Integumentary System, Burns, Skin Cancer Flashcards
Another word for skin which is the body outer layer that weighs 20 pounds
Structures of Integumentary
Blood vessels
First function of Epidermis
- Tough keratin (a tough protein found in skin, hair, and nails) protects against mechanical injury and chemical damage
- Melanocytes are cells produce melanin to protect against UV ray damage
- Acidic sweat protects against bacterial infections
Second Funtion of Epdiermis
Water Barrier
- Keratin and oils in the skin reduce water loss through evaporation and form a barrier against water infusion
3rd Function of Epidermis
Temperature Regulation
- Capillaries dilate to release heat and constrict to conserve heat. Sweat evaporation provides a cooling effect.
4th funtion of Epidermis
Vitamin D production
- Sunlight converts cholesterol into vitamin D, which is essential for bone health
5th function of Epidermis
Waste elimination
- Urea and uric acid are eliminated in sweat
6th Function of Epidermis
Sensory Perception
- Receptor cells transmit information about touch, pressure, vibration, pain, and temperature to the central nervous system
Layers of the skin
What is epidermis
The outer layer of the skin
Composed of stratified epithelial cells
The Five Epidermis Layers
Come Lets Get Sun Burnt
First Layer of Epdiermis
Stratum Corneum- dead cells filled with keratin and constantly shedding. Replacing itself every 25-45 days.
Second Layer of Epidermis
Stratum Lucidum- thick skin layer of dead cells only found on palms of hands, fingers, soles of feet, and toes
Third Layer of Epidermis
Stratum Granulosum- live Keratinocytes become flatter and flatter making them tough and water resistant
Fourth Layer of Epidermis
Stratum Spinosum- live keratinocytes become flatter and flatter making them tough and water resistant
Fifth Layer of Epidermis
Stratum Basale - absorbs nutrients from dermis and produces live skin cells
Skin Color (melanin)
- Stratum Basale contains melanocytes that produce melanin
- The amount of melanin produced is based on genetics
- Exposure to sunlight causes melanocytes to produce more melanin
- Melanin granules are pushed out into the neighboring skin cells, the result in tanning
- Extra melanin in the skin functions as sunscreen by scatters and absorbs the UV rays before penetrating through the epidermis
- Albinism- prevents the normal production of melanin resulting in little pigment in the skin, hair, and nails
Dermis Structure
Papillary Layer and Reticular Layer
Papillary Layer
(superficial layer) contains capillaries and sensory receptors and take on a rigid pattern responsible for your fingerprint called dermal papillae. Dermal papillae create a connection between the epidermis and dermis and form mounds on hands and feet called dermal ridges (your fingerprint)