Intellectual Disabilities Flashcards
Which of the following is NOT an adaptive skill? Conceptual, Practical, Social, Academic
Which setting is generally the preferred setting for teaching functional skills to students with intellectual disabilities when they are nearing graduation from school?
The community setting
According to our class discussion, peek-a-boo and duck, duck, goose are social games that can be utilized in what form of instruction?
Prelinguistic milieu teaching
Which is NOT an adaptive behavior? Balance, money, following rules, self-esteem
The diagnosis of intellectual disabilities requires an IQ of 70 or below (True/False)
Down syndrome is considered a prenatal cause of mental retardation. (True/False)
The ability to transfer knowledge or behavior learning from one task to another task is called….
Which “intensity” of support provides assistance on an “as needed” basis?
For a diagnosis of an intellectual disability, symptoms must originate in the individual prior to what age?
According to our class discussion, a task analysis helps a student…
break down multi-step jobs