Grade 5 Flashcards
What are the grade 5 set plies?
Order of positions will be set by examiner.
Either 2 positions on each side or r positions on one side.
Prep arm to 2nd 2 Demi plies Port de bra Full plié Rise Change position
In 1st and 5th use a forward bend
In 2nd and 4th overt or croise use side bend
Begat are the battement tendues in grade 5?
Arms bra bra.
Tendues en croix in 2 counts closing with straight legs or plié
What music would you use for a tendue exercise in grade 5?
Tango 2/4
Blues 4/4
Rag time 4/4
What battement glisses are in grade 5?
Commencing from 1st. Arm bra bra.
Count &1&2…
What can you combine with tendues in grade 5?
Tendues and battement glisse in an unset enchainement.
What is the battement fondu for grade 5?
At the barre. Unset.
Prep dégagé 2nd, arm to 2nd.
Counts 1&2&
Fondu with fully stretched foot arm to bra bra
Counts 3&4&
Straighten and stretch both legs (45^) arm to 2nd
Repeate en croix
What’re the grade 5 battement frappes?
To 2nd position. In one count.
Accent out.
What music would be good for a frappe in grade 5?
Polka 2/4
Horn pipe 2/4
Jig 6/8
What is the battement frappe fouettes in grade 5?
Prep leg to 2nd at 45^
Frappe fouetté derrière Count 1
Extend to 2nd count &
What can be combined with frappe in grade 5?
Battement frappe fouetté.
What is the rond de jamb en l’aire set exercise in grade 5?
Arms 2nd. Extend leg to 2nd, 45^ count 1 single rond count &a2 Rep. Close. Rep in reverse.
What are the developes to 2nd arabesque in grade 5?
5th position at barre. Set exercise.
Develope to 2nd (4 counts) 3 pivots to barre (5&a) Hold (6) Lower a terre (7) Close 5th derrière and turn to other side (8) Rep
What are the grade 5 grande battements?
Arm 2nd.
En croix, in 2 counts
Can combine plié, tendues, releves, and use of alternate legs
What movements can be used in the grade 5 center practice?
Demi plié an rises in 1st
Demi and full plies in 2nd
Tendues and grand battement.
Tendues and grand battement may be combined in one exercise.
Plies in another.
What is the grade 5 port de bra?
Unset to include a reverse movement
What is the adage steps in grade 5?
Temp lie a terr en arriere Developes attitude devant in opposition Attitude a deluxe bra 3rd arabesque
What is the grade 5 temp lie?
Set exercise
A terre en arriere
Same as grade 4. Can also be taken en avant.
Counts 1,4,7
What are the developes used in the center for grade 5?
In 4 counts en croix.
What new attitude arm and leg lines are used in grade 5?
Devant in opposition a terre and en lair.
Attitude a deux bra devant and derrière a terre and en lair.
What arabesque do they learn in grade 5?
What is the 1st set grade 5 adage?
Start en face. Right foot front.
Develope devant simple port de bra (4 counts)
Develope derrière simple port de bra (4 counts)
Chasse passé en arriere to croise arms en avant
Take arms to attitude a deux bra (12)
Lift leg (counts 34)
Lower to point, transfer through plié to tendue derrière reverse port de bra to open en couronne (counts 5&6)
Hold (7)Close foot lower arms (8)
Rep other side
What is the second set adage for grade 5?
Croise. Right foot coy de pied derrière, arms Demi second.
2 walks on diagonal opening right arm then left.
Chasse passé en avant to 3rd arabesque a terre over, arms through bra bra to en avant to arabesque
Raise leg (count 5,6)
Lower leg and fondu (7)
Pas de bourrees (&a8) arms through 2nd to bra bra
Chasse en avant to attitude a dud bras derrière with reverse port de bra
Raise leg and hold (34)
Dégagé derrière lowering arms to 2nd
Close 5th derrière on plié, arms rams to bra bra with epaulement (6)
Glissade under, arms to Demi bra and close (&7)
Straighten 8
Rep other side
What Demi point work is there in grade 5 centre practice?
Echappes en croix
Releves devant
Releves derrière
Releve passé avant and arriere
What is the set Demi point work exercise in grade 5?
Croise. Right foot front.
Releve 5th
Echappe change to 2nd turning to face front, closing other side.
Rep other side ending en face.
Three releve passé en arriere with simple port de bra to Demi 2nd
Straighten legs and plié
Rep other side
When do pupils first learn pirouettes?
Grade 5 is their first turn.
Start building strength in their releve in grade 3 at the barre with echappes
In grade 4 they do them in the centre.
What are the grade 5 pirouettes?
facing front
Dégagé 2nd arms en avant Close 5th en plié arms to pirouette position Single pirouette Close 5th derrière. Rep 3 times.
What turns from the corner do the grade 5’s learn?
Pose assembles soutenu
Releve passé by half turn
What is the grade 5 releve passé by half turn?
5th position croise
8 half turns finishing 4th en fondu arms Demi 2nd
What is the pose assembles soutenu en tour on set exercise?
5th position croise
Chasse en arriere, arms to bra croise head turned
Pose right foot and soutenu turn (&1&a)
Land and plié (2&a)
Releve leaving head and arms (3&a)
Plié (4&a)
3 pose assemble soutenu
First two steps of pas de basque glisse finishing croise with optional arm line.
What allegro steps are there in grade 5?
Warm up
Jets ordinaire en avant, en arriere, e cote devant and de cote derrière
Sissonne ordinaire devant, derrière and passes
Sissonne doubles under with the front foot
Sissonne ferme en avant
Ballone compose en avant
]grande jets en tournant
Full contretemps
Coupe chasse pas de bourrees under
What is the grade 5 1st set allegro enchantment?
Starting overt. Right foot front.
Prep arm to bra croise
2 ballonne compose en avant
Sissonne double under with front foot en face arms Demi bra
Changement overt arms to bra bra
Straighten legs and rep other side.
What is the 2nd grade 5 set allegro enchantment?
Overt. Chasse to 1st arabesque a terre overt
2 pas de bourrees grand jetes en tour on
Coupe chasse pas de bourrees under ending croise
Releve else port de bra to en couronne
Hold (count 8)
Run in circle to right, right arm bra croise
Continue run to corner opening arm or 2nd
Chasse to other side
Rep other side but run off with swooshing arm
What is the grade 5 petit batterie set exercise?
Right foot front. Feet 5th.
Entrechat quarter Soubresauts Rep Echappe batty overt and germ changing feet Straighten and rep other side
What petit batterie is in grade 5?
Echappe batty overt with or without a change of feet
Entrechats quatre