Grade 6 Flashcards
What are the plies in grade 6?
Demi rise full plié port de bra
Plies now include a port de bra, either forward in 1st and 5th or side in 2nd and 4th’s
Examiner will see 2 positions each side or all 4 one side
How are the battement glisses different in grade 6?
They happen en cloche front and back
How do the petit battement change in grade 6 at the barre?
They can be done on a rise
What is the Demi grand rond de jambe at the barre exercise in grade 6?
Front to side
Back to side
What is the fouetté rond de jambe in grade 6 at the barre?
Same as intermediate either retaining the rise or lowering
What can you include in grade 6 grand battement at the barre?
Can be combined with tendues, plies, releves, rietires, and can use alternate legs
What centre practice can be used in grade 6?
Rond de jambe - 2 counts
fondues a terre
What is the development in port de bra for grade 6?
Including a circular port de bra
What Demi point can be seen in grade 6 centre work?
Pose coupe en avant in any direction
Pose into arabesque
Coupe fouetté racorsi
What pirouettes are in grade 6?
En dedan
En dehors
Pose turns
What is the new allegro in grade 6?
Glisssadws en avant and arriere Assembles en avant and en arriere Sissonne fermées de côté Sissonne doubles with BACK FOOT grand jeté en avant Waltz turn changement bateau Entrechats trois derrière