Why does the speeds delete before TO?
there is a ≠ between the outside temperature measured by the aircraft and the Assumed temperature entered for the speed calculation
What does NOT cause the IRS ALIGN light to flash?
Respective IRS is powering down IRS ALIGN light flashes when: -a 10 min alignment is complete and position entry is required -there is a position entry error -an IRS error is detected
How long does fast re-alignment takes?
30 seconds
What happen when powered from the main battery for more than 5mins?
DC power to the Right IRS is removed
When is the right FMC the master?
Left FMC is the master except when either the right AP in CMD or all AP’s disengaged, left FD OFF and right FD ON
What function is used when entering a hold using LNAV prior to hold fix?
The entry method used is a function of actual airplane track. not a function of heading
What does the FMC claculates?
present position
pitch and roll
thrust commands
What happen when the airplane passes the TD point and window altitude has not been set lower?
ALT HOLD annunciates
to re-initiate the descent, the MCP altitude must be reset and VNAV re-engaged
How can you removed a route offset?
proceeding direct or
deleting the offset waypoints or
entering an offset of 0
when is the ILS frenquency changes inhibited?
after LOC or GS capture when 3 AP in CMD
What happen if the the slave FMC resyncs the master while LNAV and VNAV mode engaged?
AT disengages, amber line through mode annunciation, FD bar removed, AP caution
What is the validity of the navigation database?
28 days
performance database has no validity experition date
What happen if an unexpected tailwind is encountered during descent?
DRAG REQUIRED appears at target speed +15Kts
if airspeed reaches a limit, the airplane will leave VNAV PTH and revert to VNAV SPD, flying a safe target speed
On what mode does the VOR and DME are autotuned?
HSI mode selector in MAP or PLAN and VOR/DME panel is in AUTO
When does the FMC calculate the VNAV descent path?
When an end of descent point is entered
the E/D is normally entered on the legs page as a result of selecting a STAR or approach
When the speed window is open, display alternates between IAS and Mach at?
0.8 M in climb
300Kts in descent
What does NOT disengage LNAV?
pressing LNAV
LNAV is disengaged by selecting HDG HOLD or HDG SEL or when LOC capture occurs
After TO, FD roll commands bank to maintain?
Ground Track
What happen when Heading HOLD switch is pressed? (3)
HDG HOLD engages
AFDS commands wings level, then holds heading
When the bank limit selector is selected to AUTO, bank is limited to?
25 to 15 degrees depending on true airspeed
What is the range available for the VSI?
-8000fpm to +6000fpm in 100fpm increments
When does LNAV engages?
when the active route leg is within the turning radius of the airplane
When the approach switch is pressed, when can LOC capture?
hen the intercpt track angle is within 120 degree of localizer course
with 2 engines operating, at liftoff, FD pitch commands what?
greater of V2+15 or liftoff speed+15
If the airplane is floating within 5ft RA for > 2s and GA is pushed?
AP pitch mode will remain in FLARE and the AT GA mode engages
During GA mode operation, Roll commands bank to maintain?
ground track
pressing EPR switch selects AT EPR mode and?
AT holds reference thrust subject to maximum speed limits
When is an increment of nose-up trim applied on approach?
During LAND 2 approach below 330ft RA
When is the appropriate speed limit mode annunciation displays?
When the speed limit is approached and MCP/FMC speed is set to exceed a limit
When the approach switch is pressed, when can GS capture?
when the intercept track angle is within 80 degrees of Localizer course