The prefix equivalent to 10-15 is
41.780 Be = ? 0API
A. 43.19 C. 42.12
B. 41.06 D. 40.02
Density of 90% aqueous solution of sulfuric acid at 25 degC in gmL is
A. 1.8144 C. 1.8198
B. 1.8091 D. 1.8033
What is the chemical formula of aspirin?
A. C8H9O3 C. C8H13O5
B. C9H8O4 D. C10H34O
Which of the following formula is red lead?
A. PbO C. Pb2O4
B. Pb4O6 D. Pb3O4
What is the common name of this compound C6H5OCH3?
A. Aniline C. Cumene
B. Styrene D. Anisole
What is the formula of melamine?
A. C3H6N6 C. C4H7N8
B. C3H8N6 D. C4H8N6
The ratio of thermal diffusivity and momentum in liquid is known as the
Prandtl Number
What causes feedback on telephone during rainy days?
What is used in ultrasonic flowmeters?
What do you call the temperature in which the reactor condition cannot be controlled?
Runaway Temperature
Oil shale is an organic-rich fine-grained sedimentary rock also known as
A product of alumina and silica at high temperature.
What happen to the particle when grinding limit is reached?
no change in particle size
What is a protective response which is initiated upon detection of a process hazard?
The Brinell number of a material is a measure of
What equation is used to relate reaction rate constant, k and temperature?
k = A e^(-E/RT)
Which of the following is an example of local equilibrium?
a. shock wave c. molten polymer
b. boiling steam d. explosion
Emissivity of sandstone
What is the chemical reaction for Boudouard process?
C + CO2 → 2 CO
In cubic equations of state, what is the assumption for the middle root?
no significance
It is the ratio of the normal operating (or design) gas throughput to the minimum allowable gas throughout.
Turndown Ratio
A 1 in 10 BWG copper tubing used in a heat exchanger 6.1 m long, has an outside surface heating area of
0.487 m^2
Time-dependent fluids that show decreasing shear stress with time at constant shear rate.
In feedback control system for temperature control, a thermocouple measures the temperature and the output is fed to a controller. What results when one of the components known as a comparator compares a measured temperature value with desired value or set point?
Velocity profile of turbulent flow in buffer zone?
5 ln y+ - 3.05
The power law model of dilatant fluids
What is the simplest type of control commonly expressed as having on/off position action?
Bang Bang
It is the classification of stainless steel designated as 300 series that retains crystalline structure at all temperatures from the cryogenic region to the melting point of the alloy.
Lee/Kesler correlation is only applicable for the following compound
non-polar and slightly polar
Actual work delivered divided by theoretical work?
Turbine Efficiency
This type of flow-measuring device is typically used for highly corrosive fluids.
What is the minimum temperature at which a vapor above a liquid will continue to burn once ignited?
Considering a substance B with constant thermal conductivity. What should be the expression of thermal resistance of the steady state flow is perpendicular to the slab base on Fourier’s law?
a. R=BkA c. R= B/kA
b. R= AB/k d. R=(B/A)k
What defines the virial coefficients shown in the equation as follows:
Each is independent of the temperature and composition of gas mixture
What is the direct function of the range of an instrument which is the ratio of the upper range value of the instrument to the lower range value?
It is the ratio of shear stress to shear rate.
a. Viscosity
b. Density
c. Porosity
d. Kinematic Viscosity
Fluid that exhibits both viscous and elastic properties are called,
a. Viscoplastics
b. Viscoelastics
c. Rheopectic
d. Thixotrophic
This is a plot of shear stress versus shear rate for a fluid.
a. Viscogram
b. Rheogram
c. Instagram
d. Pectogram
It is a measure of the time required for elastic effects to decay.
a. Contraction time
b. Elastic time
c. Relaxation time
d. Viscorelaxation time
This equation relates the specific rate constant to the absolute temperature.
a. Arrhenius equation
b. Antoine equation
c. Dulongs equation
d. None of the above
__ of a product is the ratio of the rate of production of that product to the rate of
production of all products combined.
a. Reaction yield
b. Selectivity
c. Specificity
d. Productivity
A material that increases the rate of both the forward and reverse reactions of a reaction
step, with no net consumption or generation of it.
a. Oxidizing agent
b. Catalyst
c. Reactant
d. Enzyme
This gives a definite improvement in power losses over an orifice and is often indicated
for measuring very large flow rates, where power losses can become economically
a. Orifice meter
b. Pitot tube
c. Venturi meter
d. Weir
These are items that have a relatively long life such as ;and, buildings and manufacturing
a. Current Assets
b. Fixed Assets
c. Intangible Assets
d. Marketable Assets
It is an objective expressed in monetary terms for planning and controlling the resources
of a company.
a. Capital
b. Investment
c. Budget
d. Cost
It is a form of corrosion that develops in highly localized areas on the metal surface
resulting in the development of pits.
a. Crevice corrosion
b. Galvanic corrosion
c. Pitting corrosion
d. Intergranular corrosion
Formation of transient voids or vacuum bubbles in a liquid stream passing over a surface.
a. Nucleation
b. Bubbling
c. Cavitation
d. None of the above
These are alloys that contain 12 to 2 percent chromium with controlled amounts of
carbon and other additives.
a. Martensitic alloys
b. Ferritic alloys
c. Austenitic alloys
d. Duplex
Addition of this alloying element increases toughness and improves low-temperature
properties and corrosion resistance.
a. Molybdenum
b. Chromium
c. Silicon
d. Nickel
These are alloys that contain 15 to 30 percent chromium with low carbon content (0.1%)
a. Martensitic alloys
b. Ferritic alloys
c. Austenitic alloys
d. Duplex
It is the temperature at which the first droplet of liquid is about to form.
a. Bubble point temperature
b. Dew point temperature
c. Wet-bulb temperature
d. Dry-bulb temperature
Defined as the ratio at which if decreased by a infinitesimal amount would require an
infinite number of stages to accomplish a specified separation between two components.
a. Optimum reflux
b. Total reflux
c. Minimum reflux
d. None of the above
The value of q on a subcooled liquid feed is
a. 0
b. <0
c. 1
d. >1
This is the liquid phase left from the feed after a liquid-liquid extraction.
a. Extract
b. Raffinate
c. Extractant
d. Diluent
A process in which the primary purpose is to transfer solute from the feed phase into the
extract phase in a manner analogous to stripping in distillation.
a. Standard extraction
b. Fractional extraction
c. Cross-current extraction
d. Countercurrent extraction
The ratio of the product of heat-transfer coefficient (h) and the resistance (R) and the
thermal conductivity (k) is known as,
a. Reynolds Number
b. Peclet Number
c. Biot Number
d. Grashof Number
Refers to the type of boiling experienced when the heating surface is surrounded by a
relatively large body of fluid which is not flowing at any appreciable velocity and is
agitated only by the motion of the bubbles and by natural-convection currents.
a. Pool Boiling
b. Film Boiling
c. Nucleate Boiling
d. Incipient nucleate boiling
A theoretical idealization for a perfect theoretical radiator and absorbs all incident
radiation without reflection.
a. Graybody
b. Blackbody
c. Whitebody
d. None of the above
The ratio of the total radiating power of any surface to that of a black surface at the same
temperature is called
a. Absorptivity
b. Emissivity
c. Selectivity
d. None of the abov
The liquid in a solid which exerts a vapor pressure less than that of the pure liquid at the
given temperature.
a. Bound moisture
b. Free moisture content
c. Initial moisture distribution
d. Moisture content
Galvanic cells in which stored chemicals can be reacted on demand to produce an electric
current is termed:
a. Primary cells
b. Secondary cells
c. Fuel cells
d. Electrochemical cells
Which of the following is not used as coagulants in chemical precipitation?
a. Aluminum sulfate
b. Ferric chloride
c. Lime
d. Sodium chloride
This type of filters are simply fixed-medium biological reactors with wastewater being
spread over the surface of a solid medium where the microbes are growing.
a. Packed-bed fixed-film system
b. Biological fluidized bed
c. Rotating biological contactors
d. Trickling filters
The following are advantages of using wet scrubbers except,
a. No secondary dust sources
b. Product collected wet
c. Relatively small space requirements
d. Ability to collect gases as well as particulates
The average atmospheric-dust concentration in a ordinary factory or workroom ranges
a. 0.02-0.2
b. 0.2-4.0
c. 0.04-0.4
d. 4.0-400
The problem presented to the designer of a gas absorption system usually specifies the
following quantities except,
a. Gas flow rate
b. Liquid flow rate
c. Solvent to be employed
d. None of the above
The major advantages of steam tracing system are the following except,
a. High heat output
b. High reliability
c. Common usage
d. None of the above
A potential source of harm to people, property or the environment.
a. Hazard
b. Risk
c. Danger
d. Accident
This is a collection of processing equipment that can, at least at certain times, be operated
in a manner completely independent of the remainder of the plant.
a. Plant
b. Equipment suite
c. Process unit or batch unit
d. Item of Equipment
A type of laboratory bioreactor use to control the effluent concentration of one of the
metabolic products.
a. Turbidostat
b. Chemostat
c. Productostat
d. pH-auxostat
This gives a definite improvement in power losses and is often indicated for measuring
very large flow rates, where power losses can become economically significant.
a. Venturi
b. Orifice
c. Rotameter
d. Pitot
Cavitation has three negative side effects in valves except,
a. Noise and vibration
b. Material accumulation
c. Reduced flow
d. None of the above
In this category, complete redundancy is normally required.
a. Hazards that pose a risk to the public
b. Hazards that could lead to injury of company personnel
c. Hazards that could result in major equipment damage and consequently lengthy plant
d. All of the above
It is the vertical distance measured from the free surface of the fluid source to the pump
centerline plus the absolute pressure at the liquid surface.
a. Static suction head
b. Total discharge head
c. Static discharge head
d. Total static head
The difference between discharge and suction static heads.
a. Static suction head
b. Total discharge head
c. Static discharge head
d. Total static head
Defined as the separation of components of a binary mixture without addition of solvent,
but this definition is somewhat restrictive.
a. Solution crystallization
b. Melt crystallization
c. Solute crystallization
d. Solvent crystallization
The disadvantage of using polyethersulfone as ultrafiltration membrane.
a. Resistance to temperature
b. Hydrophobic
c. Hydrophilic
d. High crossflow rates
Pervaporization occurs in three basic steps except,
a. Preferential sorption of chemical species
b. Diffusion of chemical species through the membrane
c. Desorption of chemical species from the membrane
d. None of the above
These lagoons are designed to use both aerobic and anaerobic reactions.
a. Facultative lagoons
b. Aerated lagoons
c. Anaerobic/anoxic activated sludge
d. None of the above
Fenton’s reagent is composed of
a. Ferrous ion and hydrogen peroxide
b. Ferric ion and potassium hydroxide
c. Magnesium and hydrogen peroxide
d. Cupric ion and hydrogen peroxide
It has been used increasingly since the early 1970s because of its ability to produce a
drier sludge cake.
a. Belt-press filters
b. Vacuum filters
c. Pressure filters
d. Centrifugation
It refers to the horizontal angle formed along a powder surface.
a. Angle of inclination
b. Angle of drain
c. Angle of repose
d. Angle of friction
The advantage of using inorganic polyamide as ultrafiltration membrane.
a. Resistance to temperature
b. Hydrophobic
c. Hydrophilic
d. High crossflow rates
The particles are held in suspension in the flow stream will deposit out on the heattransfer surface in areas of sufficiently lower velocity.
a. Particulate fouling
b. Chemical reaction fouling
c. Precipitation fouling
d. Freezing fouling
Commonly used as the source of incident illumination.
a. Electric beam
b. Laser
c. Lamp
d. LED