Intermediate Flashcards
What is the plies for intermediate?
12/8, 1st position of feet Demi Rise Full pile Port de bra Dégagé second Rep 2nd port de bra to side Rep 5th port de bra to back Rep to 4th, no port de bra 3 rises arms 3rd arabesque (In open 4th arms to attitude greque outside arm high)
What can be included in intermediate tendues?
2 counts en croix
Closing on straight/bent legs
Transference of weight to 2nd in 4 counts on bent or straight legs
What can be included in glisses for intermediate?
2 counts en croix straight or bent legs
1 count en croix straight legs
Transference of weight to 2nd in 4 counts bent or straight legs
What is the difference between a battlement soutenu and a assembles soutenu in intermediate?
What is the prep exercise for batterie at the barre in intermediate?
Facing the barre with foot flexed.
It is a training exercise not needed for exam but good for batterie prep.
What is the develope passé and tombe exercise in intermediate?
Develope to 2nd
Bring to retire and pass into arabesque en fondue, arm to arabesque
Develope passé to devant straightening leg, arm to en couronne
Rise count 5
Tombe forward, leg just off floor, arm to 2nd
Close 5th en Demi point
Turn opening arm to 2nd and rep other side.
What is the fouetté rond de jambe exercise at the barre in intermediate?
2 count hold,
1 count take foot to retire and arm to 2nd
1 count hold
1&2 fouetté prep with no turn 34 stay on Demi point 5&6 fouetté turning 7 wait 8 lower heel Rep but finish with balance
What is the frappe for intermediate?
En croix singles
Doubles en croix
Also on Demi point
What Demi point is at the barre in intermediate?
Rises Echappe en croix in 2 or 4 counts Releve in 5th Releves 2-2 and 2-1 Releves 1-1 front, side and back Pose coupe en avant, de cote and derrière with straight or small develope action Pose into arabesque Pas de bourrees pique under, over and with half turn Emboites
What centre practice can be had in intermediate?
Demi plié and full plié and rise in all positions
Rond de jambe
Battement and assembles soutenus
Frappes, trapped to dégagé and frappe fouetté
Petit battement
Grand battement and ronde de jamb en lair
When do you learn a 2 count rotation with fondu and recover?
In the fondu exercise in the centre
What is the intermediate port de bra 1?
Chasse en avant à deux bra Fondu opening arms to 2nd Count 4 lower back heel 5-8 forward bend and recover Coupe under and petit develope to dégagé fondu to down stage ecarte Pas de bourre Pirouette Straighten and open arms Rep other side
What is the intermediate temp lie exercise?
9 (chasse) 1 (up en l’aire) 2 3 4 (hold) 5 6 7 (lower close) 9 (chasse)
What is the 2nd adage en châtiment in intermediate?
Right foot front
chasse to 2nd, and side bend to right
Lower right arm to bra bra and brush leg through to attitude and take arm up to attitude opposition
Develope passé en avant opening down stage arm to 2nd and upstage arm round to attitude ordinaire
Rise and tombe low back leg arms palms up
Pas de bourre finishing in arabesque a dos (show back)
Assemble soutenu
Open arms through 2nd and up to en couronne hold in 5th
Chasse en arriere to attitude in opposition devant a terre full port de bra
Raise leg
Rep other side
What is the 3rd adage in intermediate?
Start right foot devant, croise
Chasse en avant into attitude ordinaire
Open arms through 2nd to grecque
Draw feet to 5th on rise and turn to overt
Develope front leg to ecarte upstage and hold
Passe derrière full port be bra to 2nd arabesque
Grand rond de jambe en dedans arms to attitude opposition
Rise and tombe leaving arms
Pas be bourre under to 5th, head inclined. To back foot.
What pirouettes and turns are in intermediate?
Singles and doubles from 5th and 4th Pose turns Releve passé by half turn Emboîte releves Chaîne
What is the intermediate 2nd allegro?
Feet 5th croise in corner
Sissonne ordinaire passe and 3 petit jeté turning
Pose assembles soutenu lowering on front foot arms opening to 2nd
2ncoupe fouetté racorssi arms bra croise
Coupe under assemble under to ecarte upstage arms to 2nd and bra bra
Releve 5th arms en avant
Plié arms to bra croise
On last count lower in cou-de-pied, arms Demi bra