Flight Instruments Flashcards
During normal coordinated turns, what error due to precession should you observe when rolling out to straight and level flight from a 180 steep turn to the right?
The miniature aircraft would show a slight turn indication to the left
If a half standard rate turn is maintained, how long would it take to turn 135 degree?
1 minute 30 seconds
Rate of turn can be increased and radius of turn decreased by
decreasing airspeed and increasing the bank
What would be the indication on the VSI during entry into a 500 FPM actual descent from level flight if the static ports were iced over?
The VSI pointer would remain at zero regardless of the actual rate of descent
What is the correct sequence in which to use the three skills used in instrument flying?
Cross check, instrument interpretation, and aircraft control
While recovering from an unusual flight attitude without the aid of the attitude indicator, approximate level pitch attitude is reached when the
airspeed and altimeter stop their movement and the VSI reverses its trend
What pretakeoff check should be made of a vacuum driven heading indicator in preparation for an IFR flight?
After 5 minutes, set the indicator to the magnetic heading of the aircraft and check for proper alignment after taxi turns
If you are not able to obtain the current altimeter setting prior to takeoff, you should set this instrument to
field elevation
Which condition during taxi is an indication that an attitude indicator is unreliable?
The horizon bar tilts more than 5 degree while making taxi turns
During flight, if the pitot tube becomes clogged with ice, which of the following instruments would be affected?
The airspeed indicator only
If a 180 degree steep turn is made to the right and the aircraft is rolled out to straight and level flight by visual references, the attitude indicator
may show a slight climb and turn
To check the accuracy of a magnetic compass, you should
compare the compass heading against a known heading such as a runway
Enroute at FL 290, your altimeter is set correctly, but you fail to reset it to the local altimeter setting of 30.26 Hg during descent. If the field elevation is 134 feet and your altimeter is functioning properly, what will it indicate after landing?
206 feet below MSL
The pitot system provides impact pressure for which instrument?
Airspeed indicator
During a constant bank level turn, what effect would an increase in airspeed have on the rate and radius of turn?
Rate of turn would decrease, and radius of turn would increase
What is the relationship between centrifugal force and the horizontal lift component in a coordinated turn?
Horizontal lift and centrifugal force are equal
Pressure altitude is the altitude read on your altimeter when the instrument is adjusted to indicate height above
the standard datum plane
The method for controlling an aircraft by attitude and power without visual reference to the horizon is referred to as
control and performance
You check the flight instruments while taxiing and find that the vertical speed indicator (VSI) indicates a descent of 100 feet per minute. In this case, you
may takeoff under IFR and use 100 feet descent as the zero indication
What is the third fundamental skill in attitude instrument flying?
aircraft control
While you are flying at FL 250, you hear ATC give an altimeter setting of 28.92 Hg in your area. At what pressure altitude are you flying?
25,000 feet
The displacement of a turn coordinator during a coordinated turn will
increase as angle of bank increases
If a half standard rate turn is maintained, how long would it take to turn 360?
4 minutes
If the outside air temperature increases during a flight at constant power and at a constant indicated altitude, the true airspeed will
increase and true altitude will increase
Under what condition is pressure altitude and density altitude the same value?
at standard temperature
What does the minimature aircraft of the turn coordinator directly display?
rate of roll and rate of turn
During a skidding turn to the right, what is the relationship between the component of lift, centrifugal force, and load factor?
Centrifugal force is greater than horizontal lift and the load factor is increased
What should be the indication on the magnetic compass as you roll into a standard rate turn to the right from a westerly heading in the northern hemisphere?
The compass will indicate the approximate correct magnetic heading if the roll into the turn is smooth
One characteristic that a properly functioning gyro depends upon for operation is the
resistance to deflection of the spinning wheel or disc
How does a pilot normally obtain the current altimeter setting during an IFR flight in Class E airspace below 18,000 feet?
ATC periodically advises the pilot of the proper altimeter setting
Which condition would cause the altimeter to indicate a lower altitude than actually flown (true altitude)?
air temperature warmer than standard
While cruising at 190 knots, you wish to establish a climb at 160 knots. When entering the climb (full panel), it would be proper to make the initial pitch change by increasing back elevator pressure until the
attitude indicator shows the approximate pitch attitude appropriate for the 160 knot climb
While enroute at 16,000 feet MSL, what would be an acceptable source for an altimeter setting?
The current reported altimeter setting of a station along the route and within 100 NM of the aircraft
If a standard rate turn is maintained, how much time would be required to turn to the right from a heading of 090 to a heading 0f 270?
1 minute
What indications should you observe on the turn and slip indicator during taxi?
The ball moves freely opposite the turn, and the needle deflects in the direction of the turn
At an altitude of 6,500 feet MSL, the current altimeter setting is 30.42 Hg. The pressure altitude would be approximately
6000 feet
On what headings will the magnetic compass read most accurately during a level 360 turn, with a bank of approximately 15 degree?
90 and 270
When an aircraft is accelerated, some attitude indicators will precess and incorrectly indicate a
How can you obtain the pressure altitude on flights below 18,000 feet?
set your altimeter to 29.92 Hg
During normal operation of a vacuum driven attitude indicator, what attitude indication should you see when rolling out from a 180 skidding turn to straight and level coordinated flight?
The miniature aircraft shows a turn in the direction opposite the skid
What pretakeoff check should be made of the attitude indicator in preparation for an IFR flight?
The horizon bar should erect and become stable within 5 minutes
While cruising at 160 knots, you wish to establish a climb at 130 knots. When entering the climb (full panel), it is proper to make the initial pitch change by increasing back elevator pressure until the
attitude indicator shows the approximate pitch attitude appropriate for the 130 knot climb
Altimeter setting is the value to which the scale of the pressure altimeter is set so the altimeter indicates
true altitude at field elevation
What indications are displayed by the miniature aircraft of a turn coordinator?
rate of roll and rate of turn
What should be the indication on the magnetic compass as you roll into a standard rate turn to the right from a northerly heading in the northern hemisphere?
The compass will initially indicate a turn to the left
As a rule of thumb, altitude corrections of less than 100 feet should be corrected by using pitch changes of
a half bar width on the attitude indicator
Under which condition will pressure altitude be equal to true altitude?
When standard atmospheric conditions exist
If while in level flight, it becomes necessary to use an alternate source of static pressure vented inside the airplane, which of the following variations in instrument indications should the pilot expect?
The altimeter will read higher than normal, airspeed greater than normal, and the VSI will momentarily show a climb
Which altitude is indicated when the altimeter is set to 29.92 Hg?
The primary reason the angle of attack must be increased, to maintain a constant altitude during a coordinated turn, is because the
vertical component of lift has decreased as the result of the bank
To level off at an airspeed higher than the descent speed, the addition of power should be made, assuming a 500 FPM rate of descent, at approximately
100 to 150 feet above the desired altitude
Your heading indicator has failed. To turn left from a heading of 090 to a heading of 360, using a standard rate turn, how many seconds will it take?
30 seconds
The rate of turn at any airspeed is dependent upon
the horizontal lift component
When initiating a left turn in the northern hemisphere from a heading of 270. The magnetic compass will
initially indicate the actual rate of turn
If an airplane is in an unusual flight attitude and the attitude indicator has exceeded its limits, which instruments should be relied on to determine pitch attitude before starting recovery?
airspeed and altimeter
What indication should be observed on a turn coordinator during a left turn while taxiing?
The miniature aircraft will show a turn to the left and the ball moves to the right
Prior to starting an engine, you should check the turn and slip indicator to determine if the
needle is approximately centered and the tube is full of fluid
What are the three fundamental skills involved in attitude instrument flying?
cross check, instrument interpretation, and aircraft control
If a standard rate turn is maintained, how much time would be required to turn to the left from a heading of 090 to a heading 300?
50 seconds
The air data computer or ADC
combines data from the pitot static sensors and temperature sensors
The pressure altitude at a given location is indicated on the altimeter after the altimeter is set to
29.92 Hg
What should be the indication on the magnetic compass as you roll into a standard rate turn to the right from a south heading in the northern hemisphere?
The compass will indicate a turn to the right, but at a faster rate than is actually occurring
To level off from a descent to a specific altitude, the pilot should lead the level off by approximately
10 percent of the vertical speed
Conditions that determine the pitch attitude required to maintain level flight are
airspeed, air density, wing design, and angle of attack
Which instruments, in addition to the attitude indicator, are pitch instruments?
altimeter, airspeed indicator, and vertical speed indicator
When airspeed is decreased in a turn, what must be done to maintain level flight?
Decrease the angle of bank and/or increase the angle of attack
To level off from a descent maintaining the descending airspeed, the pilot should lead the desired altitude by approximately
50 feet
What should be the indication on the magnetic compass as you roll into a standard rate turn to the left from a west heading in the northern hemisphere?
The compass will indicate the approximate correct magnetic heading if the roll into the turn is smooth
You are preflighting for an IFR flight and set in the current altimeter setting, it should be not more than
+/- 75 feet from your referenced level
The primary flight display (PFD) receives attitude and heading data from the
Which instrument indicates the quality of a turn?
Ball of the turn coordinator
When airspeed is increased in a turn, what must be done to maintain a constant altitude?
increase the angle of bank and/or decrease the angle of attack
How can you determine the pressure altitude at an airport without a tower or FSS?
Set the altimeter to 29.92 Hg and read the altitude indicated
On the taxi check, the magnetic compass should
swing freely and indicate known headings
If while in level flight, it becomes necessary to use an alternate source of static pressure vented inside the airplane, which of the following variations in instrument indications should the pilot expect?
The altimeter will read higher than normal, airspeed greater than normal, and the VSI will momentarily show a climb
What should be the indication on the magnetic compass when you roll into a standard rate turn to the left from a south heading in the northern hemisphere?
The compass will indicate a turn to the left, but at a faster rate than is actually occurring
Which practical test should be made on the electric gyro instruments prior to starting an engine?
Turn on the electrical power and listen for any unusual or irregular mechanical noise
Under what condition will true altitude be lower than indicated altitude with an altimeter setting of 29.92 Hg?
in colder than standard air temperature
What indications should be observed on a turn coordinator during a right turn while taxiing?
The miniature aircraft will show a turn to the right and the ball moves to the left
What is an advantage of an attitude indicator that is displayed digitally?
the horizon line extends all the way to the edges of the PFD
When an aircraft is decelerated, some attitude indicators will precess and incorrectly indicate a
Approximately what percent of the indicated vertical speed should be used to determine the number of feet to lead the level off from a climb to a specific altitude?
10 percent
What indication is presented by the miniature aircraft of the turn coordinator?
indirect indication of the bank attitude
To enter a constant airspeed descent from level cruising flight, and maintain cruising airspeed, the pilot should
simultaneously reduce power and adjust the pitch using the attitude indicator as a reference to maintain the cruising airspeed
If both the ram air input and drain hole of the pitot system are blocked, what airspeed indication can be expected?
increase of indicated airspeed during a climb
During recoveries from unusual attitudes, level flight is attained the instant
the altimeter and airspeed needles stop prior to reversing their direction of movement
The local altimeter setting should be used by all pilots in a particular area, primarily to provide for
better vertical separation of aircraft
Displacement of the standard rate turn index during a coordinated turn will
increase as rate of turn increases
If a half standard rate turn is maintained, how much time would be required to turn clockwise from a heading of 090 to a heading of 180?
1 minute
Which of the following defines the type of altitude used when maintaining FL 210?
What is the procedure for setting the altimeter when assigned an IFR altitude of 18,000 feet or higher on a direct flight off airways?
Set the altimeter to the current reported setting for climbout and 29.92 Hg upon reaching 18,000 feet
What force causes an airplane to turn?
Horizontal lift component
If a standard rate turn is maintained, how long would it take to turn 180?
1 minute
Which instruments should be used to make a pitch correction when you have deviated from your assigned altitude?
Attitude indicator, altimeter, and VSI
What indication should a pilot observe if an airspeed indicator ram air input and drain hole are blocked?
The airspeed indicator will react as an altimeter
If you are departing from an airport where you cannot obtain an altimeter setting, you should set your altimeter
to the airport elevation
Which is the correct sequence for recovery from a spiraling, nose low, increasing airspeed, unusual flight attitude?
Reduce power, correct the bank attitude and raise the nose to level attitude
When an altimeter is changed from 30.11 Hg to 29.96 Hg, in which direction will the indicated altitude change and by what value?
altimeter will indicate 150 feet lower
Errors in both pitch and bank indicator on an attitude indicator are usually at a maximum as the aircraft rolls out of a
180 degree turn
For maintaining level flight at constant thrust, which instrument would be the least appropriate for determining the need for a pitch change?
attitude indicator
If both the ram air input and the drain hold of the pitot system are blocked, what reaction should you observe on the airspeed indicator when power is applied and a climb is initiated out of severe icing conditions?
No change until an actual climb rate is established, then indicated airspeed will increase
What causes the northerly turning error in a magnetic compass?
the magnetic dip characteristic
What is the first fundamental skill in attitude instrument flying?
instrument cross check
Enroute at FL 290, the altimeter is set correctly, but not reset to the local altimeter setting of 30.57 inches Hg during descent. If the field elevation is 650 feet and the altimeter is functioning properly, what is the approximate indication upon landing?
sea level
If the pitot tube ram air pressure hole and drain hole become obstructed, the airspeed indicator will operate
like an altimeter as the aircraft climbs and descends
How should you preflight check the altimeter prior to an IFR flight?
Set the altimeter to the current altimeter setting. The indication should be within 75 feet of the actual elevation for acceptable accuracy.