When does the AP control the rudder?
when LAND3 or LAND2 annonciated AP control of the rudder is active
all requirements have been fullfilled below 1500ft
When is the RWY alignment actuated? (4)
actuated at 500ft RA with LAND2 or LAND3
activation is not displayed
AP initiate a slip with max baank angle 2° when the crab angle exceeds 5°
wings level from a slip is initiated when ROLLOUT engaged
What does ASA means?
Autoland Status Annunciators
What does ASA monitors?
ASA monitors 3 channels each channels consist of FRII FCC RA ILS IRS
What happen if ASA fails in flight? FO? CA
what is alert height?
200ft RA
lost of a gen from 1500ft to 200ft RA?
reverts to normal, Center bus switch back to L main AC/DC
NO LAND 3 appears
lost of a gen from 200ft RA to GND?
no transition to normal
bus tie breaker prevents remaining gen from powering both main AC
remaining gen powers 1 main AC bus and AP
AUTOLAND profile, below 1500ft RA? (4)
LAND 3 or LAND 2 on ASA
3 AP engages (3 separate source)
Rudder control operation
FLARE+ROLLOUT modes armed
AUTOLAND profile, 500ft RA?
Runway align submode engages (max 2° bank for 5° crab
if wing Anti ice: turn it OFF
AUTOLAND profile, ±330ft RA
Nose UP trim for the flare
AUTOLAND profile, 200ft RA?
Electrical system auto power transfer inhibited below 200ft RA
ASA does NOT changes
AUTOLAND profile, 45ft, 25ft, 5ft RA?
remember accurate name the FIR
45ft: FLARE
25ft: IDLE
CATIIIA approach, APU inop, L engine fail at 100ft RA, what would be the indication of ASA?
no change of ASA and autoland would continue normally
autoland above 200ft RA, explain?
L and C AP normally powered by L AC
R AP by R AC
below 1500ft: C AP transfer to BAT/Standby
3 separate source
Why do we start the APU for an autoland?
to keep an extra gen in case of failure between 1500ft and 200ft RA
until 200ft RA, if single source? (no APU case)
C AP reverts to L AC
both BTB close to keep both AC bus powered
all 3 AP are powered from a single source
below 200ft RA?
NO reversion BtB prevents it AP associated with fail gen is lost autoland continue on 2 remaining AP no change to ASA
When does the GO AROUND mode arms?
GA arms and the thrust refrence imit when either:
Flaps are NOT UP
GS is captured
GA remains armed until 2s after 5ft RA
Alternate navigation, when? which aircraft? 2 pages name? components?
lost of 2 FMC: go to CDU VN and EK only IRS legs and IRS progress active leg Mag, others in True waypoints in lat/long format NO holding performance time to go to next point