Innervation and Actions of mms of Lower Leg and Foot Flashcards
tibialis anterior (TA)
act: dorsiflexes at ankle jt and inverts foot at the subtalar and transverse tarsal jts
n: deep peroneal n
extensor digitorum longus (EDL)
act: extends toes at MTPs and IP jts, dorsiflexion of ankle and eversion at the subtalar and transverse tarsal jts
n: deep peroneal
extensor hallucis longus (EHL)
act: extends great toe at the MTP and IP jts, assists w/ dorsiflexion at ankle and inversion of foot at subtalar and transverse tarsal jts
n: deep peroneal n
fibularis tertius (peroneus tertius)
act: dorsiflex at ankle and everts at the subtalar and transverse tarsal jts
n: deep peroneal
fibularis longus (peroneus longus)
act: everts foot at the subtalar and transverse tarsal jts and assists w/ plantarflexion at ankle
n: superficial peroneal n
fibularis brevis (peroneus brevis)
act: everts foot at subtalar and transverse tarsal jts and assists w/ plantarflexion at the ankle jt
n: superficial peroneal n
act: assist plantarflexion at ankle and assists FLEX at knee
n: tibial n
act: plantarflexion of ankle and assists w/ FLEX at knee
n: tibial n
act: plantarflexion of ankle
n: tibial n
act: MED ROTs tibia on femur when origin is fixed, when standing LAT ROTs femur on tibia thus helping unlock knee
n: tibial n
flexor digitorum longus (FDL)
act: flexes toes at MTP and IP jts, assists w/ plantar FLEX at ankle jt and inversion at the subtalar and transverse tarsal jts
n: tibial n
flexor hallucis longus (FHL)
act: flexes big toe at MTP and IP jts, assists w/ plantarflexion at ankle and inversion at subtalar
n: tibial n
tibialis posterior (TP)
act: inversion of foot at subtalar and transverse tarsal jts and assists w/ plantarflexion at the ankle
n: tibial n
extensor digitorum brevis
act: extends digits 2, 3, 4 at the IP and MTP jts
n: deep peroneal (fibular)
extensor hallucis brevis
act: extends big toe at MTP jt
n: deep peroneal
abd hallucis
act: abd and flexes big toe at MTP jt
n: MED plantar
flexor digitorum brevis
act: flexes digits 2-5 at the PIP and the MTP jts
n: MED plantar
abd digiti minimi (brevis)
act: abd 5th at MTP and assists w/ FLEX
n: LAT plantar
quadratus plantae
act: flexes digits 2-5 (assisting FDL at all jts)
n: LAT plantar
lumbricales (4)
act: flexes MTP jt and extends PIP and DIP jt of digits 2-5 (flattens toes)
n: 1st lumb- MED plantar, 2-4 lumb- LAT plantar
flexor hallucis brevis
act: flexes MTP jt of big toe
n: MED plantar
adductor hallucis (2 HDs)
act: adducts big toe
n: deep branch of LAT plantar
flexor digiti minimi (brevis)
act: flexes MTP jt of the 5th
n: superficial branch of LAT plantar
dorsal interossei (4)
act: DAB, abd and flex of the MTP jts and EXT at the DIP and PIP jts of digits 2-4
n: superficial and deep branches of the LAT plantar nerves
plantar interossei (3)
act: PAD, add and flex of the MTP jts and ext at the DIP and PIP jts of toes 3-5
n: superficial and deep branches of LAT plantar nerves