Inspiration for the fight (3) Flashcards
Boudicca curru filias prae se vehens,
Boudicca, carrying her daughters in front of her in her chariot,
ut quamquam nationem accesserat,
as she had approached each tribe
solitum quidem Britannis feminarum ductu bella testabatur,
Indeed she declared that it was usual for the Britons to fight under the leadership of women,
sed tunc non ut tantis maioribus ortam regnum et opes,
But at that time, as she was descended from such great ancestors,
verum ut unam e vulgo libertatem amissam,
she was avenging* her wealth and kingdom, the lost liberty of her people
confectum verberibus corpus, contrectatam filiarum pudicitiam ulcisci.
her body worn out by beatings, and the mistreated chastity of her daughters.
eo provectas Romanorum cupidines ut non corpora,
The desires of the Romans were so far gone, that they didn’t leave
ne senectam quidem aut virginitatem impollutam relinquant
bodies, nor indeed old age or virginity undefiled.
adesse tamen deos iustae vindictae:
The gods, however, were there on the side of righteous vengeance.
cecidisse legionem, quae proelium ausa sit;
a legion, that dared (to engage in) battle had fallen;
ceteros castris occultari aut fugam circumspicere.
the rest were hidden in their camps or looking out for an escape.
ne strepitum quidem et clamorem tot milium,
Not even a noise and shout of so many thousands,
nedum impetus et manus perlaturos:
not to mention bands of men about to make an attack:
si copias armatorum, si causas belli secum expenderent,
If they considered the forces of armed men, and the reasons for war among themselves,
vincendum illa acie vel cadendum esse.
They had to win or to fall in this battle.
id mulieri destinatum: viverent viri et servirent.
This was the woman’s decision: the men would live and be slaves.
ne Suetonius quidem in tanto discrimine silebat.
Nor indeed was Suetonius silent in such a great crisis.
quamquam confideret virtuti,
Although he had trust in their courage,
tamen exhortationes et preces miscebat
yet he mixed encouragement and prayers
ut spernerent sonores barbarorum et inanes minas:
So that they would scorn the noises of the barbarians and their empty threats:
plus illic feminarum quam iuventutis aspici.
(he said that*) there were more women to be seen there than young men.
imbelles inermes cessuros statim
(they were) unwarlike and unarmed, and would surrender at once
ubi ferrum virtutemque vincentium toties fusi adgnovissent.
When they, scattered so many times, recognised the swords and courage of their conquerors.
etiam in multis legionibus paucos qui proelia profligarent;
Even in great legions, there were a few (men) who decided (the outcome of) battles
gloriaeque eorum accessurum
It would be more to their glory that
quod modica manus universi exercitus famam adipiscerentur.
a small group of men would gain fame for the whole army.
conferti tantum et pilis emissis post umbonibus
Only close together and when their javelin had been thrown
et gladiis stragem caedemque continuarent, praedae immemores:
Should they continue the destruction and slaughter, using their shields and swords, with no regard for booty.
parta victoria cuncta ipsis cessura.
When victory had been won, everything would be given over to them.
is ardor verba ducis sequebatur,
This desire followed the words of the leader,
ita se ad intorquenda pila expedierat vetus miles
And the veteran soldiers, with much experience in battle*
et multa proliorum experientia
prepared themselves to hurl javelins* in such a way
ut certus eventus Suetonius daret pugnae signum.
that Suetonius, confident in the outcome, gave the signal to fight.
ac primum legio gradu immota
And at first the legion (remained) unmoved in their position,
et angustias loci pro munimento retinens,
holding to the narrowness of the place as a defence,
postquam in propius suggressos hostes
After they hurled their javelins at enemies coming closer
certo iactu tela exhauserat, velut cuneo erupit.
with accurate aim, they broke out in wedge formation.
idem auxiliarium impetus; et eques protentis hastis perfringit
The attack of the auxiliaries was the same; the cavalry broke through
quod obvium et validum erat.
whatever was in their way and strong with outstretched spears.
ceteri terga praebuere, difficili effugio,
The rest turned their backs in retreat (which was) difficult
quia circumiecta vehicula saepserant abitus.
because surrounding wagons had blocked the way out.
et miles ne mulierum quidem neci temperabat,
And (our) soldiers didn’t hold back even from slaughtering women,
confixaque telis etiam iumenta corporum cumulum auxerant.
And pierced even the beasts of burden with their weapons, adding to the heap of bodies.
clara et antiquis victoriis par ea die laus parta;
Famous glory, equal to victories of old, was obtained that day.
quippe sunt qui paulo minus
For there are those (who say) that a little less
quam octaginta milia Brittanorum cecidisse tradant,
than 80,000 Britons died,
militum quadringentis ferme interfectis
with about 400 soldiers killed
nec multo amplius vulneratis.
And not many more wounded.
Boudica vitam veneno finivit.
Boudicca ended her life with poison.