Gifted and Talented Flashcards
Students from low socioeconomic groups are under-represented in gifted programs (True/False)
According to Gardner, which intelligence is Marty representing with his unusual ability to be in touch with his feelings and show insight about understanding himself?
Intrapersonal intelligence
Gifted students should never skip a grade. (True/False)
Students who are gifted and/or talented are guaranteed special education services under federal law (True/False)
The content areas and methods of instruction are consistent across all 50 states (G&T) (True/False)
According to Gardner, which intelligence is Samantha portraying as she makes mental maps, has an intuitive knowledge of layout, notices details, and transforms one element into another?
Spatial intelligence
What is a web quest?
An inquiry-based activity using pre-selected websites
The federal law defining giftedness is entitled:
Javits Gifted and Talented Act
According to our textbook, which is NOT an assessment measure? (GT)
Physical fitness aptitude test
June has an IQ of 140 and is more than 4 years ahead of her third grade peers in reading and writing. Her parents and teachers have agreed that acceleration would be best for June. Which of the following would violate the principles of accelerated learning?
June tutors struggling seventh grade students from the seventh grade English class