External factors leading to class differences in achievement - Theorists Flashcards
What did Hubbs Tait Et al found out about how educated parents use language compared to less educated parents ?
Hubbs Tait found educated parents use language in a way that challenges their children to evaluate their own understanding and abilities . for example what do you think ? are you ready for the next step ? cognitive performance improves . By contrast less educated parents use language that only requires children to make simple descriptive statements for example what is this animal called ?
What did Feinstein find educated parents are more likely to use ?
Feinstein found educated parents are more likely to use praise
What did Bereiter and Engelmann claim about language used in lower class homes and what does this lead to ?
Bereiter and Engelmann claim that language used in lower class homes is deficient as communicate by gestures , single words and disjointed phrases. so children do not develop the necessary language skills.
Explain Bernstein’s 2 speech codes ?
Bernstein distinguishes between 2 speech codes ;
-Restricted Code - speech code typically used by working class , has limited vocabulary . and is based on use of short , unfinished grammatically simple sentences . Speech is predictable
-Elaborated Code - speech code typically used by middle class , has wider vocabulary and is based on longer grammatically more complex sentences.
Bernstein argues working class pupils fail not because they are culturally deprived but schools fail to teach them how to use the elaborated code.
What did Douglas find out about working class parents influencing their child success ?
Douglas found that working class parents placed less value on education and as a result they were less ambitious for their children , gave them less encouragement and took less interest in their education. They visited schools less often and were less likely to discuss child’s progress with teachers and as a result their children had lower levels of motivation and achievement
What did Bernstein and Young find out about how middle class mothers use their income ?
Bernstein and Young found middle class mothers are more likely to buy educational toys ,books and activities that encourage reasoning skills to develop and stimulates intellectual development. Working class homes are more likely to lack these resources so start school with little to none intellectual skills needed to progress.
Educated parents also have a better understanding of nutrition and its importance so with higher income buy nutritious foods.
What are the 4 features of the working class subculture that Sugarman states that act as a barrier to educational achievement ?
Sugarman agues that the working class subculture has 4 key features that act as a barrier to educational achievement ;
- Fatalism - A belief in fate , what will be will be
-Collectivism - valuing being part of a group more than succeeding as an individual
-Immediate gratification - seeking pleasure now rather than making sacrifices in order to get rewards in the future
-Present time orientation - seeing the present as more important than the future so not having long term goals
How does Keddie criticize cultural deprivation ?
Keddie describes Cultural deprivation as a myth and sees it as a victim blaming explanation. She argues working class children are culturally different not culturally deprived and they fail because put at a disadvantage by an education system that is dominated by middle class values.
How do Troyna and Williams criticize cultural deprivation ?
Troyna and William’s argue that the problem isn’t the child’s language but the schools attitude towards it. Teachers have a speech hierarchy they label middle class highest , followed by middle class speech and finally black speech.
How do Blackstone and Mortimore criticize cultural deprivation ?
Blackstone and Mortimore argue they attend less parents evenings not because of lack of interest but because they work longer or less regular hours or are put off by schools middle class atmosphere.
How does Flaherty link poverty to educational underachievement ?
Flaherty argues money problems in the family are a significant factor in younger children’s non attendance at school
What does Howard believe about young people from poor homes regarding their diet and health ?
Howard notes that young people from poorer homes have lower intakes of energy , vitamins and minerals and poor nutrition affects their health e.g. weakening immune system and lowering child’s energy levels resulting in absences from school due to illness and difficulties concentrating in class.
What did Blanden and Machin find out about children from low income families regarding their diet and health ?
Blanden and Machin found that children from low income families are more likely to engage in externalising behaviours such as fighting and temper tantrums , which are likely to disrupt their schooling
What did Wilkinson find out about children from low income families regarding their diet and health ?
Wilkinson found among 10 year olds the lower the social class , the higher the rate of hyper activity , anxiety and conduct disorders all which have a negative impact on the child’s education
What did Bull find out about financial support regarding children from poor families ?
Bull argues lack of financial support means children from poor families have to do without equipment and miss out on experiences that would enhance their educational achievement. Refers to this as “the costs of free schooling”