Internal Factors leading to class differences in Achievement Flashcards
What is Labelling ?
Labelling is to attach a meaning or definition to someone or something. For example teachers may label a pupil as bright or thick , trouble maker or hardworking.
What do Teachers label pupils on ?
teachers label pupils on the basis of stereotyped assumptions about their background , labelling working class pupils negatively and middle class pupils positively.
What do interactionists study ?
interactionists study small scale , face to face interactions between individuals
What are interactionists interested in ?
Interactionists are interested in how people attach labels to one another and the effects this has on those who are labelled.
What are differences in how teachers dealt with pupils who are meeting potential and those who aren’t from different social classes?
teachers set extensions for middle class pupils who weren’t reaching potential but saw as normal for working class and enter them for easier exams
Also see working class as over achieving if are reaching potential.
What is the self fulfilling prophecy ?
A self fulfilling prophecy is a prediction which comes true simply by the virtue of it being made.
What are the 3 steps to a self fulfilling prophecy ?
step 1 - the teacher labels the pupil
Step 2 - the teacher treats the pupil accordingly acting as if the prediction is already true
Step 3 - The pupil internalizes the teacher’s expectations which becomes a part of their self image so prediction is fulfilled.
What is Streaming ?
Streaming involves separating children into different ability groups or classes called streams. each ability group is then taught separately from the others for all subjects.
Why are working class more likely to be placed in low streams ?
teachers see working class as far from ideal pupil image as see them as lacking ability and have low expectations of them so placed in low streams.
Can pupils be moved up into a higher stream ?
once streamed it is usually difficult to move up to a higher stream because teachers have locked in their low expectations of them and children in low streams get the message that their teachers have written them off as no hopers.
How do middle class pupils benefit from streaming ?
middle class benefit as placed in higher streams as seen as ideal pupils so develop a positive self concept , gain confidence , work harder and improve their grades
What is meant by educational triage ?
Educational triage is produced by the a to c economy where schools categorise pupils into 3 groups ;
-pupils who will pass anyway and can be left to get on with it
-those with potential , who will be helped to get a grade c or better
-Hopeless cases who are doomed to fail.
What is a pupil subculture ?
A pupil subculture is a group of pupils who share similar values and behaviour patterns and they often emerge as a response to the way pupils have been labelled
What is differentiation ?
Differentiation is the process of teachers categorising pupils according to how they perceive their ability , attitude or behaviour . Streaming is a form of differentiation
What is Polarisation ?
Polarisation refers to the process in which pupils respond to streaming by moving towards one of two opposite poles such as pro or anti school subculture.