Instrument Stuff Flashcards
Min takeoff WX
1/2 mile, 800m
600RVR/200m with stipulations
To takeoff with RVR 600-1600, I need
Mission priority Dual RVR (600 on all) Centerline lights Takeoff alternate Fully qualified crew
Dept alternate within 30 min requires
Until 1 hour after TO, app mins (no less than 200-1/2)
Dept alternate within 2 hrs requires
For ETA +1 hr, 500-1 above lowest Appr (no less than 600-2 prec, 800-2 non prec).
When do I need to file an alternate
Destination is less than 2000-3(worst WX +- 1 hr)
1000-2 if dual ILS
WX for an alternate to qualify
500 above Appr mins and 2 miles OR Appr Vis if higher
Also need alternate if
WX, winds, WX not reporting
Radar only
Unmonitored navaid
Lowest mins > 1500-3.
What is an SDF
Like LOC, but wider course, less precise
GPS PPS (precise position service) is accurate to
Can I use GPS PPS for IFR navigation
How many satellites are needed for IFR navigation
To fly RNAV terminal procedures,
CDI set to 1 nm
Must be pulled from current database
Can I fly terminal procedures with an expired database
No, 217v1.
Which takes precedence, chart or database
Chart, 217v1
In terminal procedures, all distances in the FMS must be within
0.1 nm
FMS final approach course must be within
5 deg
When do I have to do cold WX altimeter correction
Below 0, everything inside FAF
Below 0 mountainous, everything
Below -30, everything
What are Cat A through E speeds
What does MSA provide
1000 above highest within 25
What does ESA provide
1000 (2000 Mtn) within 100
What is TDZE
Highest in first 3000
If no circling ceiling is published
Use HAA plus 100 rounded up
How far off can a straight in approach be
30 deg
What does A-NA mean
Doesn’t qualify as an alternate- WX not reporting, un monitored navaid, etc
What two declared distances do I use?
Can I do LPV
No, requires WAAS
How is a fly over waypoint depicted on an approach
It’s circled
Altimeter tolerance at ground checkpoint
Heading indicator tolerance
5 deg
VOR ground checkpoint tolerance
4 deg
DME tolerance
1/5 mile or 3%, whichever is greater
The OCS at AF and Navy fields starts at _____. Others start at _______
0, 35’
Where is trouble T info on Jepps
Back of airfield diagram
Close in obstacles are below
Close in obstacles are a factor if within
500’, technique in 11-217
2 types of IFR departures
Types of ODP departurs
Routing, climb gradient, low close in obstacles, sector departure, VCOA, RTRL
T/F. Comply with ODP prior to the SID
True, unless cleared otherwise
How do I know there’s an ODP
Trouble T
Can I use non standard WX min
No, but if you can be above the ceiling OEI by the departure end, that is a legal dept method
Can I fly VCOA at night?
No, need NVGs
When can I do VCOA
“Climb in visual conditions” twice
What is the radius for VCOA?
Published, from geographic center, or use remain within dist
VCOA construction is based on bank angle
23 deg at 250 Kts
Can I create my own RTRL?
What is a diverse vector area
Vectors on dept can be issued below MVA
When can I do a diverse dept
No SID or trouble t
How do I do a diverse dept
400’, then turn on course and climb 200’/nm
What if there is no SID, no ODP, and diverse dept not authorized?
Call AMC terps
What if I can’t make a OEI climb gradient?
- Delay msn, download, etc
- Subtract 48’ (ops sup approval)
RNAV departures must be checked in FMS to be within
5 deg and 0.1 nm
Holding time at or below 14000’
1 min
Standard hold turn direction
Can I hold over a tacan
3 parts of holding instruction
If approaching clearance limit fix, begin to slow
3 min before
FAA max hold speeds
0-6 200
6-14 230
Above 14 265
**230 is 210 in NY and DC
Established in holding when
Initial passage of holding fix
Max bank angle in holding
30, or 3 deg per sec, or FD
If heading is within ______ of inbound holding course, turn in direction of holding
70 deg
Max teardrop in holding
45 deg from outbound course
You are conveniently aligned to teardrop if
Within 45 deg of teardrop course
Begin timing outbound when
Outbound abeam, or wings level outbound
Runway edge lights are yellow for the
Last 2000’
Centerline lights are white until
Last 3000’, alt red and white
Last 1000’, red
Hold short of ILS crit area if WX less than
If only one pilot at controls, must be on oxygen above
One pilot always on oxygen above
WX for an alternate to be required
Can be 1000-2 if 2 independent prec approaches
Other conditions req an alternate
WX not reporting Winds out of limits Un monitored navaid Radar only Lowest approach mins greater than 1500-3
WX for an alternate to qualify
1000 or 500 above
2 or 1 above
Can I have a GPS only alternate
Yes, only if destination is not also GPS only
Do I need fuel for approach and missed approach at primary airport
Only if using Vis only
How much fuel reserve do I need
4500 lbs. (10% of flight time up to 45 min).
Do I have to meet IFR climb gradients for a VFR dept
Yes. 11202v3
Min altitude to start a turn
Does published climb gradient factor in low close in obstacles
What are my options if I cannot meet a OEI climb gradient
SDP OR Subtract 48’
What climb gradient is required on vectors
Highest published
Avoid volcanic ash by
Avoid forecast or reported severe
Approval authority to land in bird severe
If unable to display altimeter setting
Get OG approval to fly below 180
Do not begin enroute descent if
Below Vis for straight in
Below ceiling and Vis for circle
Advise ATC if cold weather altimeter correction exceeds
When to do cold WX altimeter correction
Below 0- inside FAF
Below 0 mountainous- all
Below -30- all
Do I comply with an RA on a PRM breakout
Report gear down prior to
How many LRNS for overwater
When must I do a time check
On the ground
If lost comm, what approach can I fly
Descend at least how many FPM?
When can I level off without telling ATC
2500’ prior to B, C, D
What is established on course
Half full scale deflection, 5 degrees for NDB, full scale LOC
3 things you must read back to ATC
Do I have to report “descending via” on each new frequency
Max allowable difference between database course and published course
5 deg
When do I not fly a proc turn?
Straight in No PT routing Established holding Radar vectors Timed approach
Procedure turns can be flown up to _____ kts, max recommended speed _______ kts
250, 200
Max teardrop on procedure turn
30 deg
On a 45/180, how long do I fly out on the 45
1:15, cat C or D, from start of turn
When can I descend to the min TAA altitude
Crossing TAA boundary, cleared for approach
Formula for 3 deg glide slope VVI
(GS X 10) / 2
1300 / 2 = 650
Required components of an ILS
Glide slope, LOC, outer marker
Range of glide slope
10 nm
Range of LOC
18 nm
If one dot low or two dots high
Descend to LOC mins
Can a middle marker be the sole means to identify a MAP
PAR/ASR transmission requirements
1 min vectored to final
15 sec ASR final
5 sec PAR final
What do I need in sight to fly a visual approach
Airport or preceding aircraft
Weather mins for a visual
1000 and 3
All ILS PRM breakouts will be
Hand flown
Do I respond to an RA on an ILS PRM
When can I depart circling MDA
Intercepting normal glide path
When can I side step
Landing runway in sight, ASAP, usually inside FAF.
When does the controller have to issue climb out instruction for a touch and go
Prior to FAF
Three times to go missed approach
Runway environment not in sight
Told to
Not in safe position to land
ICAO procedures are based on bank angle
Standard or 25, whichever is less
ICAO established on course
Half full scale or 5 deg on NDB
ICAO beginning of OCS
What is an omnidirectional departure
Like a diverse dept. can be standard, specified turn alt, specified climb gradient, or sector dept.
Two types of ICAO SIDS
Straight (within 15 deg)
Max speed on departure, ICAO cat C
Can I use holding entry for procedure turns in ICAO
What is the ICAO entry sector
Plus or minus 30 deg
Max approach speed ICAO CAT C
Max teardrop in ICAO racetrack
Max time on teardrop heading ICAO racetrack
Can parallel entries on a racetrack turn direct to the facility
No, must intercept inbound course
What do I need to keep in sight on ICAO circle
“Runway environment”
Max speed ICAO circle Cat D
3 ICAO holding entries
Which leg do I time for ICAO Hold patterns