IFR Cross Country Flying Flashcards
If the electronic flight instrument system (EFIS) fails in flight, how will you monitor your altitude?
Stand by altimeter
Unless otherwise specified on the chart, the minimum enroute altitude along a jet route
18,000 feet MSL
The lighter workloads associated with glass (digital) flight instrumentation
may lead to complacency by the flight crew
Automation in aircraft has proven
to present new hazards in its limitations
MEA is an altitude which assures
acceptable navigational signal coverage and meets obstruction clearance requirements
For operations off established airways at 17,000 feet in the contiguous U.S., (H) class VORTAC facilities used to define a direct route of flight should be no farther apart than
200 NM
What is the definition of a technically advanced aircraft?
An aircraft having a primary flight display, a GPS navigation system with a moving map display, and an autopilot.
The lowest published altitude which meets obstacle clearance requirements and assures acceptable navigational signal coverage is the
In the case of operations over an area designated as a mountainous area where no other minimum altitude is prescribed, no person may operate an aircraft under IFR below an altitude of
2000 feet above the highest obstacle
Unless otherwise prescribed, what is the rule regarding altitude and course to be maintained during an off-airways IFR flight over non-mountainous terrain?
1000 feet above the highest obstacle within 4 NM of course
What is the minimum altitude that is prescribed for off airways IFR flights over mountainous terrain?
2000 feet above the highest obstacle within a horizontal distance of 4 NM of the course
Unless otherwise prescribed, what is the rule regarding altitude and course to be maintained during an off-airways IFR flight over mountainous terrain?
2000 feet above the highest obstacle within 4 NM of course
Acceptable navigational signal coverage at the MOCA is assured for a distance from the VOR of only
22 NM
Reception of signals from an off airway radio facility may be inadequate to identify the fix at the designated MEA. In this case, which altitude is designated for the fix?
The MEA assures acceptable navigational signal coverage and
meets obstacle clearance requirements
MOAs are established to
separate certain military activities from IFR traffic
During IFR enroute operations using an approved TSO-C129 or TSO-C196 GPS system for navigation,
the aircraft must have an approved and operational alternate navigation system appropriate for the route
One way to verify the currency of your airborne navigation database is to
check your waypoints to make sure they seem correct and are in the right order.
The advancement of avionics in light general aviation airplanes has enhanced situal awareness for properly trained pilots. However, there is concern that this technology could lead to
If no MCA is specified, what is the lowest altitude for crossing a radio fix, beyond which a higher minimum applies?
The MEA at which the fix is approached
Which aeronautical chart depicts military training routes (MTR) above 1500 feet?
IFR low altitude enroute chart
How can a pilot determine if a global positioning system (GPS) installed in a aircraft is approved for IFR enroute and IFR approaches?
Flight manual supplement
In the case of operations over an area designated as a mountainous area, no person may operate an aircraft under IFR below 2000 feet above the highest obstacle within a horizontal distance of
4 NM from the course flown
Class G airspace is that airspace where
ATC does not control
What is the definition of MEA?
The lowest published altitude which meets obstacle clearance requirements and assures acceptable navigational signal coverage
Which types of airspace are depicted on the enroute low altitude chart?
limits of controlled airspace, military training routes and special use airspace
Before using any procedure or waypoint retrieved from an airborne navigation database,
the pilot should verify the validity of the database during preflight and inflight
An aircraft which is equipped with an electronic flight display (EFD) can
offer new capabilities and simplify the basic flying task
During IFR operation using an approved, non-WAAS, GPS system for navigation,
the aircraft must have an approved and operational alternate navigation system appropriate for the route
When a pilot believes advanced avionics enable operations closer to personal or environmental limits,
risk is increased
For IFR operations off of established airways below 18,000 feet, VOR navigational aids used to describe the route of flight should be no more than
80 NM apart
Reception of signals from a radio facility, located off the airway being flown, may be inadequate at the designated MEA to identify the fix. In this case, which altitude is designated for the fix?
Except when necessary for takeoff or landing or unless otherwise authorized by the administrator, the minimum altitude for IFR flight is
2000 feet above the highest obstacle over designated mountainous terrain; 1000 feet above the highest obstacle over terrain elsewhere
A handheld GPS system
is not authorized for IFR navigation
Which condition is guaranteed for all of the following altitude limits: MAA, MCA, MRA, MOCA, and MEA? (non mountainous area)
1000 foot obstacle clearance
During IFR enroute and terminal operations using an approved, non-WAAS, GPS system for navigation, ground based navigational facilities
must be operational along the entire route
The altitude that provides acceptable navigational signal coverage for the route, and meets obstacle clearance requirements, is the minimum
en route altitude
Handheld GPS systems, and GPS systems certified for VFR operation, may be used during IFR operation as
an aid to situational awareness
What are the vertical limits of a transition area that is designated in conjunction with an airport having a prescribed IAP?
700 feet AGL or more to the base of the overlying controlled airspace
Which airspace is defined as a transition area when designated in conjunction with an airport which has a prescribed IAP?
The Class E airspace extending upward from 700 feet or more above the surface and terminating at the base of the overlying controlled airspace
While on an instrument flight in VFR conditions, ATC asks you to ADVISE WHEN YOU HAVE ATIS for your destination airport. Upon tuning to ATIS, you discover that is hasn’t been updated in over a hour. Which statement is true?
since it has been over an hour, check back in a moment because it is likely being updated now
During IFR enroute operations using an approved, non-WAAS, GPS system for navigation,
the aircraft must have an approved and operational alternate navigation system appropriate for the route
If the electronic flight instrument system (EFIS) fails in flight, which instrument will you use for pitch and bank information?
Standby attitude indicator
ATC may assign the MOCA when certain special conditions exist, and when within
22 NM of the VOR
As part of your GPS preflight planning, RAIM prediction should be verified. This means that
RAIM is predicted to be available for your entire route of flight including the GPS approach(es) at your destination
What are the primary benefits of satellite based area navigation (RNAV)?
provides optimal routing and altitudes