Boys Work Grade 1 To 6 Flashcards
In primary what is the difference for the boys rises with arm movements?
Hands on hips. And port de bra through en avant to Demi bra
In Primary port de bra how is boys work different to the girls?
They have no arm breathes at the beginning, and only have a port de bra to en avant, 2nd and lower, then to en couronne, 2nd and lower
In primary what is the difference in the boys run, point and port de bra?
Start with a walk to a run counts 1-3 with hands on the waist
Count 4 dégagé devant with Demi bra
Count 5-8 port de bra through bra bra en avant, open Demi bra
Rep return hands to waist
In grade 1 what are the differences in the boys work?
None in the syllabus
In grade 2 what is the different balance exercise for the boys?
Start dégagé derrière right foot, hands on waist
Balance de cote opening arm to second x 4
Walk to a run downstage corner, opening arms a la second, port de bra to 1st arabesque
What is the boys enchantment in grade 3?
Start croise, standing left foot, right foot dégagé derrière hands on waist
Balance de cote arm right opening to 2nd, palm up
Rep other side (putting right hand on hip)
Count 3 assemble over arms bra bra
Count & sissonne overt to overt arms Demi bra
Count “a” coupe under
Count & assemble under retaining direction
Over front shoulder
Rep other side
In grade 4 what is the boys allegro enchainement?
Chasse en avant to dégagé derrière
Demi contretemps head over front shoulder arms bra bra
Assemble over ecarte arms open arabesque
Rep twice more finishing en face
Count 7 releve bra bra
Count 8 changement arms through en couronne to bra bra
Count 9 step to right side temp leve in 2nd arabesque croise
Gallop to left facing en face
Rep temp leve and gallop other side
Count 13 temp leve in 1st arabesque and run to other side
Chasse to prep
In grade 5 what is the boys pirouette exercise?
5th position en face
Dégagé to 2nd arms to 2nd (through en avant)
Lower in Demi plié in 2nd arms bra croise
Single turn closing 5th hold arms en avant
Rep 3 times
In grade 5 what turns do the boys not do?
Releve passé by half turns
Pose assemble soutenus
Grade 5
Why is the boys allegro turn?
Prep for tour en lair
&1 changement &2 soubresauts &3 releve 5th arms bra croise &4 1/2 turn en lair arms pirouette position Rep three times
Also taken other side
What is the grade 5 boys allegro enchantment?
Start croise, right foot devant, 4th en fondu, back foot flat. Arms Demi bra
rotation a terre (3/4 turn) finishing with left foot devant croise opening left arm en avant to 2nd
right hand on waist, walk to down stage right and place 1st arabesque a terre
Pas de bourree grand jete en tournon
Turning to up stage left (back left courier, like cecchetti) Passing glissade and pose Demi point arabesque, fondu
Rep jump and pose to right
Rep jump and pose to left
Hop with right turning to front opening arms
Chasse passé de bourrees
Single or double turn en de hour finishing fondu on left, facing croise arms Demi bra
Rep other side no intro
In grade 6 what is the exercise turning that the boys don’t do?
Pose turns en diagonal
In grade 6 what is the boys allegro turning exercise?
Right foot front.
2 changement arms bra bra
Releve 5th arms bra croise
Tour en lair arms pirouette position
Rep alternate sides.
In grade 6 what is the boys set enchainement?
5th en face, right foot devant.
Sissonne double over with the back foot with a develope left leg, body leaning to supporting foot, arms through en avant to attitude left arm high.Lower arms.
Releve 5th, arms bra croise
Tour en lair
Rep other side
Travelling down stage left:
&1 2 runs l, r
2 Grand jete en avant left, arms 2nd arabesque
3 Pettit assemble derrière
4 sissonne overt, arms attitude, right arm high
5 temp leve, retaining arm and leg line
6 coupe under
1-6 pose temp leve in 1st arabesque towards ur stage left, walk/run in circle to left finish centre, left foot front in 5th, bra bra,
Rep other side.