Instrument Part 2 - TLA and TPP (Day 10) Flashcards
MDA is short for:
Minimum Decent altitude
VASI is short for:
Visual Approach slope indicator
LPV is short for:
Localizer Performance with Vertical Guidance
LNAV is short for:
Lateral navigation
VNAV is short for:
Vertical navigation
GLS is short for:
GPS Landing system
S-ILS 27 is short for:
Straight in ILS to rwy 27
ILS is a ____ approach
LOC is a ____ approach
Non precision
NoPT is short for:
No Procedure Turn required
N/A is short for:
Not applicable
NA is short for:
Not authorized
TAA is short for:
Terminal Arrival Area
MAP is short for:
Missed Approach Point
DA is short for:
Decision Altitude
LNAV+V is short for:
Lateral navigation with advisory
vertical guidance
IAP is short for:
Initial approach procedure
HAT is short for:
Height above touchdown
HAA is short for:
Height above airport
HAL is short for:
Height above landing area
The 4 main items found in the TLA DOD FLIP?
- Radar instrument approach
- Instrument approach procedures
- SIDs
- Airport diagrams
VASI is short for:
Visual Approach Slope Indicator
That does the symbol T in a black triangle mean?
T/O minimums not standard and/or Departure procedures are published
What do arrows on a MSA symbol identify?
Arrows on distance circle identify sectors
What does a Feeder Route Provide?
What are airport Diagrams specifically designed to assist the pilot with?
It assist pilots in the movement of ground traffic at locations with complex runway/taxiway configurations
What are the 6 categories published for IFR Landing Minima?
What category of IFR Landing minimums can helicopters use in the absence of COPTER minima?
Category A
How is the cieling comouted in Weather Planning Minimums (radar minima):
By subtraction the field elevation from the DA or MDA and, if not in even hundreds (of feet), this value will be rounded off upwards to the next hundred foot.
What is an airport surface Hot Spot?
A location on an aerodrome movement area with a history of potential risk of collision or runway incurision, and where hightened attention by pilots/drivers is necessary
What is a Hot Sport?
A runway safety related problem on an airport that present increased rish during surface operations
What is the difference between cat. A B C D approaches?
The airspeed limitations - and visibility reduction NA for other than cat. A