Inter Foundation Boys Work Flashcards
What barre exercise do the boys not need to learn in interfoundation?
Releve and preparation for emboite en tournant
Pose en avant, en arriere and de cote
In interfoundation what boys exercises are there at the barre?
Risers (2/4) Facing barre & Demi 1 Rise 2 lower heels &3-8 rep 3 more times & fondu on right with left full stretched cup de pied derrière 1 rise 2 lower heel &3-8 rep on right foot 3 times but lower into 1st on last one Rep on other foot Rep with both feet
Prep for pirouettes (4/4)
Training not needed for exam
Facing barre. Right foot devant
Dégagé 2nd 2 hold 3 lower to 2nd 4 hold & Demi plié 5 place foot pirouette position 6-7 hold 8 close derrière Rep all other side
Rep all closing 5th devant on count 3
What is the training exercise for boys at the barre in inter foundation?
Prep for pirouette.
Tendue, hold Lower to 5th or 2nd, hold Demi pirouette hold Close Demi Rep other leg and in 4th.
What is the time signature of the 1st male port de bra in intermediate foundation?
What is the 1st male port de bra in inter foundation?
Chasse to 2nd arabesque a terre Change arms to 1st arabesque Transfer through Demi plié to dégagé devant, arms en couronne Open arms to Demi bra (7-8) 2 walks forward arms to 2nd bra bra Chasse passé 2nd arabesque Join feet 5th rise arms en couronne (count 5) Detourne (6) Hold Lower Demi plié arms through 2nd Rep other side
What adage steps can you get in inter foundation?
Retires Developes in 4 counts Demi grand rond de jambe en de hour and en dedan in 4 counts Arabesque 1st 2nd 3rd Attitude ordinaire - devant and derrière Attitude opposition - devant and derrière A deux bra - devant and derrière Coupes Detournes Pose assemble soutenus en tour on en dedans Temp lie Fouette of adage
How is the inter foundation temp lie different to the intermediate?
3 count chasse
3 count hold
3 count close
Inter starts &1 with a hold
Is there any exercise to help prep you for the fouette of adage in centre in inter foundation?
A training exercise at the barre in inter foundation with work, don’t each side of the barre.
What is the boys adage enchantment in inter foundation?
5th position croise. Right foot derrière.
4 count intro
1-2 Chasse en arrierre and dégagé front, arms to en couronne eye line centre front
3-4 transfer weight forward to 4th en fondu, arms open 2nd the down stage arm to bra bra and croise
&5-6 single pirouette en dedans arms en couronne, closing croise arms bra bra.
7-8 chasse arrierre, to dégagé croise devant, arms en avant to second.
1-2 swish working leg through 1st o arabesque en l’aire. Take arms (full port de bra) attitude with down stage arm lifted.
3 fondue
&a4 pas de bourreunder ending 4th croise on straight legs, arms full port de bra to croise.
& Demi plié
5-6 single pirouette en dehours closing 5th derrière in Demi plié, leaving arms en avant.
7-8 stretch legs and open arms to 2nd and lower.
Rep other side
What pirouettes are included in the boys adage in inter foundation?
En dehor - arms en avant
En dedans - arms en couronne.
What is the boys set exercise for en dehors pirouettes in inter foundation?
5th right foot front en face
1 dégagé 2nd 2 close 5th devant with straight legs & plié 3 single pirouette 4 close Demi plié leaving arms
Can be taken from 2nd and 4th
Do boys have a set en dedan pirouette in inter foundation?
What en dedan turns can boys take in inter foundation?
Single prep’ed by chasse
Arms en avant or en couronne.
What is the boys first allegro enchainement in inter foundation?
2/4 croise right foot derrière
&1 sissonne change to overt arms Demi bra
&a2 pas de bourre under en face arms to 2nd
&3 assemble over ending croise arms bra bra
4 wait
&5-8 rep other side
&1-2 glissade derrière Jete derrière en face, arms bra croise in opposition
&3-4 rep other side
5-6 jete derrière temp leve, arms bra croise opposition
&a7 pas de bourre under en face arms 2nd
8 changement to croise arms bra bra
Rep other side
What is the 2nd boys allegro enchainement in inter foundation?
5th position en face right foot front
4 count intro
1 echappe 2nd arms en avant to 2nd
&a2 pas d bourre under with right foot, arms bra bra
3-4 2 changement
5-8 rep
1-4 2 echappe sauté changes to 2nd arms through en avant to bra bra on each echappe
5-6 releve 5th, arms bra croise, Demi plié
7-8 single tour ems en avant
Rep other side
What petit batterie do the boys and girls need for inter foundation?
Echappe sautés ferme batt is
Enterchats quatre
Changement battus
What is the set batterie exercise in inter foundation for boys and girls?
2/4 5th right foot devant
Arms bra bra
1-2 echappe sautés battus ferme with change of feet
3 entrechats quatre
4 wait or stretch bend
Rep twice more
5-6 releve 5th, Demi plié
7-8 2 changement battus
Rep all other side
What is the grand allegro steps for inter foundation for boys and girls?
Coupe chasse pas de bourre under
Pose temp leve in arabesque or pirouette position derrière
Grand jete en avant
Single tour prep by releve 5th (for boys only)
What is the tour en lair exercise for inter foundation boys?
5th position, right foot front
&1&2 2 changement
&3 releve in 5th, Demi plié. Arms pirouette position
4 single tour en lair
Rep 3 more times
Straighten legs after final tour arms Demi 2nd.
What is the boys inter foundation grand allegro?
Upstage left, 5th position croise, right foot front
& sissonne ordinaire devant croise, arms en avant
1&a2 chasse to 2nd, arms to 2nd, pas de bourre under with back foot travelling ecarte ending croise bra bra
&3-6 rep twice other sides
&7 glissade derrière ecarte arms en avant
8 assemble over ecarte, arms opening to open arabesque
& sissonne ordinaire passé en avant overt, arms avant
1&a2 chasse en avant overt arms 2nd, pas de bourre under ending 4th crossed facing croise on straight legs up stage arm across to bra croise
& Demi plié
3-4 single pirouette en dehours, ending Demi plié 5th croise, arms en avant
7-8 detourne to finish facing croise, s5ms en couronne, lower Demi plié arms 2nd and down
Rep all other side