What does the ADC supply? is there a checklist?
supplies ASI,ALT,VSI
NO checklist
Which side button do you push incase of ADC problems?
side of problems= ALTN on that side
Incase of VSI problems, what can you do?
you can either try ALTN IRN or ALTN ADC
What does the L FMS supply? R FMS supply? is there a checklist?
L FMS supplies L and C EFIS and SG
R FMS supplies R EFIS SG
YES there is a checklist
L FMC fail, what do you do?
use R FMC, R AP
both EHSI to same range position
R FMC fail, what do you do?
use L FMC, L or C AP
both EHSI to same position range
What does the IRS supply? is there a checklist? C IRS?
IRS supplies EFIS SG, ILS, RA VIS and opposite RDMI
YES there is a checklist
C IRS is available as an alternate source
IRS FAULT, what do you do?
select ALTN on appropriate system
What does EFI means?
Electronic Flight Instruments
What does the EFI supply? is there a checklist? C EFIS SG,ILS,RA?
EFI switch for SG, ILS, RA
NO checklist
C EFIS SG, ILS,RA is available at alternate source
EFI on ALTN, what happen? one side? both side?
C EFIS SG,ILS,RA supplies associate ADI and HSI
both EFI on ALTN: C EFIS SG,ILS,RA supplies both ADI and HSI
The localizer scale expands when deviation exceeds?
exceed 1/2 dot
the rad alt display apperas on the ADI display below 2500ft and?
changes color from white to amber when below selected DH
trend vector predicts airplane directional trend at which intervals?
30, 60 and 90 seconds intervals
GS and LOC deviation is indicated by?
Respective GS or LOC scales change from white to amber and pointer flashes
With the heading reference switch in NORM, magnetic north is displayed between?
Between 73°N and 60°S
true north when above those latitudes
With a loss of all generator power, standby AI is powered by?
Standby DC for approximately 90mins
30 mins on VI
flight recorder automatically turns on when?
either engine is operating or the airplane is inflight
time references for the clocks are powered by?
Hot Battery bus
Mach indicator displays mach number from?
from .400 to .999
shows air data computer
When does the rising runwy appears?
when localizer pointer in view and rises below 250ft AGL
How are the navaids displayed?
High alt navaids on high map scales (80,160,320)
all navaids if on low map scales (10,20,40)
What does the VMO pointer indicate when data is unreliable?
When does GS deviation alerting occurs <500ft AGL?
if more than 1 dot for 1 second GS deviation
or more than 1/5 dot for 1 second LOC deviation
During preflight when the IRSs are aligning?
heading/track data is unavailable but HDG or TRK flags inhibited
pitch/roll comparator alert indicates ADIs differ by?
3° in pitch/roll