Instrument Approaches Flashcards
If during an ILS approach in IFR conditions, the approach lights are not visible upon arrival at the DH, the pilot is
required to immediately execute the missed approach procedure
How does a pilot determine if DME is available on an ILS/LOC?
IAP indicate DME/TACAN channel in LOC frequency box
Approximately what height is the glideslope centerline at the MM of a typical ILS?
200 feet
What does the symbol T within a black triangle in the minimums section of the IAP for a particular airport indicate?
takeoff minimums are not standard and/or departure procedures are published
During an instrument approach, under what conditions, if any, is the holding pattern course reversal not required?
When radar vectors are provided
If the ILS outer marker is inoperative, you may substitute
a compass locator or precision radar
Which substitution is permitted when an ILS component is inoperative?
A compass locator or precision radar may be substituted for the ILS outer or middle marker
What effect will a change in wind direction have upon maintaining a 3 degree glideslope at a constant true airspeed?
When ground speed increases, rate of descent must increase
While being vectored, if crossing the ILS final approach course becomes imminent and an approach clearance has not been issued, what action should be taken by the pilot?
Maintain the last assigned heading and query ATC
Absence of the sky condition and visibility on an ATIS broadcast specifically implies that
the ceiling is more than 5000 feet and visibility is 5 miles or more
When installed with the ILS and specified in the approach procedures, DME may be used
in lieu of the OM
When simultaneous approaches are in progress, how does each pilot receive radar advisories?
on tower frequency
Aircraft approach categories are based on
1.3 times the stall speed in landing configuration at maximum gross landing weight
You are flying to an airport which is cold temperature restricted. The reported temperature is at the published restricted temperature. Which statement is true?
An altitude correction is required when the reported temperature is at or below the published restricted temperature.
If your GPS receiver displays LNAV+V and you’re flying straight in, which line of the minimums section on an approach chart would you use?
What facilities, if any, may be substituted for an inoperative middle marker during an ILS approach without affecting the straight-in minimums?
Substitution not necessary, minimums do not change
Which substitution is appropriate during an ILS approach?
LOC minimums should be substituted for ILS minimums whenever the glideslope becomes inoperative
How can an IAF be identified on a standard instrument approach procedure (SIAP) chart?
All fixes that are labeled IAF
Which range facility associated with the ILS can be identified by a two-letter coded signal?
compass locator
During a precision radar or ILS approach, the rate of descent required to remain on the glideslope will
increase as the ground speed increases
The airport that you are planning to use as an alternate has non-standard alternate minimums. In what government publication would you find the alternate minimum information?
Terminal procedures publication
What is a waypoint when used for an IFR flight?
A predetermined geographical position used for an RNAV route or an RNAV instrument approach
What international morse code identifier is used to identify a specific interim standard microwave landing system?
A three letter morse code identifier preceded by the morse code for the letter M
Which of these facilities may be substituted for an MM during a complete ILS IAP?
Compass locator and precision radar
Which range facility associated with the ILS is identified by the last two letters of the localizer identification group?
middle compass locator
The instrument approach criteria for a category A airplane is based on a maximum airspeed of
90 knots
What obstacle clearance and navigation signal coverage is a pilot assured with the minimum sector altitude depicted on the IAP charts?
1000 feet within a 25 NM radius of the navigation facility but not acceptable navigation signal coverage
Which information, in addition to headings, does the radar controller provide without request during an ASR approach?
When to commence descent to MDA, the aircraft’s position each mile on final from the runway, and arrival at the MAP
How can an initial approach fix be identified on a standard instrument approach procedure (SIAP) chart?
all fixes that are labeled IAF: which are depicted on the plan view
What does the runway visual range (RVR) value, depicted on certain straight in IAP charts, represent?
The horizontal distance a pilot should see when looking down the runway from a moving aircraft
If you are using a standard VOR indicator, in order to use the localizer on a back course approach you must
understand reverse sensing
Your avionics system offers advisory VNAV functions, but does not use WAAS or baro VNAV systems. Which statement is true?
Your avionics system cannot be used to execute approaches to LNAV/VNAV minimums
Overriding the default sensitivity prior to 2 NM before the FAWP on your GPS approach will mean that you should
fly to the MAWP and execute a missed approach
If the RVR is not reported, what meteorological value should you substitute for 2,400 RVR?
a ground visibility of 1/2 SM
Immediately after passing the final approach fix inbound during an ILS approach in IFR conditions, the glideslope warning flag appears. The pilot is
permitted to continue the approach and descend to the localizer MDA
When may a pilot make a straight in landing, if using an IAP having only circling minimums?
A straight in landing may be made if the pilot has the runway in sight in sufficient time to make a normal approach for landing, and has been cleared to land
Where may use a surveillance approach?
at airports for which civil radar instrument approach minimums have been published
The rate of descent on the glideslope is dependent upon
ground speed
If receiver autonomous integrity monitoring (RAIM) is not available when setting up a GPS approach, the pilot should
use a navigation system other than GPS for the approach
A pilot is making an ILS approach and is past the OM to a runway which has a VASI. What action should the pilot take if an electronic glideslope malfunction occurs and the pilot has the VASI in sight?
The pilot may continue the approach and use the VASI glide slope in place of the electronic glide slope.
If all ILS components are operating and the required visual references are not established, the missed approach should be initiated upon
arrival at the DH on the glideslope
If the pilot loses visual reference while circling to land from an instrument approach and ATC radar service is not available, the missed approach action should be to
make a climbing turn toward the landing runway and continue the turn until established on the missed approach course
How is ATC radar used for instrument approaches when the facility is approved for approach control service?
course guidance to the final approach course, ASR and PAR approaches, and the monitoring of non radar approaches
To remain on the ILS glidepath, the rate of descent must be
increased if the ground speed is increased
After being handed off to the final approach controller during a no-gyro surveillance or precision approach, the pilot should make all turns
one-half standard rate
During an instrument precision approach, terrain and obstacle clearance depends on adherence to
minimum altitude shown on the IAP
What does the absence of the procedure turn barb on the plan view on an approach chart indicate?
A procedure turn is not authorized
When flying a localizer back course approach, the glideslope can
project a false signal
If an early missed approach is initiated before reaching the MAP, the following procedure should be used unless otherwise cleared by ATC.
Proceed to the missed approach point at or above the MDA or DH before executing a turning maneuver.
How can the pilot determine, for an ILS runway equipped with MALSR, that there may be a penetration of the obstacle identification surfaces (OIS), and care should be taken in the visual segment to avoid any obstacles?
The published visibility for the ILS is no lower than 3/4 SM
When the approach procedure involves a procedure turn, the maximum speed should not be greater than
200 knots IAS
When tracking inbound on the localizer, which of the following is the proper procedure regarding drift corrections?
Drift corrections should be accurately established before reaching the outer marker and completion of the approach should be accomplished with heading corrections no greater than 2 degree.
If receiver autonomous integrity monitoring (RAIM) is not available prior to beginning a GPS approach, the pilot should
use a navigation or approach system other than GPS for an approach
Which pilot action is appropriate if more than one component of an ILS is unusable?
Use the highest minimum required by any single component that is unusable
The RVR minimums for takeoff or landing are published in an IAP, but RVR is inoperative and cannot be reported for the runway at the time. Which of the following would apply?
RVR minimums which are specified in the procedure should be converted and applied as ground visibility
During a no gyro approach and prior to being handed off to the final approach controller, the pilot should make all turns
standard rate unless otherwise advised
RVR minimums for landing are prescribed in an IAP, but RVR is inoperative and cannot be reported for the intended runway at the time. Which of the following would be an operation consideration?
RVR minimums which are specified in the procedures should be converted and applied as ground visibility
Assume this clearance is received:
When would the pilot be expected to commence the side step maneuver?
as soon as possible after the runway environment is in sight
Which procedure should be followed by a pilot who is circling to land in a category B airplane, but is maintaining a speed 5 knots faster than the maximum specified for that category?
use the approach minimums appropriate for category C
The glideslope and localizer are centered, but the airspeed is too fast. Which should be adjusted initially?
power only
If during a VFR practice instrument approach, radar approach control assigns an altitude or heading that will cause you to enter the clouds, what action should be taken?
advise ATC, unable and remain clear of clouds
When being radar vectored for an ILS approach, at what point may you start a descent from your last assigned altitude to a lower minimum altitude if cleared for the approach?
when established on a segment of a published route or IAP
When cleared to execute a published sidestep maneuver for a specific approach and landing on the parallel runway, at what point is the pilot expected to commence this maneuver?
as soon as possible after the runway or runway environment is in sight
When are ATIS broadcasts updated?
upon receipt of any official weather, regardless of content change or reported values
A precision runway monitoring (PRM) approach may require
monitoring of two communication frequencies simultaneously
The rate of descent required to stay on the ILS glideslope
must be decreased if the ground speed is decreased
You have a missed approach to your destination airport and now your alternate airport weather is below the published alternate minimums as listed in the IFR alternate airport minimums section of the U.S. terminal procedures publication. For part 91 operations, you
may choose to fly to the alternate airport or select another suitable airport as an alternate
Which fixes on the IAP charts are initial approach fixes?
any fix that is identified by the letters IAF
While being radar vectored, an approach clearance is received. The last assigned altitude should be maintained until
established on a segment of a published route or IAP
Precision runway monitoring (PRM) is:
a RADAR system for monitoring approaches to closely spaced parallel
You are being vectored to the ILS approach course, but have been cleared for the approach. It becomes evident that you will pass through the localizer course. What action should be taken?
continue on the assigned heading and query ATC
When more than one circuit of the holding pattern is needed to lose altitude or become better established on course, the additional circuits can be made
only if pilot advises ATC and ATC approves
While on a GPS approach, you receive a RAIM annunciation about the status of RAIM reliability. You should
execute an immediate missed approach regardless of where you are on the approach path
If the RVR equipment is inoperative for an IAP that requires a visibility of 2,400 RVR, how should the pilot expect the visibility requirement to be reported in lieu of the published RVR?
as a ground visibility of 1/2 SM