FOM Flashcards
Limits for personnel behind engine
Idle 175’
Breakaway 400’
Min altitude for flap retraction
How much can you bank at V2
30 degrees
Max taxi speed
30 kts
10 kts in turn
New form F when weight changes by
5000 lbs
Takeoff/landing prohibited with RCR
5 or less, BA nil
Enter standing water tables with dry snow divided by
For RNAV 1 departures, LNAV must be selected by
For RNAV 1 and 2 departures, what is required
Flight director
Tiller not recommended above
30 kts
Rotate at
3 degrees per sec
Takeoff rudder effective at
40-60 kts
TO crosswind limits
Dry 40 Wet 25 St water/slush 15 Snow 20 Ice 15 T+G 25
In crosswind, can increase VR up to
20 kts
Can I use reverse on contaminated runway
Max slush/standing water
Max dry snow
FAR takeoff field length is longest of
- Dist to lose eng and continue to 35’ at V2.
- Accel and stop dist
- 1.15 times all engine TO dist
Stopping distance uses
Max man brakes, speed brakes, no reverse
TOGW must not exceed
Field length limit Obstacle limit Climb limit Tire limit Brake energy limit
If you forget V speeds, rotate at
5-10 kts before V2
Takeoff rotate to
15 degrees, speed V2+15-25
If an engine fails after V1, rotate at
2.5 degrees per sec
Target pitch 12-13 degrees
V2 to V2+15
No checklists on takeoff until
Flaps are retracted
Econ climb
Below 10- 250/Vref 30+80
Above 10- 290 to 0.78
Max rate climb
Vref30+80+50 to 0.76
Max angle climb
FMC climb page
Max altitude (3 limits)
- 42000
- Thrust for 100 FPM
- 33 degrees bank to buffet
If fuel is close to freeze
Deviate to warmer air
Climb or descend
Increase Mach number
Definition EROPS area
Greater than 60 min from adequate airport
Wind 1 meter per sec is
2 kts
Descent at ECON speed yields
3.5 NM per 1000’
Plan to arrive at pattern alt at
Vref 30+80, 12 nm out
Good cross check at 10,000’
250 kts, 40 nm out
Shouldn’t use SPEEDBRAKE with flaps
Greater than 5
Shouldn’t use SPEEDBRAKE below
1000 AGL
For comfort, avoid gear ext above
200 kts
ATC speed adjustment tolerance
+/- 10 kts
For holding, start slowing
3 min before fix
Holding at flaps 1 increases fuel burn
Can I hold at flaps 1 in ice or turbulence
ICAO max hold speeds
0-14. 230
14-20. 240
20-34. 265
Above 34. 0.83
FAA max hold speeds
0-6. 200
6-14. 230
Above 14. 265
**230 is 210 in DC and NY
When does FMC enter approach mode
Flap extension
Approach must be stable by
1000 IMC
500 VMC
Stabilized approach criteria
+10 -5
Landing CONFIG
Sink rate
What is DDA
MDA +50
Fail Operational yields
Land 3
Fail passive yields
Land 2. Requires DH
Before procedure turn fix be at
Flaps 5
Max intercept angle for localizer
120 deg
At 3 NM out on 3 degree glide path, I’ll be how high
Crosswind auto land begins side slip maneuver at
500’. 5 degree slip
Autoland must use flaps
25 or 30
Can I Autoland with rudder ratio failure
ILS critical area
800 and 2
Can I Autoland on contaminated runway
Yes, be prepared to kick it off on rollout
Descent below 100’ on cat 1 or 2 requires
Red side row or red termination lights
Cat 3 fail passive, DH will be
Can I use single autopilot, single engine, or FD only on a cat 2?
Can I do Cat 3 single engine?
3B no.
3A yes if engine fails after landing flaps
Cat 3A is certified to
DH 50’ and 700 RVR
Cat 3B certified to
300 RVR
Cat 2 transmissometer requirements
Touchdown required and controlling, mid or rollout required
Cat 3 transmissometer requirements
All 3 required and controlling. One may be temp Inop
Need SMGCS or follow me if
RVR <1200
Cat 2/3 tolerances below 500’
+/- 5 knots
+/- 0.5 dot
Cat 2/3 wind limits
25 kts head
25 kts cross
15 kts tail
10 kts cross man cat 2
Cat 2/3 auto brakes must be min
If in last 3000’ of runway above 80 kts
Transition to man braking
How many hydraulic systems do I need to Autoland
Auto brakes are required for
Cat 3B
Auto throttles are required for
Cat 3 A and B
Can I Autoland with rudder ratio failure
Can I fly single engine with auto throttles
Can I Autoland single engine
Yes, if engine fails after selecting landing flaps
When is rudder trim controlled by autopilot
Multi autopilot approach below 1500’
If only one FMC is functional
Raw data must be displayed on offside HSI OR RDMI
What page should each pilot be on for RNAV approach
PF- legs
PM- prog page 2
Max cross track on RNAV approach
1, then 0.5 within 2 to FAF, then RNP after FAF
Max vertical track error for RNAV approach
What are the RNP values for approaches
NDB 0.6
VOR 0.5
RNAV 0.3
Can I fly non LOC procedures with RNAV if NAVAIDS are out
No route modification from
DDA is
MDA +50
What do I have to do at circling MDA
Turn FD off
Set missed app alt
Rte 2 legs
Coordinate alt missed app
Cat D circling radius
- 3
5. 28 ICAO
On visual pattern, no descent rates above
1000’/ min
If reverse thrust is initiated on touch and go
Full stop will be made
Correct 3 bar VASI
2 white 1 red
Touch down at least
1000’ down
Touch down at
Without speed brakes, wheel brakes are reduced
On landing, rudder is effective until
60 kts
Min stopping distance uses
Max man brakes + speed brakes + reverse
No landings with RCR
5 or less or NIL
Brake temp Gages don’t peak until
15 min after application
Begin reducing full reverse thrust at
60 kts, idle by taxi speed
Landing crosswind limits
Dry 40 Wet 40 Stand water/slush 20 Snow 35 Ice 17 Touch and go 25
For asymmetric reverse, decrease wind limits by
5 knots
Can I land on an untreated runway
Yes, if no melting
Landing wind limits are based on a runway width of
Land in a crab with crosswind above
28 kts
Stations time is
30 min prior to block out
Do not call checklists complete until
Cabin is secure
Seatbelt sign settings
Preflight- on
10’ 2 chimes auto
10’ 2 chimes on
Turn on landing lights when
Cleared for takeoff
Turn on all lights when
Crossing runways
Trip report is due
5 days after post msn to the chief pilot
Fwd CG can be exceeded with
Low pax and aux fuel
Msn ops package is available
5 days prior
ACN must be
Less than or equal to PCN
C32 tire pressure is
Where do I get ACN/PCN
FOM supp and IFR supp
Hangar departure adds
20 min
Can I run APU in hangar
Yes, door must be open
Engines must be how far from hangar doors to start during pushback
How many IRS do I need for MNPS
Notify ATC if IRS difference is more than
25 nm. 20 in pacific
Set ECON cruise to
For descents outside 50 nm, use
Desc now
For descents inside 50 nm, use
Spin new alt and push button
Where is the oceanic engine failure guide
FOM supp
When using ADS (ATC monitoring) and CPDLC (text messages), use map range
40 or less
If using airport above 8500’
Follow procedures in FCOM supp procedures