Inorganic Chem Flashcards
In 1986, the nuclear reactor in Chernobyl had an accident and spewed radioactive nuclei that were carried by the winds for hundreds of miles. Today, among the child survivors of the event, the most common damage is thyroid cancer. Which radioactive nucleus do you expect to be responsible for these cancers?
I- 131
Perchloroethylene, which is a liquid at room temperature, is one of the most widely used solvents for commercial dry cleaning. It is sold for this purpose under several trade names, including Perclene. Does this molecule have polar bonds? Is it a polar molecule? Does it have a dipole?
yes, non-polar, none
You place manganese, calcium chloride and sodium acetate in a liquid, in which they are not soluble. The liquid has a density of 2.15 g/ml. Which will sink to the bottom, which will stay on the top, and which will stay in the middle of the liquid?
calcium chloride, manganese, sodium acetate
Classify these as kinetic or potential energy (1) Water held by a dam (2) A speeding train (3) A book on its edge before falling (4) A falling book (5) Electric current in a light bulb
potential, kinetic, potential, kinetic, kinetic
Who invented the Carbon-14 dating method?
Williard Libby
Polymer used in bullet proof vest
linear polyethylene
Process of breaking down a large isotope into smaller isotopes.
nuclear fission
What was Melvin Calvin was known for his study of?
Iodine vapor forms iodine crystals when it touches a cold surface. What is the reverse of the process being described?
Which of the following has a larger ionic nucleus? Na+ or Na?
The purpose of control rods in a fission reactor is to:
a. cool down the reactor fuel.
b. prevent oxygen from reaching the fuel.
c. absorb neutrons generated in the fission process.
d. absorb electrons emitted in the fission process.
absorb neutrons generated in the fission process.
Which bond is the least polar? C-C, C-N, C-Cl, C-F, C-O?
C-O < C-N < C-F < C-C < C-Cl
Assume the density of the compacted waste to be 490 kg · m−3. What is the ratio of HPO42- /H2PO4- in a phosphate buffer of pH 7.9 (the pH of human pancreatic fluid)?
a. 5:1
b. 2:1
c. 3:1
d. 4:1
The solubility of aspartic acid in water is 0.500 g in 100 mL at 25°C. If we dissolve 0.251 g of aspartic acid in 50.0 mL of water at 50°C and let the solution cool to 25°C without stirring, shaking, or otherwise disturbing the solution, would the resulting solution be a saturated, unsaturated, or supersaturated solution?
The normal boiling point of a substance depends on both the mass of the molecule and the attractive forces between molecules. Arrange the compounds in each set in order of increasing boiling point: (1) HCl, (2) HBr and (3) HI.
HCl < HI < HBr
Which isotope of boron is the most stable: boron-8, boron-10, or boron-12?
boron 8
Write an equation for the reaction of HCl with each compound. Which are acid–base reactions? Which are redox reactions? (1) Na2CO3 (2) Mg (3) NaOH (4) NH3 (5) Fe2O3 (6) CH3NH2 (7) NaHCO3.
Classify the following systems as homogeneous, heterogeneous, or colloidal mixtures. (1) Physiological saline solution (2) Orange juice (3) A cloud (4) Wet sand (5) Suds (6) Milk
homogeneous, heterogeneous, colloidal, heterogeneous, colloidal, colloidal
Following are pH ranges for several human biological materials. From the pH at the midpoint of each range, calculate the corresponding [H3O-]. Which materials are acidic? (1) Milk, pH 6.6–7.6 (2) Gastric contents, pH 1.0–3.0 (3) Spinal fluid, pH 7.3–7.5 (4) Saliva, pH 6.5–7.5 (5) Urine, pH 4.8–8.4 (6) Blood plasma, pH 7.35–7.45 (7) Feces, pH 4.6–8.4 (8) Bile, pH 6.8–7.0.
By nature, sulfur molecules can exist in various conditions such as S8, S2, and S. (1) Is the mass of one mole of each of these molecules the same? (2) Is the number of molecules in one mole of each of these molecules the same? (3) Is the number of atoms of sulfur in one mole of each of these molecules the same?
No, Yes, No
Which among the following has the highest boiling point?
a. 1.0% soln. of (NH2)2CO
b. 1.0% soln. of NaCl
c. 1.0% soln. of ZnSO4
d. 1.0% soln. of C6H12O6
A Chemical Engineer decided to make a twist with the old Filipino song “Ako ay may Lobo”. If the child had a 500 mL balloon (5/6 of its Maximum Stretching Capacity) filled with H2 gas, at what height will the child no longer see the balloon since it has burst? Assume that the pressure decreases 1 mm for every 100 cm rise in height.
a. 85 m
b. 127 m
c. 149 m
d. 233 m
J.J. Thomson is well known for his discovery of the existence of the electron. An apparatus similar to his would produce a ______ light signifying the interaction of the glass tube and the cathode rays. The charge of the electron, on the other hand, was determined by ______ through his ingenious Oil- Drop Experiment.
Yellow, Ernest Marsden
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin or hCG is a hormone that is primarily detected by which among the following tests?
Pregnancy Test
Classify each of the following as homogeneous or
I. a door
II. the air you breathe
III. a cup of coffee (black)
V. the water you drink
V. salsa
VI. your lab partner
hetero, homo, homo, homo, hetero, hetero
Where in the body does fatty acid synthesis occur?
What structural characteristics do citric acid and malic
acid have in common?
A. They are heterocyclic compounds
B. Both has three moieties of carboxylic acid
C. They contain an alkene bridge
D. They are both hydroxy acids
What is the difference between a coenzyme and a cofactor?
A. Coenzyme activator is inorganic while cofactor is organic
B. Coenzyme needs allosteric activator while cofactor
requires conformational induction
C. Cofactor contains heme groups, coenzyme has disulfide
D. Cofactor is more generic; it means a nonprotein part of
an enzyme. A coenzyme is an organic factor.
Who discovered phenolphthalein?
A. Adolf von Baeyer
C. Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac
B. Louis-Jacques Thenard
D. Albert Hofmann
How many high-energy phosphate bonds are in the ATP molecule?
Classify each of the following as an element, a compound, or
a mixture.
a) diamond
b) sea water
c) gasoline
d) wine
e) a pebble
f) bronze
element, mixture, mixture, mixture, mixture, mixture
Which has higher absolute entropy at a temperature of 250C,
cyclopropane or propylene? Why?
A. Both have the same absolute entropy at normal
B. Propylene due to the free rotation around the carboncarbon single bond.
C. Cyclopropane due to the free rotation around the carboncarbon double bond.
D. None of these
Predict whether each of the following nuclides is stable or unstable (radioactive). If the nuclide is unstable,predict the type ofradioactivity you would expect it to exhibit. 45K, 56Fe, 11Na, 194Tl.
unstable-beta production, stable, unstable-positron
production,unstable-alpha production
Crystals of a material are suspended in the middle of a cup of water at 2 deg C. How might you enable the crystals to rise to the surface of the water so that you can harvest them?
a. Add more crystals
b. Add more water
c. Decrease the temperature of water to 0 deg C
d. Increase the temperature of water to 4 deg C
Which of the following objects are chiral (assume that there
is no label or other identifying mark)?
a) Pair of scissors
b) Tennis ball
c) Paper clip
d) Beaker
e) The swirl created in water as it drains out of a sink or
chiral, achiral, achiral, achiral, chiral
How to differentiate alkane alkene and alkyne?
A. combustion on an empty beaker
B. nature of carbon and its branching
C. reaction with Br2
D. all of these
How to differentiate alkane alkene and alkyne?
A. combustion on an empty beaker
B. nature of carbon and its branching
C. reaction with Br2
D. all of these
These compounds are formed by the reaction of acids with
A. Ethers C. Bases
B. Esters D. Enzymes
Why is it accurate to assume that the carbon-14 to carbon12 ratio in a living plant remains constant over the lifetime
of the plant?
I. Carbon 14 is continually generated in the upper atmosphere
by the production and decay of nitrogen 14.
II. Carbon 14 incorporated into carbon dioxide and the other
compounds are distributed worldwide as part of the carbon
III. The continual formation of carbon-14; transfer of
isotope within the oceans, atmospheres and biosphere; and
the decay of living matter keep the supply constant.
Determine which of the following will float or sink in water:
balsa wood, ethylene, glycol, table salt, ethanol
float, sink, sink. float
Answer the following questions
Is H+ (aq) capable of oxidizing Cu(s) to Cu2+ (aq)?
Is Fe3+ (aq) capable of oxidizing I- (aq)?
Is H2 (g) capable of oxidizing Ag+ (aq)?
no, yes
Number of double bonds in geraniol
Determine whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE.
a) For all adiabatic processes, the entropy change of the system
must be zero
b) For one component system, it is possible for two phases in
equilibrium to have different chemical potentials.
c) The change in Gibb’s free energy can be negative for a cyclic
d) A condition for equilibrium is that(∆A) T, F =0
F, F, F, F
Are the following processes exothermic or endothermic?
a) When solid KBr is dissolved in water, the solution gets colder.
b) Natural gas (CH4) is burned in a furnace.
c) When concentrated H2SO4 is added to water, the solution gets
very hot.
d) Water is boiled in a teakettle.
endothermic, exothermic, exothermic, endothermic
What will happen to ice at 0°C if the pressure decreases from 1 atm to 0.001 atm?
Do isotopes of the heavy elements (for example, those from atomic number 37 to 53) contain more, the same, or fewer neutrons than
In which among the following can a Cherenkov Radiation be observed?
A: In the Water surrounding the core of a Nuclear Reactor
B: In the Mushroom Cloud produced after a Hydrogen Bomb Explosion
C: In a particle accelerator after the bombardment of two nuclides
D: In the Sun’s Corona during a Solar Eclipse
Across the three most notorious accidents regarding nuclear power plants: Three Mile Island, Chernobyl, and Fukushima, what is the most common cause for their failure that led to several environmental problems?
A: A leak in the fuel rods initiating an explosion
B: Bursting of reactor due to uncontrolled pressurized steam
C: Loss of proper cooling and/or moderator
D: Run-off chain
The Bataan Nuclear Power Plant is planned to be retrofitted in hopes of using it for the first time. One point of concern is the material that would be used in the outer portions of the room housing the fuel rods. If the radiation coming from the fuel rods would be a strong beta emission, which material among the following should be utilized?
A: 1.00 cm of Aluminum
B: 7.50 m of Concrete
C: 8.0 mm of Lucite
D: 35.0 m of Lead
A brain scan procedure performed at St. Lukes Medical Center involves injecting 20 mCi of metastable Technetium-99 on a patient. Tc-99m decays by gamma radiation and has a half-life of 6.0 hours. The energy of a gamma photon is 2.29x10^-14 J. The RBE of these photons is 0.98 and only two-thirds of the photons are absorbed by the body. Assuming all of the Tc- 99m nuclei decay inside the patients body, What is the rem dose received by a 70 kg patient.
A: 0.49 rem B: 0.62 rem
C: 0.78 rem D: 0.91 rem
The Bataan Nuclear Power Plant is planned to be retrofitted in hopes of using it for the first time. One point of concern is the material that would be used in the outer portions of the room housing the fuel rods. If the radiation coming from the fuel rods would be a strong beta emission, which material among the following should be utilized?
A: 1.00 cm of Aluminum
B: 7.50 m of Concrete
C: 8.0 mm of Lucite
D: 35.0 m of Lead
Milk samples from a dairy farm in Bohol were collected as per ordered by the Department of Agriculture. The milk was determined to contain K-40. The cow’s milk has a specific activity of about 6x10^-11 mCi per milliliter. How many disintegrations of K-40 are there per minute in 1.0 qt of milk?
A: 109.0 disintegrations per minute
B: 126.0 disintegrations per minute
C: 144.0 disintegrations per minute
D: 173.0 disintegrations per minute
“Ako ay may lobo” …
H=127 m
Which among the following can detect the neutrons produced by U-235 undergoing nuclear fission?
A. A Geiger Counter containing Fluorine Gas
B. A Scintillation Counter containing Zinc Sulfide and Xenon
C: A Geiger Counter containing Argon and Boron trifluoride
D: A Scintillation Counter containing Tungsten Carbide
Which among the following is the phosphor of a scintillation counter intended for the detection of gamma radiation?
A: Zinc Sulfide
B: Metastable Technetium-99
C: NaI Crystals containing Thallium (II) Iodide
D: Buckminsterfullerene
Which among the following statements regarding Sb-122 and Xe-136 is TRUE?
A: Sb-122 is more stable than Xe-136 because of its atomic number
B: Xe-136 and Sb-122 are radioactive
C: Xe-136 is more stable than Sb-122 because of the amount of its neutrons
D: Sb-122 and Xe-136 are both stable