea corporis)
groin (tinea cruris)
nail infection (onychomycosis)
tinea verisoclor- interfere swith skin pigmentation
tinea cpaitis - fungal infection of the scalpe
Descibr tinea pedis
cuastive agent?
- superificla skin infection caused by Tichiohyton rubrum (805)
- working in hot, humid climates or working in high temperature enviornemtns and occulusive footwear most at risk
- contratce nornally walking on syrface contaminated with infectious skin scales
- 70% infected at some point in life
- symptoms
- scaly itchy or painful skin on the feet
- between the toes (interdigigtal) or more widespread (moccasin)
- scaly itchy or painful skin on the feet
what is this?

interdigital athletes foot
sclay ithcy painful skin on the feet
what is this?

moccasin widepsread athletes foot
what is the treatment for athletes foot
self care- good heygien, approptie fotowear
topical antifungal cream if mild not extensive ( terbinafine cream- or clotrimazole cream)
consider prescribing mildly potent topical corticosteriod if inflammed
oral Terbinafine if extensive
what is the causative agent of Tinea corporis
Trichopytom rubrum
trichophyton interdigital
tinea crusis is usally caused by…..
trichophyton rubrum, trichophyton interdigital
how are tinea corporis and tinea curis s(fungal infections of skin and gorin)m spread?
exposure to deswuamted skin flakes from infecte individuals (also zoonotic)
tinea cruiss is oftenc aused by scratching groin with finer nail containing infective material
risk factors of Tinea corprosi and tinea crusis
hot humid climates
working in high temrpature envuronemnt]guth fititng clothing
immuunocompromised states
symtpoms fo both tinea coprroris
hisotyr of itchy skin in the affected areas
single or mutlipemred or flat slightly raised ciruclar ring shape dpatches

what is this?

Tinea crusis
Treatment for Tiena crusis or Tinea corporis
topical fungal cream for non extnesive disease- terbinafine cream
consider prescri ign a mild potent topical corticosteriod if inflamamtion
consider prescribing oral terbinafine if extensive
what are symtoms of onychomycosis ( fungal nail)
the nauil looks abnormal, thickedn is dicosloured and briteel, generlaly invovles a singl nairl but others can be invovled?
What are the treamtnet options for Fungal nail (onychomycosis)
self care
keep short and filed down
antifungal only if uncomfrotable (cormobdiites, pyschological stress)
topcial anti-fungal if advised (generally amorofline 5%)
oral anti fungal if topical antifungals are unscusseful
what is Sporotirchosis
rare, subcutaneosu fungal infection
associated with handing decaying plant waste (rose handlers disease)
caustive agent (sporothrix schenckii)
- symptoms
- inital raised bump to from- progress and beocme larger to open sore or ulcertaed lesion that does not heal
- satelite lesion may alos form
- rarley pulmoanry disseminated disease

What is the treatment for Sporotrichosis
oral antifungal for 6 months- Itraconazole
what is mycetoma?
symptoms, cause, treatment?
subcutenaous skin infection fungal (cna be bacterial)
found in soil and water- most fungal ifnecitons caused by madurella grisea and Actinomadura madurae
- symptoms
- intially painless lesion—> abscess on foot—-> largher sore that leaks pus, blood erum, overtime destory undelying bone and muscle
- treamtnet- as it is debillitating- surgical removal

what is this?

- Chromomycosis
- caused mainly by Fronsecae Pedroso
- most commonly found in tropical areas
- begins as small painless lymp that professes ovterime to form srusty/sclart abscess
- treatment
- surgical removal/ long term anti fungal
what are systemic fungal infections which may infected immunocompetent hosts?
Coccidiodymocosis (flu like sympotms- 10% long term lung,1% disseminate to skin/CNS/bone- symptoms nromamly resolve- endecmi to south america)
Histoplasmosis-(prevakent in south america, SE africa)-, associated with soils with high levesl of bat and bird droppings- immocompeten contained in lungs mild self limiting similar to Coccidiodes)- cna cause sevre dissemeninated in immunocmpromised
blastomycosis- common USA and canada
what groups are susceptible to oppourtunisitc fungal infections
Those undergoing cancer treatment
Solid organ transplant recipients
Those receiving stem cell therapy
Neonates (pre-term)
Those with immunodeficiencies or who are immunocompromised
Intensive care patients
Complex surgical cases
In patients living with HIV
Tinea pedis topic and oral treamtnets
- topic
- Terbinafine 1% cream for 7 days
- clotrimaoole !% for 4 weeks
- Miconazole 2% cream 2-6 weeks
- oral
- terbinafine
- itraconzaole
tu=inea crusis and tine coprois treatments oral and topica
Topical treatments
Terbinafine 1% cream for 7-14 dyas days
Clotrimazole 1% cream for 4 weeks
Miconazole 2% cream 10 days
Oral treatments
Fungal nail infections treatment topical and oral?
Topical amorolfine paint
Oral treatments
Candiaiass Treatment for vaginal
Intravaginal cream: Clotrimazole 10%
Intravaginal pessaries: Clotrimazole 100mg Pessaries
Oral tablets- Fluconazole
Oral candidiass treatment
Miconazole oral gel
Nystatin suspension
mode of action fo Terbinafine
inhbti sfungal production of ergosterol—> fiugnal cell membranes
mode of action of Azole antigunfals?
inhbits cytohrome P450 depeendent enzymes invovled in the biosyntheiss of cell merbane sterols
How does nystain suppression for oral candiiasi work
bidns to ergosterol in fungal membrane formin pores- measn osmotic competence is lost
how does amorolfine (nail paint) worK
inhbits production of ergosterol!